Friday 22 September 2023

Angels – Hand of Doom - Yet another Cunning Plan.


Angels – Yet another Cunning Plan.


August 26th.

Before you ask did I get I get a lie in, no I bloody didn’t I was wide awake at 3.40am, I had slept I felt refreshed but damn it I wanted to stay in bed just a little bit longer, having said that I can’t complain as Bernie Marsden and Chris Overland headed for the big sleep, both nice people, no cause of death posted, I met Bernie just the once when he supported FM of all people, a great storyteller, a man with infinite time for people who wanted to say hello or have a photo taken, generally a bit of a chin wag, one of the nicest people in rock, Chris Overland I only met twice once in the marquee  where I offered to buy him a pint, he declined but did say thank you, and once at Newcastle Mayfair where FM playing and that time I did manage to buy him a drink and again he said thank you.

As I said I didn’t get a lie in, although I did try to go back to sleep I was determined not to get up, it didn’t work like that, although the intention was to have a lazy day for the first day of my holi bobs proper, a lazy breakfast (scrambled eggs if you are interested) and some light reading, I waited for the wife to rise from her pit like a bride of Dracula, ok so I woke her at 09.00 why should she have all of the fun! The hurricane got up just a little later and actually had something for breakfast (kids today don’t understand the beauty of breakfast or even a second breakfast). As it’s a Saturday I tend to watch the TV in the morning (Saturday Kitchen, I can’t cook as good as them however I can aspire to can’t I?) an early lunch, just a sandwich I was saving myself for the big meal later on, I had an even lazier afternoon simply watching the rain from my kitchen window, the hurricane went home, all sugar and spice, when he got there it would appear he turned into the bastard son of the Tasmanian Devil, we were in the middle of Tesco’s when we got the call on the Bat phone, we could have done without this, yet again we turn up like the fire brigade to try and cool everybody’s beans, I spent the next 40 minutes trying to sooth everybody, the whole house is on edge, I don’t get it, I truly don’t understand the condition but at least I do try with a small modicum of success.

Good deed of the day completed, we return to Tesco’s, by now I’m in a foul mood (mainly because I’m hungry not because I’m annoyed with anyone) we wandered aimlessly up and down isles we don’t want to do a big shop purely because we are jetting off soon, and either the food could (cough splutter) go to waste or I will eat everything in one swoop! I didn’t enjoy my evening meal and I went up the wooden hill unhappy and in a bad mood with myself simply because I was unhappy, pfft go figure! Tomorrow was going to be another day, a day of chores weather dependant, my intention was to get as many of the tasks on my list done, I would probably drag the wife to do some of hers as well, kicking and screaming but what the hell why should she be happy if I’m not!


Hand of Doom – Another cunning Plan.

August 27th

Yet another crap night’s sleep, maybe I should have had an adult drink or five, probably wouldn’t have worked anyway, I awoke to the pitter pater of the rain, so my tasks outside weren’t going to happen…...Bugger!

I awoke however with a sense of impending doom, I went looking for Bob, but he was nowhere to be found, when the bride of Dracula came down stairs (early for her) and I told her how I felt she shared she was suffering the same feelings, except she had had it for weeks, great so the planes going to crash, I did what any normal bloke does I ignore it and pushed the fear all the way down into the pit of my stomach where it could stay for an eternity. Really wanted to trim my bush, let me rephrase that, I wanted to cut my hedge but with the rain it was a no go, so I attacked my list of tasks with vigour, and I soon made short shrift of them.

I was starting to look like the walking dead by now as my wounds were starting to catch up on me, I needed the help of my elbow support, my body is revolting quite literally, I probably should have had some powerful painkillers and dozed, however I was a man on a mission with a list of tasks and I wasn’t going to get distracted, that was until the wife wanted to start the packing, so like a dutiful husband we packed and then repacked, started to get a little fractious, we both decided to go our mutual corners we didn’t want hostilities to break out anytime soon, well not this close to paradise.

And it still rained I thought I was going to need an ark; I don’t mind the rain but I had put off my chores for as long as (any) man can, now I was feeling petulant and worried that I wouldn’t complete the task. (Bloody hedge) I was also trying to sort out my laptops out as they were being temperamental and with me being a god of technology, I was trying avert a crisis, I was probably wasting my time as I wasn’t going to be switching them on for ten days so I really was wasting my time by the time I come back I will have to through all the same crap again!

Finally, I made an effort with my bottle of Gentleman Jack, three drinks and it had no effect (other than to make me peckish) and I decided to stay up late to see if that would make a difference in my sleep (anybody taking bets it doesn’t) pattern, eventually as I climbed the wooden hill I had just about everything crossed for a nice lie in tomorrow.

There you go two in one go small but perfectly formed, the last one didn’t kill the numbers, but it didn’t set the world on fire either, but who cares (probably only me) I will type the next two back to back, however I don’t have a title in mind for the first one so I will probably stress over that for a couple of nights, I hope you enjoyed these two, the next ones will be here before you know, however until then Toodles!

oh and yes the name game is in play!

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