Saturday, 29 February 2020

Now Hear This. 5.

Later than planned, but work got in the way, here we go the fifth instalment of Now Hear This, a lot of the questions are similar, the replies are not, I had over 400 peeps asking questions, so here we go as honest as I can be, enjoy and then lets move on to the final chapter of the blog as it stands………..INCOMING!

We Want More Books!
Well, yes, no, maybe I haven’t decided and I probably need to sort out my aversion to technology but let’s just say I have a few ideas, it’s a cunning plan, just not a one at the top of my to do list, watch this space………...Maybe!

Knee Jerk Reaction when writing.
I have gotten better, I started doing this to sort out some anger issues, I’m still a work in progress, the fuse is always tinder dry, so I try to keep it away from naked flames LOL

Have you got any ambition left?
Yes, I could elaborate but that would take the fun out of some future plans again watch this space!

Are you happy?
Good days and thankfully less bad ones its not perfect, but I am happier than I have been in a long time, the blog and everybody’s comments have certainly helped.

Is not a dirty word (not that it ever was) again I’m a work in progress taking each day as it comes as I have said before, as long as I wake up happy I can usually take what’s thrown at me, I do have bad days, I am not going to lie, it’s called life!

If I can’t write something with honesty, I simply won’t do it, I have standards and believe it or not my standards are ridiculously high!

I do have it, but it simply depends on the day, there is times I can write 6 to 7 thousand words (I never claimed that it was all good) there’s times I can barely put a sentence together, these days I go with the flow, this blog should have been done a week ago, work got in the way as well as my health, go figure!

Do you still have the same spark?
Again yes and no, I hope I have improved and by doing that the spark changes, there’s times  I feel the urge to write/blog and sometimes the spark is barely there, one thing I do is I don’t force it, it its not there then I go off and try and find something better to with my time (I usually fail lol).

To be honest this is two separate questions but they are linked so here’s the honest answer, yes hopefully, I have a couple brewing that are both musical and historical, a number of you have asked about the plagiarism story ( I started  it in a kiss like judas back in 2013…someone did their homework) and I do feel like I need to close the book on this one, so yeah incoming, the other ones are really personnel so I need to be in a really good place before I go anywhere near them, watch this space!

What’s the next step?
I’m still not sure, I do have some ideas,  I love writing but it doesn’t put food on the table, I do have a following (over 52000 hits last year is pretty damn good I think) I’m not sure that many will want to follow the directions I have plotted (it’s between three) I still have time what ever happens they will not be as often as the blog as it stands!
Cunning Plans?
Always and 99.9% of them usually go adrift, but life would be crap if everything went smoothly!

Family & Friends.
Yes I still have some and yes I still need them, socially we are still in a crap place (work rules all our waking hours and me and the Mrs are very rarely in the same space together) but again see cunning plans, that should explain how my life is at the moment!

Is shit, worse than its ever been no matter what I try to do, even with me being a good boy, I still lose most nights due to my diabetes and now you can add anaemia to my tales of woe, more medication, I will not go down without a fight!

Are through the roof, and I have no idea why, I thought last year was good this is going to beat it hands down, I’m not as obsessed as I used to be, however if a blog did poorly, I would obsess as to why!

Still Angry?
Yes, but in much shorter bursts, maybe I’m maturing, maybe I just think life’s too short, it is what it is!

Still in Code?
Oh, hell yeah, I am aware that a number of people from my past have started reading and they haven’t tumbled yet as to who I actually am, I haven’t written about them, but they will recognise a couple of people from the Girls blog!

A distinct lack of boats/sailing?
I have made an effort, I’m not always successful, but the boat/sailing analogies are being kept to a minimum…. honest!

Social life?
I am trying and yes, the Tee Hee Club will ride again in some form, please see the family & Friends section, we will try harder this year, the more of a social life we have the more I have to blog about!

Will this really be Toodles?
In this format, I think it will be, I don’t intend to be Frank Sinatra and make comeback after comeback, I’m not saying that I will be gone forever, I still intend to have a presence, but it will be ………ah I will keep my powder dry until we get to blog number 500, but of the three options, I am doing prep work for them all, let’s see if I do a mixture of all three or do I stick to one path, lets just see, as the end draws closer, I’m sure that it will be come as clear as mud… always!

There you go, I am honestly trying to be honest and I am working to an end game and a timescale, its not the end its simply a different path,  there will be one more Now Hear This (Blog 499) so if you do actually have a burning question send it in you never know you might get an answer!

So again, thank you for all of the support, watch the skies for incoming, keep spreading the disease (maybe not the best catch phrase for the blog when you consider all that’s going on in the world) but it is what it is, until the next one………………………..Toodles!

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