Sunday 10 June 2018

What A Waste.

I have avoided this blog like the plague as I have had the worst case of writer’s block for the first time in ages, so here goes let’s see what I spew forth……so to speak!

I have been spending far more time doing the reviewing thing than I thought, I need to balance it out, because if its what’s holding up the blogs, well guess what? then the reviewing will be going the distance, don’t say you haven’t been warned. Farcebook has been annoying with the page its wanting money for every little thing, this isn’t how it was supposed to go, I can’t see any of the metrics so that I can see how well its going, its annoying and not helpful, but I will soldier on for now, me with my reputation……LOL!

I have had 7 days off and I have wasted just about wasted every second of it, I have done nothing, I had a number of tasks to carry out, I’m not sure if I did even one. Why the wife sticks with this miserable (Please add own expletive) I have no idea why, I kept getting asked what I wanted to do? Honestly, I just wanted to crawl into a deep dark hole and wallow in misery, I wasn’t depressed, I was more angry than anything else, at what I have no idea, I was just angry and the wife did all the right things to try and be nice to me, I had a blood  test to do on Wednesday and that was the about the only thing I have done, a short shopping expedition to our local Bargain shop, fifteen quid worth of the worst kind of junk I could eat with my current condition, and I didn’t care.

Thursday the wife finally got me out of the house to go and actually do something, another shopping expedition of a more serious nature (as in I’m skint and have a credit card and I know how to use it) after spending money I didn’t have, I didn’t feel any better, but I was glad that the wife had bought herself some stuff, I spent way more than her, WTF, I know, there will be a major  investigation at some point, I hope I can afford the bill next month!

Friday we got the Hurricane and he has simply turned into his mother at that age, both are still loved, however we know how to deal with youngest’s tantrums thanks to his mother, he wasn’t actually that bad I simply wasn’t in the mood for any rubbish, he got the message, thankfully the remainder of his visit was fine and dandy, he does lift my spirits, it’s the strangest things in life, I was still was a misery, I simply haven’t been able to shake that black cloud, it has stayed sufficiently enough away so I can’t ring its bloody neck.

I’m now sat here waiting to go back to the work house tomorrow, not that I’m expecting too much grief as I have been monitoring my emails, not answering (well ok I answered one) just watching and ditching all the shite that I don’t need to do anything with, it has saved me at least four hours tomorrow, I can go straight to grumpy mode and growl at everybody, I do like to do that as soon as I can when I get back from some time off!

There’s the blog for you, not very good, but I simply wanted it out of the way, (I could have posted The Whalers Due’s, yes I’m still working on it and yes I’m still trying to remove the bile, at least I haven’t deleted like I would normally do) thanks to everybody who has been enquiring what the hell has been going on, nothing much just me being a misery, see you all basically guessed it, now I have to work out how to apologise to the wife for being the curmudgeon that I am! Just don’t tell her, she stopped reading the blogs ages ago, when I became a better (yeah right) person, watch the skies because my blogs are like buses they hunt in packs, until the next time keep spreading the disease…………. Toodles!

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