Sunday 28 July 2013

On and on

Short and sweet shall be the order of the day, as I prepare to enjoy the last rays of the sun as it appears there has been a weekend that has whizzed past at breakneck speed and I didn't even notice. Ok so a long day yesterday encouraged me to blink (just a tad, second night in a row) and be herded up the stairs at the ridiculous time of ....actually I have no idea, all I know is I went straight back to sleep.

Today was just another blur of activity and here I am, I'm not overly fond of missing the company of the Tee Hee Club but needs must, it just means I get to spend longer plotting and then for  us to have a great night out with great peeps (tee hee).

This has been a week of plotting and consolidating some plans some issues, oh and a brief word with farcebook as I discovered someone taking my name and some of my pictures in vain claiming to be me (the cheeky bastards! you would have least thought that they would have found someone a tad more photogenic, I definitely have the face for radio). thankfully Farcebook resolved the issue in less than four hours. so you can all rest easy in your beds there is actually only one of me sleep tight with that thought (shudder). The plotting is black in nature hopefully with light creeping in, people have been trying to wheedle it out of me with little success, another first hahahahaha, go with the flow I thought some of you will enjoy the ride when all is revealed! however if you were all detectives you should all know by now as I have broadcast what the deed is!

The week has been work and reading and music and more work (no surprise there then) and a short break is required before normal service is resumed, in life not in the blogging stakes so tonight I shall lie around like a  loppy dog and order my servants around (that's going to comer back and bite me in the ass but hey ho life is short) actually the house is empty and I can do whatever I want (blogging) but there is an unbelievable pull to the fridge which is full of bloody cupcakes waiting for me to.....

Get thee behind me Satan hahahahaha me myself I is in a good frame of mind (at the moment) blog numbers are up and there are one or two new readers, you can tell because the older blogs get dragged into the ratings, hey its all good if you are new here hello! enjoy the sunshine because some times the sun doesn't shine for long periods of time. all the best to all of the readers old and new and hopefully all my friends are ok, anyway back to the plotting and stuff hope you enjoyed the short version (the one I intend to print was way to libellous to publish) until next time ....Toodles!

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