Saturday 21 July 2018

People are Strange

There’s a song called “People are Strange” and the honest truth of it is “No Shit” who has to be a brain surgeon to work that out, I’m going to get the good bit out of the way straight away, Some people are fab, some people might be slightly off, but that doesn’t mean that they are not genuine classic people, ”Gods” if you so wish to call them, purely because they are so helpful, no matter what they are going through, they will always help others, you really can’t get any better than that! And you know who those people are within your own circle of friends…………...don’t you?

These people shine out like a beacon and really do uplift the people in their group even if it’s in such a small way, they simply are stars from the word get go, that doesn’t mean to say that these people don’t have off days, they do, because besides what I have called them they are in fact simple (in a good way) honest, hardworking, caring people, they are not super beings they just appear to be, as they outshine  all around, the perception of these people will differ from group to group and individual to individual, some people that I might think are the salt of the earth may be considered by others as “not nice” we all have a slightly different perception to the world, but by and large there are good people out there, hopefully you shouldn’t have to look to far to discover them!

Then you have honest people who just wish to get by and will help but because of the drudgery of day to day life, don’t help as much as others wish for them to do, these are not bad people, they simply have more to deal than then necessarily they should be dealing with, you have to love these people because they are the lifeblood of Friends, Family and others that come into contact with you.
Angry is probably the biggest group of people out there and some are angry because of circumstance, some are angry for loss of a loved one, loss of a job, the list could be endless, however some are simply angry bitter people who hate to see other people being happy, these people should be avoided at all costs they will beat you into submission with ignorance and win simply because they are more experienced. Angry are usually jealous and vindictive, two lovely traits that just eat away at people and make them bitter and twisted as well.

You have sly people, again these individuals don’t like to see others enjoy life, you have haters, now these clever people are simply ignorant, don’t like your religion, colour, partner, size, again avoid these people they will not help you in life, I could go on and on with the various Neanderthals, but you get the general idea, there are some horrible people out there in the world, those who just wish to suck the life out of you, on public transport, at work in  Stores, Bus drivers, Car park wardens (the last one doesn’t bother me as I don’t drive……well except the wife who I drive nuts on a regular basis) the list would/could be endless but you know what, life’s too short, stop being a dick simply because you can, we all have our bad days, but again some people take being a dick too an Olympic standard!

If you can help somebody, try it, the Americans have a system call pay it forward, the more you do it the more people hopefully will be able to do it in return, I’m not saying go and  become a do-gooder, help your kids help your partner, help someone on to a bus (not under it) why have I become so altruistic, well some people I work with simply wish to score points they don’t want to help, their idea of “happy” is let’s get the people downtrodden and let’s keep them there, now again yes some people will definitely take the mickey , you soon find out who they are and you soon mark their card. Take a deep breath, as I get older I hate the world that we create as adults and no I don’t have a magic wand to deal with it, as I said some people are just born nasty, you can’t breed that out of some people, don’t try, you will fail and again life is way too short. I’m not a fan of keeping the great unwashed face down in the mire, I simply want to be treated the way that I expect to treat other individuals, maybe I’m clutching at straws, I don’t want anybody to panic and think I’m going to go off on a spree any time soon, I just don’t want my mellow to be harshed, am I an old hippy? sometimes I can be, sometimes I can be angry, sometimes I can be a whole smorgasbord of emotions, but I don’t wish harm to anybody, I don’t even feel anger to my first wife, or even my own father who abandoned his family 45 years ago, life really is too short, although I do subscribe to the “ a grudge is for life not just for Christmas” but I rarely follow up beyond 24 hours, me a blowhard, I guess you are right on that one , just because I remember peoples indiscretions doesn’t mean that I will act on it.
Well where do I fit in to all of this malarkey? I have no idea, all I know is that my desire is to wake up happy then take the rest of the day and all that that entails as it comes, that’s why sometimes when people see me I have a big black cloud hanging around me, I never have it when I wake up, I really would have issues then!

So, there you go I had a thought buzzing around in my head like a wasp who was pissed off, and I simply had to get it out, it’s more of a stream of……………yeah you know what I mean, I don’t intend to polish this one, this should give you an idea of what goes through my mind as I sit on a bus either going to or from work, I have a number of other ideas that will get polished and posted after the 400th blog, keep the questions coming through , a few that have been sent through have been answered before, so they won’t be getting repeated unless I have a different answer (me with my reputation) most of the questions come from far and wide, obviously the people who know me locally and read the blog don’t have any burning questions (I am an open book) I always expect Norm to pop up with a southern rock question (you have to know Norm) but yes there will be an interesting set of questions (allegedly) this time around, so watch the skies …..incoming! and keep spreading the disease until the next time………..Toodles!

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