Sunday 15 September 2013


I have avoided doing this blog as my tonsils are like bulldogs balls and I'm suffering like shit, but my adoring public have been enquiring as to where the hell I am so here goes.......

Blogging is perhaps the most bewildering experience of my life (it has taken over my life in quite a big way) I have for the most part (well I think I have others might not quite agree) chosen to remain silent (how many blogs so far?) or try to keep in the background, what did I do before I blogged? did I actually just swallow all this shit and keep it to myself? (answers on a fifty pound note to probably not, my eldest introduced me to the wonderful world of blogging as away of me not being so angry all the time (me ? with my reputation) but this inner peace comes at a price (as do all things that are connected to your Chi) supressed cogitation (big word of the day) tends to gestate, it sits there and grows (or twists in my case) into something else!

Self immolating bitterness (no wonder my tonsils are sore I must have swallowed a bloody dictionary) is just one of the outcomes (and I always try to avoid this in my life) that has Tumour, Heart Disease or Stroke written all over it (me being a fatty isn't helping mind you) blogging is meant to be fun with a capital F and so far it has been, even when I'm down in the dumps it usually lifts my spirit's or at least your responses do!

Alternatively these thoughts could morph into something beautiful (twisted), Superman's diamond was wrought from a lump of coal (as everybody bursts into singing mode ....oooooh BLACK DIAMOND!) ha this blog is a lump all right (ooops inside voice), but one thing for sure that whatever is growing inside of me has to be pushed out ( now there's an image) once it gets onto the page I then write and rewrite it until I'm (reasonably) happy with it. I should leave it to you the discerning reader to decide if it's metaphorical (I need to be careful I don't breach the Governments big word tax allowance) birth out into the bright sunshine is worth it or was it through my metaphorical vagina or my metaphorical arse (ass to the discerning American readers).

It was so much easier when I used to write about Custard Creams until the next time when I will be at least feeling sort of human.....Toodles!

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