Saturday, 15 October 2011

cheap and nasty

OK so we had a limited time to get ready but that's what we did we put on our fancy clothes and drove at a respectable pace it was my works 25Th anniversary and we had been invited this was a big deal a very big deal I had to be on my best behaviour why because I like the job I do and it was time to play the game not something I would normally do but it is something I have to start because its a big bad world out there and I need to know that me and mine are protected.
I should have known it wasn't going to go according to plan as the better half was having a bad time from the off with clothing issues something that a man will never understand and because we had got there after all the fireworks everybody had pinched all the seats so the back tables were standing room only this wasn't looking good for me or the wife but on scanning the area no extra seats could be found I knew this was soon going to spiral thankfully somebody who could walk further afield came to our rescue at least for the wife and the night didn't really sparkle there was an undercurrent mainly that it felt cheap and nasty the company was pleasant apart from the wife driving a trunk bomb into one conversation and then proceed to set the bloody thing off she wasn't looking for the semaphore signals that were screaming shut the feck up, that bomb recovered from it was time for the awards now after 25 years in one place you think wow I'm going to get a great pressie off the company .....guess again toilet roll and other freebies which they hand out every day oh and an umbrella well I wasn't bothered by the time i got there that they had finished dispensing the (ahem ) goodies but they knew where i would be so i know that at some point that it would turn up but nope the wife went hurtling towards the deep end she didn't get that i really didn't care about the crap that i had dodged, she was well and truly on form now if you can remember what i said at the beginning this was a big deal and it was about to get messy.
I don't mind my wife going off if its deserved but i would prefer she went off like a snipers rifle and not the scatter gun she tends to be and i was starting to get annoyed if this got ugly now the hangman's noose was rearing it s ugly head thankfully the lovely Kate saved the day and turned up with my bag of (shite) goodies and from there on in it was as if somebody had burst a balloon the night levelled off we went from def con 1 to def con 5 and then i actually got to play the game do a little networking managed to corner the big cheese and put my case forward when it was asked for and not forced on them and generally had a pleasant evening praise the lord
again this is early days for the blog but numbers are double and that's better than single so I can live with that but I do need to find my thread so still small but perfectly formed until the next time Toodles

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