Saturday, 7 March 2020

Booby Trap.

 I have set myself up for a fall with the last blog, I’m not ready just yet to do a historical blog, I thought I was but boy was I wrong! I cant complain the booby trap was of my own making, it’s not like I make a habit of sticking m my head in the bear trap on a regular basis, well ok so I do!
Work has been at the forefront of my mind this week whether I wanted it to be or not, I didn’t, it did, guess who won, I have struggled with human interaction this week, not in a bad way, I simply didn’t wish to interact, I simply wanted to listen to music and to growl at the world, why? well simply because it seemed like a good idea at the time, I simply wished to growl.

However I had to interact even if I didn’t want to, I wanted to do some much, I did some stuff but as always the wheels have a tendency to come off, I did manage to put cunning plan into motion 90987341211  ( I hope this one bloody works) that was as much human interaction outside of the family that I wanted, sometimes I don’t wish to be an adult, sometimes its forced upon me! Tonight, as I type this, I have some music, some chocolate and some booze, I’m happy, I could be happier but for once I’m not complaining, I know, me with my reputation!

The main reason I don’t wish to interact is that most people are lying scum bags who want to use you but don’t wish to repay the favour, I don’t play well with people these days, nice guys do finish last, I sabotage myself at every turn, mind you that’s probably better than being the angry young man I used to be, life is way too short to let these individuals into my life other than as a fleeting experience, I know who is having the better (not bitter) experience, having said that these individuals are so shallow they have no idea what others think of them!

Music has been my saviour this week, way too many to name, but the newest is the Silverthorne EP, Pete Shoulder from The Union and Brian Tichy from just about everybody!  23 minutes of moody majestic rock I cant wait until the album is released, my mood has been enhanced by all of the music, some good, some very good some bloody awful, but it all helps, a lot of travel on cold plague carriers to and from work, music does help focus on the good things!

The last blog was well received and is still chugging away, its not really a surprise, and for all of the queries of what’s down the road coming, wait and see, when I know, you lot will be informed about it a millisecond after me! The next one will be a little more informed than this one has been, I wanted to stay in a positive state of mind and the couple of historical ones although by and large perfectly benign, I simply felt the need to avoid them, I felt I wasn’t ready to rip the plaster off just yet, so I will stick to playing music and continue to be a nice person (allegedly).

The coming week hopefully will return the stress levels (not that I believe in stress) to normal, that will return me to being the nice guy I think I am, hopefully it will also help me stop growling like a bear with a sore head, some people might get the wrong idea about me, honestly I am nice………honest!

And that’s it for now, not perfect but what is these days and its bloody free so stop moaning, the next one will be along sooner simply as I  know this one won’t have the legs to carry itself for that long, hey I tried, as always I try to be a better person and the blog helps (most of the time) as always thank you for the kind and constructive comments, any others get deleted virtually straight away as I can produce enough negativity into my own life LOL, hey it is what it is, so what the skies for more incoming, I have eaten my chocolate, I don’t really want to drink anything more (I only do big boy measures) but I have a shit load more music to play to help me through my days, some of it is new as well, me with my reputation, who would have thought, until the next time……………Toodles!

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