Thursday, 8 October 2020

A Day Late and a Dollar Short.

After the explosion of writing that I did for the previous three blogs I knew it was going to be a difficult follow up and it kind of has been, every time I have been going to knuckle down and do some writing other things crept in, work, work and then more work, oh and the odd diabetic coma, that kind of helps, let’s just say that things have been just a tad hectic. That’s not to say that I didn’t have thoughts on a new blog to be honest I simply haven’t had the time to let it stew, so to speak!

The last three blogs did good to respectable numbers and comments were on the pleasant side, apart from the odd grumble about the name of the game blog, I can’t please everyone can I, some whinge when they don’t get the name game and some whinge because they think that name game shouldn’t need to be explained, get a life its meant to be fun and not taken seriously, just because I’m sad enough to use song titles 95% of the time (like today) doesn’t mean anybody needs to guess it right, I mean the last one and this one are I think just a tad obscure, and nobody got the last one at all, so boo hoo!

I had a few concerned messages about the coming changes for the blog, peeps who have come to it late in the day, but are enjoying it, yes I’m sorry its going to change it has to change for the sake of my sanity, I need to bring some structure to the blog and to give myself some kind of timed structure rather than just blather on and on like I seem to be doing here, you never know you might like the changes I have planned, then again you might not, but as I have said in previous blogs I write these for me, the fact someone takes the time to read is simply a bonus as far as I am concerned.

I have also been asked if there is going to be anymore “Now Hear This” (forever known now as NHT blogs) blogs, yes there will be one more and yes if you have questions send them in, now is the time as I compile them, I do have a list although not exactly complete, some are simply repeats from previous NHT blogs or a simple variation, I’m less inclined to use them, it depends on the quality of the questions sent in,  but to answer the question there will be one more, blog number 499 if everything goes to plan, and we all know that that rarely happens, and please stop asking questions about the “girls” blog all the info that I am willing to discuss is in there, I have no intention of going over that blog ever again, I did it, I finished it, I posted it, I even answered queries about it, move along there  is nothing else to see!

I have some free days coming along and I feel the need to try and set out the blogs to come, I kind of know what the last two or three will be, but I feel that I need to have some kind of structure going forward so I don’t get distracted, (oh look a butterfly) so after today I intend to comb through all of my books and notes to see that I have not left any stone unturned, I want to make sure all the good ones (LOL) have indeed been written and posted, the new format will be vastly different with only the odd “social” blog thrown in for good measure, when and if we do  indeed regain a social life after these dark days! I’m not counting any chickens and I have everything crossed, let’s hope shall we.

Music has also been consuming me, but not as much as  I would like, time seems to slip away a lot quicker the older you get, and believe me I’m getting old, or is it just my body’s way saying that its going to fuck me up, it sure seems that way to me! Musically it’s been mainly new stuff (the new Fish album all three versions of it) the new BOC album and lots more, I got complete discographies of The Sweet and Budgie including live albums and compilations, so there’s a lot to go through not including the 16 gigabytes of MP3’s  I received of new various artists yesterday, I shall be a very busy boy in the coming weeks.

My health has not gotten any better, well it kind of does but then something else happens, it’s definitely my body’s way of saying sit down old man, I have had niggles since the beginning of  the year I can’t think of a day when I have felt 100% ok, there is always something underneath the veil of happiness that I try to project (sometimes badly) at the moment I have a couple of RS Injuries, my knees have been taking a beating, my belching and farting has quite literally come down to a dull roar, and I have an appointment with the quacks in a fortnights time, where it will be just about gone, he will say that’s it and say he is happy and I know that it will come back with a vengeance at some point (I went year a between episodes this time and its not nice) lets see what hideous test he has for me next, it has had me worn down, I really would like to get to the bottom of it.

My weight which is the crux of my many issues seems to have ground to a halt, my eating habits are nowhere near as bad as they have been, but there have still been random moments of binge eating strange combinations, thankfully I do seem to have a good team at work and in my family that can and do help me, they may not know it at the time but they are invaluable in pointing me in the right direction, I still have some blips along the road, life at the moment is so full of the unknown that’s its only natural that they happen, it’s how I negotiate around them and come through the other side as unscathed as possible, friends and family do indeed help!

SO, I feel as though I have done my bit, this blog may be a day late, but hopefully I hope somebody got some semblance of help from it (apart from me) I know a lot of you are going through strange and difficult times, lets not let this get us down, lets put one step in front of the other and get down the path in a strong and positive groove, and there you go another step to the final destination and yes simply to get you lot to stop asking I didn’t have a title for blog number 500, but I do now and I think some of you will get a chuckle from it, the next blog I promise will be on time and should be a historical (as opposed to a hysterical one) some of you have asked for blogs about certain bands, if I had any connection and for most of them I do, but I don’t feel as though not strong enough to do it justice in the form of a blog, there is one or two that may be interesting however it will depend on my mood on the day, sometimes they go down a rabbit hole and not all of them can be pleasant, bear with me and let’s see what transpires, they will definitely go into the mix for the final dozen or so blogs, once they pop up you might be happy, you might not be, there are some bands I feel like I have written enough on, some that I had indeed forgotten all about, lets see where the road leads us to?

So, watch the skies for incoming we are heading down the downward spiral (can I fit anymore song titles into one blog) the slippery slope towards blog number 500, the name game is In play lets see who gets this one, please stay safe and stay alive, you are here but once, don’t go out like a sputtering candle make sure that you go out like a rocket blazing across the stars, until the next time……………Toodles!

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