Saturday, 14 March 2020

View From a Hill.

So as the world goes to hell in a hand basket, I sat on top of a hill today and I chuckled, life is way to short and with so much drama going around, we are puppets dancing to someone’s tune, when you find out whose tune it is will you let me know?

So here I am once more, sat in a vigil in a wilderness of mirrors, watching as the world is going Fugazi.

Holding onto a white feather, dreaming of magpies and rainbows, of a misplaced childhood while clutching at straws and facing the man in the mirror. Weltschmerz....

Its been a strange week, the blog has done good numbers and I have been contemplating my past, trying to decide where I was going with the blog I had a number of paths to choose from, however that was all too change, I bumped quite literally into an old friend, an acquaintance  who at times has been my musical nemesis, someone who pushed me to better myself and did so many good things for me, however he could never stop himself being a dick, he could out Yngwie in all departments musically and  in life, he was always so self-centred, but we were good friends we battered each other verbally all the time , that was just us, innocent fun until, well that will be a blog in itself, we were both in the wrong , varying degrees of macho stupidity and all it did was make friends withdraw into walled compounds and take pot shots at each other during gun boat diplomacy, things that need never have happened, but they did, we mended bridges about twenty years ago but the damage had been done on both sides, we both suffered. We all lost a lot of friends along the way, and we needn’t have!

As did other friends and as I have said it’s a blog I intend to write, it will have to be sooner rather than later as we crossed paths and he is in the final ravages of MS, (he admits to reading the blog and enjoys it) to say I was shocked is an understatement, we were both manly enough to not shed tears, but we understood every single syllable not mentioned or uttered! I’m now starting to feel that I’m a fish being reeled in and its nearly my time to take that last big bite, I have lost so many people close to me in real life, friends who I thought were indestructible, I always knew that we were not, late nights , drinking music and all the things that come with youth, a belief that life will go on what ever happens, the hangovers the girls the break ups, the late night talks walking home because we were skint or had missed last buses, tubes , whatever old wounds resurfaced and then resealed as quickly as they burst forth!

Remembering individual days, personal thoughts personal times, late nights, being belligerent with myself, remembering what a cock I could be, never mind anyone else, the silly things we did, we all did, the dodgy hair, ah it’s, what can I say, it just seems so long ago, maybe it was! the fashion faux paus, the travel, the pubs, the irritating things we did simply because we could, its what friends do to friends, we were oblivious how fast we were travelling down the road and then the crash, the splintering,  we all went to our separate corners with little civility and some down right open hostility mainly on my part, I was more of a blunt weapon in the group, I was never very articulate, maybe because I was the baby of the group, more likely because I was a dick. I would not compromise, I was a mass of contradictions, because of it I missed out on the love and support of my friends, many who probably wouldn’t piss on me if I was on fire, things that should have been said but never were! simply we didn’t talk things out like we used to, nobody’s fault, but in reality everybody’s!

I’m sorry to see him in the state he was in, but if I’m being honest I was blank inside, the ship had sailed, too long, the bridge was not fixed as we all thought, I suppose I’m human after all, the world has moved on, I’m still sat on my hill watching what’s happening, we are all just library books with no idea when the due date is, some of us have passed the date and are on borrowed time, damn I’m old how did I get here without noticing, the time has flown by, not in a bad way I have the wife the kids the grand kids we have had good times bad times and some shit times but the time has been spent, friends as well, damn we don’t see people as much as we should, life really is too short, no wonder people think that I’m such a miserable twat, I am getting better honest I am, well I think I am!

So, what was all that rubbish well that’s me being shocked into realising partly because of that brief encounter and the fact that the world is going to hell! I have been overly critical of my life, things that I have had no control of, the blogs that I had planned are being rethought, simply because I now know I need to be as truthful as I can be and not flippant, the majority of you might not know these people but some of you do so therefore, if he reads them who else from my past does, that’s a worrying question with no answer, I have to do the right thing and I know that there is a huge spotlight on me maybe just maybe I can pull the old bridge down and rebuild a better stronger one, not one that gets used on a regular basis, but one that’s there for when my past decides to visit even if its just for a short time, I will bid my time, I will await the prompt!

So there’s the blog enjoy life say sorry say hello don’t be a stranger if you know me, wave as I pass I will try and wave back, I’m still climbing the hill hopefully there’s still away to go until the peak, it’s a bit cloudy at the moment, let’s try and break through to the sun, stay safe stay alive and until the next blog……………Toodles!

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