Sunday 18 August 2013

Bag of Bones

This week has dragged as though..... I have ran through treacle wearing led lined boots while carrying the entire contents of the universe.....slow is indeed the word. However the finish line is in sight and although I can see one or two booby (tee hee I typed booby) traps ahead hopefully I can be prepared and hopefully avoid them or run over them at full speed ahead!

Today I did a little gardening (WTF) yes I know me with my reputation and it has crippled me, the wife being poorly meant that I was left unattended for long periods of time so I attacked the hedge at the front of the house including the neighbours (at the wife's insistence) but I took my time and bagged all the rubbish for disposal, but at the end of it I was without a doubt an old man using muscles that haven't been used since G took that bit of shrapnel for me back in the day!, the damage I must have  inflicted on my body with all the running and crap, well lets just say I'm sore stiff and in pain and not in a good way! dear me if I was a horse you would have took me behind the shed and sold me to McDonalds. we then had to go to the Krakens to do a smidge more gardening for her and because the wife is bad (you can see where this is going can't you) she was worse (if you have been to Tenerife she has been to elevenarife you get the picture) but we held our composure and sailed back to calmer waters as quickly as possible, and that would come back to bite us in the arse later on!

Not much activity on the Tee Hee club front (although I always miss them) with the exception of G who must be on a hit list with Interpol for crimes against Paul Mitchell or he has joined an ELO tribute band and he is playing the Jeff Lynne part, if you had seen the picture he posted earlier in the week, dear me oh how we laughed, and then I cried as I remember a time when I had a full head of hair not quite a mane like his but oh dear what happened, mind you I did need a hair cut this morning as I was starting to look like an electrified cotton bud! I'm doing all of my exercises for next week, when I am let loose by the wife as she and the youngest go off on a jaunt by themselves, I notice I'm not being allowed to roam free or stay in the house (trust me I wont lie naked on the couch....its mine anyway and I'm paying for it) but I know that there will be shenanigans of Olympic standards so I need to get my game in place and not be as crippled as I am now.

Then its a holiday, nope not going anywhere as nobody bought my heart or slightly used arsehole so it will be books and quiet games, I will just be happy to be away from the madhouse that is work, I'm sure the wife will have a list of jobs for me to do and I don't mind that however top of the list will be assisting her find one for her, one that pays money and not kindness because although I'm bailing out the boat as fast as I can we are decidedly leaky at the moment, but that's for another blog and yes I am keeping these short and sweet because........ah well that would be telling! and they only appear about every seven next weeks will either be a boring oh whoa is me or I can leave it until the Monday and write epic tales of debauchery as G stomps through the town like Godzilla and E is Mothra trying to gain some control, so until whenever I decide Toodles!


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