OK OK So it's been a while and not for the want of it! work has taken over again and days just seem to blend into one another it's the way it is at the moment and although I'm not over the moon it is what it is!
A number of you have been e-mailing to check on my current state of mind, which is.......OK I suppose not great but not bad either just a tad of lethargy hanging around but a dose of good news last Tuesday, sent me thinking when I woke up the next day as to what was going to go wrong?well only a few nibbles here and there but nothing to lose sleep over, Friday was a day of reckoning somebody told a lie just a little lie but I haven't taken it kindly, so the jungle drums have started beating and although the guilty party did try to smooth the way today .....it didn't work and it's now official that person is now on my shit list and as we all know a grudge is for life not just for Christmas!
The wife has been fading of late a combination of things but hopefully she is potentially a little better, but lets watch this space, today she was at the RVI to have a large number of big spikey things pushed in her back (yuk) and she is a sleep on the settee full as a bug of extremely powerful painkillers, lets just say everything is crossed in the vain hope that something will help!
Work looks like being as busy as ever and I do think that at some point I need to get some adult company and not just the drones at work, it has bugged me that I missed the road trip to go and see Blue Coupe,but hopefully in the coming weeks we will start building bridges to play with the Tee Hee club on a regular basis.
I got an apology at the weekend (something I know will come back and bite me in the ass at some point) the wife thought she had lost the youngest's Christmas present (a Mcfly ticket) well after tearing the house to bits not once not twice but three times, it turns out we don't have them but they are in deed in safe hands, I will be brutally honest and say that the apology was totally out of the blue and not asked for (at some point I know I will pay for the indiscretion of not having said tickets) but it was gracefully accepted.
The writing has been half baked (a bit like this blog) some good stuff and not down in a bad way, but not polished either, but the end is nigh, although I am enjoying the writing it's nowhere near as good as what I know I'm capable of, so at some point I really do need to knuckle down and get to grips with it and give myself a bloody good shake, if I don't I could end back on the Custard Creams and all the hallucinations that go with that particular dreamy beautiful biscuit (yum yum).
Hopefully this will suffice until I get back onto an even keel and have something witty to wax lyrical about, so until then I'm off to look after the wife, to make sure she gets well and yeah although I'm not a happy go lucky smiley type person at the moment I'm not ready to climb a tall building (with my fear of heights I get a nose bleed if I stand up) and hurl myself off (I had to be careful and not say toss myself off! I know that would have been just to close the knuckle hahaha me with my reputation)Me and the youngest are giving up chocolate for Lent (WTF did I agree to) so these could get interesting! this could into my heart of darkness period, until the next time Toodles!
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