Sunday, 27 November 2011

Just Another Day

OK so I have never been happy about Birthdays or Christmas since I was a kid for personal reasons and if you have been following blogs you will know the run up to this  birthday has been decidedly cack! I awoke after a night out that hopefully will fade from my memory like water .....why water I hear you ask well that's what I drank for 90% of the night (I'm a good boy I am) I'm even over the fact that wife left me standing on the corner like some late night hooker because she was still in the house when she was supposed to be picking me up hahahaha as a taxi service she won't get no tips from me(but because she drives so fast I was technically home before I left hahahaha), I arrived home cold and went straight to bed and no I wasn't in a huff (which was unusual) I was tired from having to wear the penguin suit but at least a cunning plan was hatched (watch this space).

I awoke refreshed and ready for breakfast (filthy little hobbit) and pottered on while the wife slept the sleep of the dead, when she finally arose from the grave dinner was already being prepared and my birthday was nearly over (thank god) we had a cunning plan in motion but the eldest (no surprise there then) had already poisoned the well (thanks for the wishes and the card ......NOT!) and I tried to take the wife's mind off it we had a meeting with the Tee Hee Club and we did not want to miss anything or anyone we had to  leave some stuff at somebody's flat but with that done we were ready for a quiet night (yeah right).

A was already there as well as other people in another part of the bar which had the potential to go haywire but thankfully didn't and J so wanted to be with us but I understood and at least we had a chance to chat, I received the best card ever from G & E which was Elvis wishing me a happy birthday, Oh bless this was going to be a bumpy ride and the night unfolded with much hilarity! a hug and a card from A and a super duper card from P & G who even though they didn't have to, bought me a last minute one and found a spoon (that looked like it was used by ten million junkies) in the street which made for a great present (I'm easily pleased) there ensued lots of hilarity (that may be saved for the book) and just a tad more drink, which as I type this at 6 in the morning after just five hours in bed I feel quite canny there was a new member for the Tee Hee club who didn't ask the rules but unknowingly followed the rules so he is now a member whether he likes it or not, he even missed his last metro so he is definitely up for member of the year all ready.

We missed the Buckets which could have a great present for my birthday but I think I haven't a better birthday since I was 7 it took 40 years to get there but hell it was worth the wait, we hatched a cunning plan that involves Fabio which I intend to tweak so as not to cause offence (me with my reputation) we drove home listening to Jeff Foxworthy (you might be a redneck) and I ate (I know I'm a pig) a full Terry's chocolate orange for supper (I'm a growing lad) and that is just about it a great birthday with my favourite people in the world which in reality will just be classed as practise to the mayhem we are planning for my 50th. so until later Toodles!

Oh and as I preview this blog the site must be based somewhere to the west as it saying that I will have posted this on the 27th but in reality its the 28th this is the birthday that just keeps on giving hahahaha!

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