Sunday, 16 August 2020

A Plague of Ghosts

So I thought I was doing better (that shows what I bloody know) and I let my guard slip and it came back to bite me in the ass yesterday, so I had to return to my diet of cup a soup and water, I’m starving today but I want it to go back to normal as quickly as possible as I had five good days and then wallop.

I was also looking forward to some social interaction last night, but as I was picked up from work, I was sat in the front of the car with a plastic bag in my lap waiting to hurl, thankfully I didn’t, but the wife was thoughtful and took me home before I spoilt the birthday girls party, we left and I climbed in the back of the car burping and farting and wishing for some deity to take my life and I so wished that I could climb that wooden hill, I got home and did indeed climb the wooden hill and was soon fast asleep, thankfully this morning I did indeed feel just a little perkier!

Although I have been doing better, I have been allowing (for some reason)  my brain to start dwelling on certain negative memories that hasn’t helped with my recovery, work has helped as have one or two lovely people who gently steered me back to calmer waters, and I have managed to keep my brain busy and focused (well kind of) nothing too serious but enough to have me thinking about things from the distant past.

Its funny how old ghosts can pop up at the oddest times with little or no need of a direct link, that in itself has had me thinking about all manner of things, but I promise I have done better as the week has progressed, help does also come from unexpected quarters whether they know it or not, I have noticed some of the staff have been having rough times and again simply trying to offer some kind of support even to annoying people is the best kind of medicine for oneself.

Eating proper food has been a blessing (even though it has caught up with me) simple plain food is a god send when you haven’t been able to eat anything, the number of get well soon wishes because of the last blog (that wasn’t the intention but thank you thank you thank you) was fab and the last blog did double the numbers of the previous blog, so I must have done something right,  but sending up the distress flares, obviously did the good deed, it’s all good in the hood apart from the odd speed bump, (or speed burp) as always onwards is the order of the day!

Music has crept back into my view point, but I still haven’t played as much as I normally would, however I did get distracted and got the Pete Way autobiography, then he went and bloody died, I also got the KK Downing one, I’m frightened to read that one in case he pops his clogs as well, I’m hoping it’s just an age thing, we all get there eventually, I have two rest days coming up, so I intended to engross myself in as much music as possible we will have to see though as I need to eat something solid first!

I know I will get a load of grief (from the same people who wished me well) as this blog was meant to be something historical (I do have one bubbling and I’m quite excited by it) but because so many people reached out I simply had to let the world and his dog know that I was alive……kind of! This wasn’t meant to be a vanity blog, but it would appear that that’s exactly what it has become, oh dear me!

The wife is still having a hard time (have you seen who she is married too) she is having a few more speed bumps than me and I do really want to be better so I can help her with her needs, hells bells I even bought her flowers (allegedly the florist said I am a keeper) sometimes it really is the little things that helps perk up some ones day and I hate to see the wife down in the dumps (again have you seen who she is married too) I want to see her guided to safer waters, its one of the reasons I wasn’t happy about heading home early last night as she deserves some human contact more than me and that’s saying something.

So, going forward the next blog should be a historical one unless something deviates me from my goal, I’m not easily distracted (oh look a butterfly) but I had one or two other ideas before I settled on this train of thought. Honestly there will be another along on time in the coming week no matter how the numbers go on this one. So as always thank you for all your kind words, whatever you are doing, please keep it up as the numbers have been wonderful and I know for a fact that by the end of the year we will have passed twice the numbers what were being recorded five years ago and believe me that’s no mean feat.

I have had a couple of queries regarding blog number 501, the format will change and the numbers will plummet, I am under no illusion but I need to change the format, I feel as this one is starting to tread water just a little (the format not the blog) and I seem to have settled on my course, I have made my choice and I will fall on my sword if it fails I have no intention of returning to this format once I change course, there will be a familiar feel as it should be its me writing the bloody thing, but it will change to a more musical bent with around 22 to go before then, lets hope some of you stick around, I have got 501 prepped it’s the others that I need to start on as I have a list that I wish to do and it takes a while to do them they wont be short and I doubt that there will be one every week as we have had so far (well with the exception of the hiccup of that last month or so) this year.

There you go that’s another one done I am alive and well (well sort of) and feeling in a better frame of mind to write in a more positive attitude, I was hoping that because of the potential social interaction I could have done a more blow by blow account of our secret rendezvous with Martin Fry (NOT) but it wasn’t to be, I hope the birthday girl and her toy boy had a great night (it’s his turn next….let’s do something a little crazy) we might have only been there for a short while but it did lift our flagging souls, the name game is in play and indeed should be even easier than last week and although we had record numbers reading the blog, only four got it right(maybe be I should give a prize…….hell no) so watch the skies there will be another one along this road very soon, stay safe, stay alive until the next one…………………Toodles!

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