Monday, 10 October 2011

The Clock Moves Sideways

aaaaah the cheese  very nearly slide off my cracker, what a day I was like a kid first day back in what seemed like an age I had a great work programme worked out and fire works as well , I was awake at a ungodly time it felt just like Christmas morning I was so excited I crept down the stairs as though Santa had been, it didn't take me too long to be deflated my lift was nearly 10 minutes late but I bit my tongue as I just wanted to get there, I wasn't disappointed when I got there there was indeed a time warp it was like I hadn't been off a day same moans same people just a different day (or not as it seemed) and just as quick as it arrived it was over and I didn't get to see any fireworks boo hoo! these first few blogs shall be just a tad on the short side I have to get back in the swing of things , so until  the clock indeed does move sideways that'll do for now.....Toodles!

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