Sunday 4 August 2013

Hell and Consequences

The week from hell, I was definitely punished this week, but not in the way that would you would expect! and I have no intention of going into great detail as there is enough unhappiness in the world, family life has been crap and yet again I had to sell my soul to get us out of the hole, the devil is going to be mightily pissed off when he realises that he holds more than one marker for this worthless soul!

Short and sweet again is yet again the order of the day, as I am keeping my powder dry for the time being, still lots of writing going on some good some merely .......pfft, music as always has been the saving grace all week, plenty of stuff just being played on repeat, keeping my head down and hopefully out of harms way, lets see how long it lasts until I draw sustained fire!

The eldest finally moved out again (boo hoo) without so much as a thank you a goodbye or a kiss my arse now what was really funny as always there was something she couldn't sort out, so who did she come running to hahahahaha  ah bless cut the cord my dear cut the fucking cord, the Kraken rose from the ashes and I buried my head into other issues rather than being sent to prison, I worry for the wife but she is a big girl allegedly so we soldier on.

The finish line is in sight as I have a holiday planned for the end of the month and a cunning plan to have one or two drinks with friends in sunny shields with the wife's permission (there's a first) as long as the blood service will take the seven pints I'm trying to sell them hahahahaha, we will see, plenty of time to duck and dive, mind you I haven't checked my lottery tickets yet (sob) so you never know (yeah we do) I just have to keep the traction going and hope I don't come to a dead stop! because if I stop I ain't going to get this going again.

Woo hoo and with that, that's your wack I'm not even going to complain that some bugger was on holiday and went everywhere except ......where I live! not even close  pfft and there was me (cough splutter) going to spring for a tap water or two! ah well I know when I'm not (sob) loved hahahahaha I hope you had a great time Mr R there's always next time or you never know I could always invade the fatherland at some point, oooooh new Fish Dates, I wonder.... (coming dear) to be continued at cunning plans and, short and sweet as I said but here's hoping that we are going in the right direction (not one direction) and again thanks for all the comments and queries and I still can not believe that anyone has guessed what the cunning plan is, ah well it just proves I'm not the media whore I thought I was so watch the skies I'm sure the next one will be a tad more interesting ....well maybe, maybe not you never know do you, so until the next time Toodles!

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