What if you didn’t like yourself? What if you where
generally unhappy with your lot in the universe, what if something you did
caused a monumental fuck up and started a chain reaction, what if is my
favourite question of all time!
If you have been reading the various books/blogs you
will be well aware that I am actually (ahem) a well adjusted person, and
although I have one or two (hundred) issues I’m generally happy with my lot OK
so I wish I was a bit (a bit hahaha) thinner and had a bit more ready cash in
my pocket, but overall I’m OK with what I have and how my life has gone. I
don’t mind being short or bald or even as blind as a bat, most things actually
whether we want it to or not, happen for a reason. The big cosmos, God or whichever
deity you believe in, I do believe in karma so if I do a bad thing I feel as
though a bad thing is going to happen back to me superstitious yes! Go figure
me a grown man as well, mind you with that thought in mind the amount of bad
luck I have had I must have been Adolf Hitler in my previous existence.
Now I don’t play what if in regards to my own life
but generally in other things, again too many thoughts in my brain to put them
down onto paper, but we all do this at some point, this also occurs when I’m
watching the news like what if David Cameron was to be discovered to be a human
being! What if John Wayne were still alive, what if that goal keeper had gone
the other way, just massive amounts of stuff floating through my head at any
one time.
What if that person had lived, what if I had stayed
in bed on that particular day, what if I hadn’t told that person I loved them!
Those are sometimes some of the darker what if’s, that patrol the corners of my
brain, now not that I want this portion to be dark and distressing well it will
be a little bit, but not for me it’s about karma and how it chooses other
people. Let me set the scene its 1989 I’m helping a mate called Mark (I used to
drink with him in the club I knew him to say hello and he used to join the
company from time to time) shift some gear he has bought from a farmhouse in
Rowley a little Hamlet just outside Consett which is on the main drag from
Darlington all the way up to Hexham a fast road with just a few curveballs
thrown in for good measure. Mark had an old van that had a back door that used
to throw itself open (because it can) at the most inappropriate times, we
loaded the boxes into his van and we stop at the junction ready to pull out.
It’s at this point it’s a what if moment (or karma
moment) occurs there is a gap in the traffic and just as we are about to pull
out, the door pops open, I jump out and slam it shut and just to be on the safe
side I find some wire and twist it around the handle and the bumper (it was an
old van even then) I take my time as I’m aware that Mark has dubbed the van
Christine, as like the book sometimes the van was possessed, I jumped back in
the cab and although he would normally speed away at way at this point, there
was a little Ford Fiesta chugging down the road and rather than pull out and
force the car to slow a little bit (this is the what if moment) we held our
horses and pulled out behind them, just as well as the van spluttered and
coughed and we were slowly pulling away. At least we didn’t get shouted at by
the guy driving the car! a guy I would say in his early fifties with his wife a
similar age, who I would say had their grandchild in the back of the car (they
seemed to be a bit late in life to have had kids) as they passed me and Mark
both said at the same time (jinx) “that kid should be sat down and strapped in”,
as it was she was stood in the back holding onto the front two headrests
singing away, while the people driving took little or no notice, now we reckon
they were doing about fifty because we were doing about forty and they were
pulling away from us not a lot but enough, we also reckoned they weren’t from
around the area because if they were they should have been braking not
accelerating, there a nasty hairpin bend that’s upon you before you know (me
and my mate Ath ended up in a field one winter when we got it wrong in icy and
snowy conditions at the same junction and yes we were going waaaay too fast) as
they hit the bend the driver must have been distracted probably by the kid and
went straight on just as a Mercedes came around the corner and clipped the back
end of the Fiesta. We stopped behind it Mark ran across to the Mercedes to see
if the driver was alright (as it happens he had slowed right down and was
unsure of the bend which probably was just as well) I got to the Fiesta as the
grandparents were scrambling out, the back passenger side having taken one hell
of a clip, but the little girl it was like she was asleep on the back seat. Her
neck broken! she was dead and to this day I still (and not in a bad way) think
of her, What if she was destined to do something great, what if she was
destined to save somebody else’s life further down her silver thread, how much
better would the world have been if she had been in it, I found out at the
inquest that she was nine years old, what had she done that was so bad that her
thread was cut that day?, why had karma chose her?, of course the rational
amongst you will have said that she should have been belted up in the back of
the car, and at the inquest the grandmother said that it was something she
always did, but the grandmother had put the radio on (another what if moment)
and the girl’s favourite song came on and she stood up to dance and sing (kids
do that) I don’t remember their names just the what if’s. The Mercedes driver
was cut up something rotten even though he had done nothing wrong, this was
confirmed by the police at the inquest. What if though he knew the area and
drove as fast as most people do who know the road, there was the potential that
he would have totally wiped out their car and them as a family altogether!
What if we had pulled out and made them slow down
would that have averted the accident or would karma catch up with them (final
destination style) further down the road. Who knows but I still think about
that girl, about what she missed, school, boys, sports, driving, holidays and
all the things that we take for granted each and everyday. I still remember
checking for a pulse and realising that she was dead and the hysterics going on
behind me, I remember the policeman (his number 999 stood out on his shoulders)
asking me for the details and the parents of the girl turning up and there was
even more crying and all me and Mark wanted to do was get the hell out of dodge
and away from the grief, I didn’t feel guilty about this, it was as if we were
being guided by other forces, the van doors, me tying them shut Mark not
wanting to pull out because he knew that the van would cough and splutter, so
many variations and so many what ifs!
Why do I put this in here well it’s part of me it’s
like my tattoo’s I will take it to the grave with me, it hasn’t upset me people
die! I didn’t/don’t know these people, hells bells I don’t even know if Mark
still lives in the area, I probably saw three or four more times after that,
life as always goes on but when I have time to gaze out the window and watch
the clouds (my favourite thing in the whole wide world been doing it for forty
plus years and I ain’t going to stop anytime soon!) she drifts in too my
thoughts and I start doing the what if thoughts all over again.
We all have a silver thread, some are thicker than
others, I hope mine is as fat as I am at this moment in my life, I have a
pretty good idea on how I’m going to shuffle off this mortal coil (unhappily
because I don’t want to go) with the family medical history (stroke being the
favourite) what if I live to be a hundred? What if I get skinny? What if we as
a family get along ok so I know I’m pushing the boundaries on that one but it
does make you think though doesn’t it?
what if?Now I am aware that people are worried for my sanity (don't be) this is the last one for a while from Buck Naked as there does seem to be a stream of melancholy running through these blogs I intend that the next one will be that little be that little bit happier (hopefully) so until then have fun play nice and erm....Toodles!