Monday 14 October 2013

Crawling from the wreckage

So this is what it's like to be a gentleman of leisure..........

Whenever I have gone through tough times (well in my head they were tough, to somebody else they probably weren't) well meaning (that should read as self righteous bastards) people have informed me that the universe (I'm not going to drag any of the local deities into this, as I have grown accustomed to not receiving death threats) does not throw more at us than we can handle (I do believe the cheese has slid of your cracker!) well I can honestly say I have been having a bit of a rough time of late (32 years and counting but don't worry I'm a happy camper today ....woo hoo) and sure enough that phrase has popped up in more ways than one would normally care for "cheer up" "it might never happen" and not only on my more morose occasions!

After much careful consideration (me with my reputation) I have decided fuck it! as an aphorism (big word of the day - it means a general truth or an astute observation, just in case you were interested) it only makes sense in hindsight (usually said by some tosser standing way back from the wreckage). after I have managed to crawl from said wreckage of whatever calamity the universe has thrown at me, I notice no one ever says it after some poor putz has been hit by a bloody bus (go figure) or if you are being eaten alive (as I am at certain times of monumental stress in my life) by some obscene flesh eating disease (YUK) mind you I suppose (if its happening to somebody other than me) I do suppose the latter could be quite a hoot in the right circumstance of course!

From time to time we all hear " don't worry it will pass soon enough" (will it really!) again I'm aware of these words and the many permutations that are supposed to help, but for some reason they have a tendency to send me over the edge (hahahaha again me with my reputation) and leave me feeling that heartbreak grief and rage are going to come shooting out of me like Kidney Stones on steroids! For someone in a crisis (something I know just a little bit about) I think a more accurate and helpful assessment of life at that moment would be " Love, Sex, Friendship, Art, Play, Beauty and the simple pleasure of a cup of tea (with a smattering of Custard creams) are all well and good but if the universe is going to fuck with you, it will why because it can because it can and it doesn't give a stuff about you and Custard  Creams (the bounder!).

Consider the next time you're asked to do some consoling (I must have been sniffing  the Ajax again) actually I have just thought if you are relying on me you must be properly fucked up! I recommend that you might try "according to the rules of life losing that gangrenous leg will be humorous at some point in the not too near future" I mean lets be honest it could be worse your house could be burning down or you could be learning on how to be intimate with your fellow cell mate, you really do just have to look at the bigger picture, there is always some one worse off than yourself!

So the first of the week I have a fancy there might just be one or two more in the coming days although I feel wiped out (oooh I must be on holiday) some mental exercise might just be the tonic that I am craving, a few cunning plans hopefully might come to fruition (don't panic we are not going to turn into a marauding horde we might just do something as a couple.....not holding my breath though!) a rest is what I require although I need a hobby of some kind just so I don't vegetate and that's me done, I'm off to listen to the new Fish album for what is the 32nd listen since I got it and it just gets better and better the album quite easily of the last five years its a shame its not going to sell millions I suppose an acquired taste but quite wonderful in it's own wee way!

So play nice and watch the skies I tend not to do lots in one week as it tends to blur the lines for numbers, but you never know, the name game is in play lets see how any get this one my fave single by this Guitarist lets see how many of you get it ....go on you know you want too so until the next time ......Toodles!   

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