Sunday, 22 March 2020

White Heat.

Rome is still burning and some people are still insensitive arseholes, that’s not really a surprise!  I’m not going to blog about that (today) however I will be doing a shorter piece than usual, purely as my head is not exactly in the frame of mind to right something just a tad frivolous.

I’m not in self-imposed exile, but I am on holiday albeit with my works mobile and laptop switched on, the week got decidedly shit for reasons I wont elaborate just yet, lets say that all my attention is supporting the family (loose lips …..usually speaks  the truth) in  my self-imposed exile I will be listening to music non-stop, having already waded through over a dozen albums so far (damn good) thankfully this will help me with my sanity, some small cunning plans coming to fruition, so starting tomorrow  a low profile over the next couple of days.

The blog numbers have been super doper, so all I can simply say is thank you, as it makes this old man rather happy, so as you self-isolate tell all your friends and family to read the previous blogs (as if lol) the name game is in play and no its not Judas Priest! As I am in the list of vulnerable people I intended to do all I can to stay safe, so I hope that you all do the same, this is not a game boys and girls we need everybody to be as safe as possible, don’t just think of yourselves think of your loved ones as well!

Our main cunning plan is gathering traction but we need to get other peeps involved, this will be on hold for the foreseeable future as people (allegedly) self-isolate, but at the moment its all going in a positive direction (forwards) I intend to keep the details intentionally sparse hopefully so that the wheel doesn’t fall off!

So that’s me off my soap box you never know I might simply get inspired to write some historical blogs (OOOOOOOOOOH there’s an idea) but you will simply have to wait to see what comes down the line, now I have  to go and poke the family with a big stick to get them out of bed, admittedly it a stick with a bloody big bacon sandwich on the end of it!

So staff safe look after yourselves, think of others and don’t hoard you nuggets and watch this space as there will be another (better) blog in the next few days……Honest, but until then, and  you really do need to make sure that you all stay safe, all I can say until then ………….Toodles!

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