Sunday 11 August 2013

Lazing on a sunday afternoon

Saturday rolled into town like a long lost brother, he didn't bring any gifts, but he was here and we were grateful. A lot of cunning plans had been a long time in the planning, well ok since Monday and the wife had forbidden me to reply because she already had, so I sulked just a bit but was happy inside, The Tee Hee club was going to ride again, this was indeed going to get messy!

We wasted the day if truth be known as only we can)we are still getting used to the house being ours again, so we watched some TV did some reading, basically we did not a lot, which isn't a good thing as I have tons of stuff to do for work, but my motivation is .....lets not go there I'm saving that for something special, we finally pulled ourselves together and we  only had one minor spat, which threatened to blow up into world war four and thankfully disappeared as quickly as it arrived, and I then had to discover some clothes that fitted me (ooops I have put all the weight back on that I had lost before my knee operations and I'm just a tad down about it) job done I looked like a fat charva but hey ho needs must it could have been so much worse.

We set out to our destination with the intention of returning home (ooops that was going to come back to bite us) and actually arrived bang on time (we have started using the time machine to our benefit for a change) and it had been a pleasant journey to the Hotel Jagermiester with no music just casual chit chat no howling at passing cars (that could wait until the journey home) we picked up our passengers and set off with even more adult chit chat, OK so G was being told off from the get go, but that's a given, it was only going to get worse as he was told he had to carry his own glasses which he point blank refused as he only had his "cock pockets" his words not ours thankfully we arrived and parked just as the master of the hounds turned up in his lovely new "beast" and welcomed us in to his humble abode we said hiccy burpday to the lady of the house and squeezed in so the horde of hounds couldn't escape.

The pooches had a great time as it was a cornucopia of new and strange smells, (ok I was trying to be on my best behaviour for breaking wind ) we were greeted by four of the most friendly best behaved dogs you could ever wish to meet and Loki the puppy was just great although he did take to sniffing quite a few of the male genitals or was that G I'm not sure now? we were introduced to everybody who we didn't know and then the mayhem commenced. Now at this point I have to point out a member of our party then kept looking at me in a paranoid way as if I intended to blog about every fact, I wasn't but that didn't stop me having fun, especially whenever she did something funny she would stop dead in her tracks and look at me and say "that's not going in the blog is it?" well it wasn't so you don't have to worry about it, I wont say anything about you trying to screw a top onto an opening where a cork had been (ahem) I won't mention anything ab................the rest  of  this portion of the blog has been censored in the interests of my safety.

The wife was drinking soft drinks as we were going to be travelling home, but everybody badgered her to have a drink and I wasn't intending to spoil the fun for her or anybody else for that matter so we made a quick plan change and it appears we are staying ....oh dear! the wife had one or two drinks she doesn't need much and she was able to enjoy the party the same as everybody else, the food was ready and soon had us all in the kitchen chatting eating and drinking like the responsible adults that we have all become (cough splutter) and I was glad of the diversion as my little black cloud was hanging around by the front door wondering why the hell he hadn't been invited. food consumed and then more drink a great time was had by us all.......I think! Karaoke was the order of the day and a good time was had by all mind you I think I upset someone when I said I wouldn't sing (I can't I sound like a wart hog been shot = Painful) I have no objection to others having fun but I wanted the party to continue not come to a dead stop. and secondly I hate the song Paranoid  and huffed the female Paul Rutherford who wanted to dance (but not sing) to it!

We partied hard and drifted between rooms and companies of strangers and not so strangers and people started to drift, the birthday girl disappeared off to bed only to reappear ten minutes later refreshed and only falling on her butt twice thankfully I was there for one of them the floor caught her the second time! Some of our precious company headed for the hills, but it was great to see Thunderbird one and the Lady Penelope for some crack and a great time was made by making the lady worry about her eldest boy on his holiday with a friend, we should apologise but I have a feeling we won't (tee hee).

By now we were down to the hard core dawn patrol and the birthday girl finally succumbed to bed even the dogs had had enough and looked at us through tired eyes that were saying "sod off" by this time E was giving G some serious stick for no other reason than (she can, he has an I phone, he's the brother from another mother etc etc)that's her god given right so G helped and gave her something for her to riled, I took my only picture of the night and I was asked not to post it on the interweb thingymajig, I have no intention of doing such a thing! but I might have a use for it maybe in another "ahem" project hahahahaha, Vegas rose form its watery grave with more plans for peeps to go and we would love to go but unfortunately we simply cannot afford to go, you never know fingers crossed etc etc good luck to all who go on the jaunt, but we will have to sit that one out.

Our taxi arrived and G did the usual because he could (been busy tonight) which set E off in a particular rage which was so funny to watch as every time he got beat over the head with the stick, he poked back just a little, a written description doesn't do it justice, those of you that have seen it ....lets just say it was classic! we arrived at our destination to be challenged by a rock hard Seagull that simply would not move, we fell through the front door to be met by Cookie who although is used to it's guardians antics, was pretty much disgusted when she saw us following (WTF) we were soon in the land of nod (well at least I was) only to be awoken with the rays of the sun and a glorious new day!

A quick jaunt to get our car and we had to say our goodbyes not without making some plans (of the cunning variety) for a fortnights time, which I do believe could be just a tad interesting, we set off again without any music as my blood pressure was through the roof ( I should always make sure I  carry some of my medication and no it wasn't drink related as I didn't drink enough ....WTF!) so we stopped off at nightmare pool for some food like substance from Burger King, but the place was full of tools heading to the cricket at Chester Le Street. So we got our order and ate it swiftly in the car, before heading home and the wife cursing a driver in a big car who wasn't particularly paying attention so the wife zoomed past and berated him, to which he took up the challenge to chase us and then get in front of us only for the wife to dummy him hahaha good times (allegedly) upon arriving home I took said blood pressure medication and then lay on the settee trying to regain some motivation, the wife went to get the youngest and the old man of the house, and soon we were all complete again and thankfully the black cloud stayed away I had enough trying to do the blog hahahah hopefully it hasn't been to bad only the incidents have been made up to protect the (not so ) innocent!

This blog has had a number of changes ranging from the dawn patrol to Seagull, to the rhyme of the ancient mariner etc etc but I decided on this after something E said this morning while awaited the return of our spouses from their driving duties, hopefully this will return the blog up the charts as the last one didn't do great numbers (if it was a Queen album it would have been Hot Space) mind you like the aforementioned blog I don't think it was that good hopefully this will do slightly better, the name game as always is in place and we seem to have a pool of  about eight of you who try and succeed on a regular basis, maybe I should do a competition (but I'm too tight to give a prize) and that's me done as I have to crack on and do tons of work (only 9 more working days until I'm on a weeks holiday), so play nice live for the moment as we can all sleep when we are dead (and not Sheffield Wednesday Youth Development) a long story don't ask, so watch the skies for incoming and until then Toodles!

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