Tuesday 11 September 2018


So this is a blog all about me, nothing else, it has the potential to be nothing but drivel it also has the potential to be funny, witty, charming and a whole host of other things. It is not going to follow the format of the other blogs that I’ve done, this is something I intended to take my time with this blog(not that the others have been rushed). this is something that I intend to be for me first and foremost, if others get something out of it then good, but that’s not the aim from the word get go this is for me and really only me I’m trying to figure me out for me.

Some people think that I’m complex (yeah right) but for as long as I can remember life the universe and everything has always been in shades of black and white (no football jokes please) it was yes or no, right or wrong I’m sure you get the picture, I like to think that I’m honest, I hate lies I hate dishonesty and if you ask me a question I will give the most brutally honest answer I can give. This does not always endear me to people and some people think that I’m aloof and all the other terms that can be used to say that I’m not nice.

I cannot play the game of life I don’t do politics so if I cut you out of my life it’s because there is no space for you in my life it’s as simple as that! I don’t hate everybody (as some people think) I just have a very low tolerance to bullshit, I usually know straight away if I’m going to like you and if I do indeed like you it will take an awful lot for me to dislike you, having said that if you continue to poison the well I will cut you from my life like a tumour and will no longer tolerate you in my life to waste my time as let’s be honest I’m not getting any younger.

If I don’t like you when I meet you trust me give up and walk away, don’t waste your life you could give me a million pounds everyday for the rest of my life and I won’t like you! so far in my life I’ve only been wrong once and I won, so move on or move over or you will be trampled into the ground, I will tolerate certain things if I want to and I have a high tolerance for crap if it’s something I want, but when the line is crossed all bets are off , I will do whatever I have to so that I have peace of mind, now some people will think that I talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk the point being the relationship I have with my mother in law but hey I love my wife and I want her in my life, so unfortunately I am prepared to put up with a large amount of crap but if anything changes all bets are off and again I don’t lose.

I’m fiercely loyal and I will back any of my friends new or old totally to the hilt if I think they are indeed right, however if I think you are wrong, I will agree for you to have the right to have a different opinion to me and I won’t hold it against you. I’m not always right hey even I know that, but I will always give as honest an opinion as possible so if you don’t want to know I promise you really please don’t ask because you might just get offended.

I like to work to the best of my ability and try my best under whatever conditions prevail to do the best I can no matter what others think (usually the wife) I am prepared to work whatever hours I need to, to get the job done but I am honest if I can’t do it I will tell you I can’t and I will tell you why I can’t, my wife is driven mad because I’m a morning person and she isn’t I’m quite happy to get up and go , where as she is happy to have a lie in, stretch, scratch her ass and take her merry time (and there’s nothing wrong with that ) but it’s like water and oil it doesn’t always mix just as she is starting to hit her stride I’m worn out and tired and all I want to do after that is sleep sleep sleep!

I try to be funny although some people (actually loads so it must be true) say I’m sarcastic and I really don’t intend to be, I never have intended to be that but somehow it has seeped through me and well if people think it, I must indeed be what they say, I would never knowingly say anything mean to somebody I care about, but sometimes (hahahaha sometimes) my mouth opens and both feet try and fill the gap, hey I’m only human or at least that’s what I like to think.

I have issues (and I mean lots) with me and the older I get the more aware of them I become and sometimes I’m surprised if somebody tells me something that I never knew I was, I’m with me 24/7 so I haven’t got a clue I’m just me and if I do something wrong I much prefer people to tell me the truth about me (it’s ok I know I’m short fat and bald and yes I know I wear glasses but I’m ok with that really). I do prefer to be in the background and I like other people to have the spotlight, maybe I’m wrong but it really is too late to be trying me to be anything other than who I am right now.
I like a drink from time to time and sometimes (yes sometimes) I can be a tad naughty but I’m nowhere near as bad as what I used to be like when I was younger I had more issues with me, I usually just tried to drown them with lots of alcohol and if I had continued down that road I think……. well let’s not dwell on that particular road, let’s just say if the pubs were open I was in them and I was trying most sincerely to drink them dry and if they were closed Dr Vodka was a constant companion until they were indeed open again, I had some awesome friends, some who are no longer here and I intend to write about them in later blogs (possibly) but from the age 17to 21 I was very nearly to the point of selling my soul for the sake of a drink, why I hear some of you ask well I will again cover some of that in other blogs, my first wife put up with my drunken antics but just before I actually did the deed and got married, I pulled back from the brink and started over again I wasn’t a raging alcoholic but I did some silly things in flush of the youth (again some of which I will indeed discuss here) but sometime at the beginning of 1986 I totally stopped drinking and got my life back on track, that’s not to say I didn’t have any more episodes I did, but none as long lasting or as severe as those early days.

I know I’m not perfect and to be perfectly honest I have been told (professionally) that this is indeed the root of most of my problems, hopefully by spewing out these random thoughts I will hopefully become a better and more rounded person. I write because I enjoy it and hopefully because it will help me do what I need to do to be better for my friends and family, I do indeed think of myself as a simple man, this is just the first chapter of me looking inwardly (and not for the first time) and hopefully getting an answer that I can handle better this time around, I hope I’m more mature (somehow I think that’s doubtful) to deal with the answers that might arise, you never know I might not find anything other than I deal a fine line of bullshit I will let you the readers (and there are one or two of you out there)be the people who decide.

I have simple tastes mainly due to financial restraints that have been imposed by the way my life has gone again probably to be explored in other chapters, this is not the woe is me bit of the blog, I have seen some hard times in my life and through most of it I have been relatively happy with my lot, you don’t need money to be happy but I would rather cry inside a Rolls Royce than out in the rain in the gutter. Some of things I went through are not uncommon for some of my friends  it’s just I’m the one putting pen to paper so maybes just maybes I’m not the simple man I say I am!

I have never and will never think that I’m better than anybody else, I’m not against religion, gay people, politicians and all the other things that are out there I won’t bother you if you don’t bother me do I have opinions yes I do, but there are mine and mine alone and I will bear the convictions of my beliefs and thrust them on anybody that doesn’t need any more woes of their own, that’s not to say that I won’t voice my opinion because if you don’t raise your voice to be heard why are you partaking in this thing we call life.

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