Sunday, 20 November 2011


We came we saw we sort of went with the flow .....the first of the road trips done and it was more damp squib then a dynamite weekend the people were great it just wasn't destined to be the weekend that we thought it might be but then nothing ever lives up to the hype not even these blogs.

As always G wasn't the messiah he was a very naughty boy, we also did lots of walking well I didn't I limped from point to point we had a wander we had a nosebag and we had some drinkie poo's (no surprise there then) we survived the great flood a little bit of time travel and were surprised by the quiz we did on the way, there were sheep, cattle, caravans and all things in the colour of yellow(yes we did indeed as usual get out of hand) there was an ejaculation problem (of the doughnut kind) and no Beiber was allowed,  we broke every rule in the space time continuim just to prove that we could.

There was flatulence, hand bags and shops that only took cash, there was abuse (of the credit card kind) and little pubs that were open and pubs that weren't open, we were disappointed by a few things such as the kids (musical appetite) and how grubby a grand old lady had become, there was carbuncles and metal monstrosities, but the weather was nice and the company better, we had good news we had bad news, we had a nervous breakdown and a burnout with a DB 9, we nearly had a fire and endured  being shouted at from a great distance away.

We didn't forget potatoes or the Swedish ones although we never got a reply from them, we saw churches and I kicked off and was a hooligan (well I wore my hat at a jaunty angle) because nobody tells me what to do (hahahahahaha) we ate sweeties, but didn't play on the beach, we rang a bell and did some street magic, checked fire extinguishers and generally had a good time does this make sense to the vast majority of people reading this probably not but you will if you're  interested enough to purchase a copy of my new book as the chapter that this blog pertains too will be called W T F (the Ritalin Generation).

So tomorrow is a new day me and the Mrs are of to see the Frog on the Tyne support Fish in Newcastle the game plan is back on track off to do loads of catching up (task wise) and then hey ho off to work so until the next time Toodles

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