Saturday, 19 September 2020


I have been playing the (title of the blog) song for the last couple of days, it’s like me its old but damn good! At least I thought I was, my health although getting better with wind issues from all points of the compass, has been decidedly yuk for the last couple of weeks and although by nature I can come across as a tad grumpy, I as a rule do not worry, believe it or not I do try to be a happy camper, but the seeds of doubt have now been sown.

Blood test upon blood test and with very little information being fed back, other than its abnormal (again me with my reputation) it has kind of set the ball rolling, I have an ultrasound in the coming week, and then other bits and pieces to be decided and then confirmed and then yet another blood test on October 1st , this time though I want my results back from an actual doctor, not the polish receptionist, who I must stress is lovely but on a telephone her accent is very strong, at first I thought she was Chinese I’m all for diversity, but something as important as this, please keep her off the phone, she is great face to face but yeah as I said worry has started to grow legs and kick me!

I’m at an age that we call in my family the death zone, we have done a little bit of family research over the years (Ok the wife has) and most of the males in my family as far as we can go back, die between the age of 55 and 62, with the exception of my uncle (my namesake) who is a sprightly 77, I hope I take after him, because I am now over the threshold, I used to laugh about it, I don’t feel so glib at the moment, this year has been so crap with little niggles catching up with me and again doubt creeps in, like quicksand it takes a hold and its not so easy to shake off, if I’m overthinking it well that only makes me human, who knew I was the same as everybody else.

I am fighting the good fight, I am trying (I’m not sure how well) to stay  as positive as I can as I believe positivity is the key, again  I know, me with my reputation what can I say, it would appear that I am starting to mature (I’m not sure that I like it) I suppose I have to, otherwise I will simply surrender to the fear of something that I know nothing about, this could be something really simple but then again it could be the start of something far more sinister than I care to think about, I have lost a couple of close friends with the thought that “oh it’s nothing” then it turned out to be so damn nasty and it was too late to escape from its evil clutches!

As always I am going with the assumption that worse things happen at sea, but I want to batten down the hatches so that the sea doesn’t get in, water has a tendency to sink things, I definitely do not wish to sink, so that’s all I have to say on the matter, (it didn’t take long for boating analogy’s to creep back in, I’m using the power of positive thinking and trying to go in the right direction, I’m not saying its going to be good every day but yeah I want to do the right things for me and my family simply because I want to be around for as long as my namesake, the blog name could just as easily been any number of titles, maybe with a tad more positivity, but this is the song I have played to death over the last couple of days, please don’t “worry” for me .

Music thankfully has saved the day with a good fresh supply being delivered via MP3’s as well as vinyl (yes vinyl) and new CD’s, I’m in the final countdown phase for the release of the new Fish album (September 25th) in a way I’m glad  that its his final release as I have ordered it in three different versions, standard CD, Deluxe edition including a DVD and an accompanying book and last but not least the Vinyl double album, which more than likely I won’t even play, I don’t spoil myself often, but for once I thought “hell yeah I’m having some of that” I’m only here once allegedly.

The last blog is still going, this is being written Thursday and is unlikely to be posted before Saturday  (so yes I will whittle away over those two days) as the last one still has legs and getting around 60 hits a day, nearly a week after it was posted, so again I must have done something right, so watch out on Saturday, that’s if I can actually get online, the lap top is like me old and infirm, but also like me it keeps plodding on so hopefully it has another couple of years to go, although whisper it quietly I have started looking for a newer model, I don’t want to have to deal with an older jealous model, you know what they get like as they get older and temperamental, honest I am talking about the lap top……..Tee Hee!

Me and the good lady reach our silver wedding anniversary later in the coming week I had been planning a nice little evening out just for the two of us, but with what is going on out in the big bad world she has decided against it, I will still try and make her day a little better (by going to work) I can honestly say that if it wasn’t for her I most definitely would not be here, not on the internet or even on this little world we call earth I was in a bad place mentally when I met her, next year we will have been together for 30 years, she definitely deserves a medal or something, I suppose she will simply have to put up with me for her sins.

The name game is still in play and will run until blog number 500, this is an old song, lets see how many get this, only one of you have managed to get the last one and dammit I thought that was a piece of piss! The numbers trying to guess the name game has subsided in the last 20 or so blogs, not sure why, I think I have done only one hard one and Suki from Japan got that in under 10 minutes, it does appear to be the same peeps trying their luck and it doesn’t look like they are googling it, I could be wrong but honestly I couldn’t make it any easier, actually the more I thing about it, this one may be a tad harder than normal!

So there you go that’s yet another blog done and dusted, nothing that I wanted anybody to worry about me (I can do that all by myself thank you) life is shit, but you really do need to simply  get on with it, I have an idea geminating (quite literally as I type this one) for the next blog and I have another one word (song) title for it so yes there will be incoming and yes it will be historical (slightly) yes it will be happy, so watch the skies for incoming, thank you for all the kind words reference the last blog, it was so easy to write once the juices got flowing, I’m alive and well (at least I think I am) so stay safe and stay alive and until the next time…………………..Toodles!

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