Tuesday 22 January 2019

Self Portrait

So here we go rant alert, please don’t say that I didn’t warn you, I have been such a good boy so far this year!

I am so glad that I was born when I was born, we were that little bit more well-mannered and we weren’t self-obsessed (damn I’m sounding old) technology didn’t rule our lives and best of all most people were not fat, I can say that because …...yes you guessed I am a fat person.

Since when did the entire population become so damn self-obsessed, it’s all me, me, me!
People on buses applying 32 layers of makeup, people on buses using hair straighteners, I kid you not, plague carrier travel is turning into a ghastly nightmare with both boys and girls preening and taking selfies left right and centre! Ok so peeps wish to look nice, I get that I like to see nice people but for gods sake do it at home and be like normal people and that’s normal without the silent AB in front of it!

Selfies I simply do not get, I know I am camera shy at the best of times, I think I have the face for radio, but what is the point, if I have my picture taken its usually at gunpoint, if I understood the point of it all I probably wouldn’t care as much, not that I care that much anyway, or do I? seeing as how it is the main rant within this rant I simply do not understand it. Oh, hang on yes, I do I’m simply……...old!

I’m not against anybody having a wonderful/happy time, I just long for simpler times, I’m sick of watching the walking dead with phones in hand whilst pushing children in prams and said children actually have their own devices and are gazing longingly at them, in my day you didn’t pick up a book and attempt too walk along the street reading it. Again I just think I was born a little late and if I’m honest I probably will only get worse, hey don’t say that I haven’t warned you!

Hoods up indoors and whilst in vehicles travelling either on public transport or while driving your car, when I was younger people who did that simply got battered around the head and shoulders, ah the good old days flat caps and common sense! why would you do it, what has brought this slightly ranting missive I have had to deal with a number of incidents in my daily job and the bulk of these have been caused by these dumb ass’s simply taking selfies, going to work one day I watched as a young lady fell off the bus as she took, yes you guessed right ……a bloody selfie! I really do hope it hurt as much as it looked like it did…………big ouch!

My wife does it, my kids do it, as a family we are not immune, I simply think that I was born in the wrong time, can I be grumpy hell yeah, mainly though because of my hatred of modern life, and most things technological, I know some of you are going to hurl severe amounts of abuse because I am blogging on a modern media medium, it’s about the only thing that I do like about it, everybody is entitled to an opinion, usually mine.

I’m now in touch with my inner being and am starting to calm down, it would come a lot faster with a cup of tea and a custard cream (oh the good old days) yum yum.  it’s nice to have a little rant from time to time, you may know this if you are a regular reader, I promise that normal service will/should  resume with the next blog (allegedly without prejudice) I simply had to get this small missive off my chest, so onwards and upwards, keep spreading the disease until the next time…………Toodles!   

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