A quick return? –
It is for this type of blog, there may a longer break until the next one, but I
have been inundated with so many queries of late, I thought it best to try and
wade through some of the more popular questions, you all know how this works,
please keep all body parts inside the car while in motion that way nobody
should get injured, let’s see!
There’s been a lot of death? –
There has and there’s been even more since the blog “Father to Son”, there have
been a number of queries regarding the death of my father, can I just say, I don’t
think I care, I didn’t wish him ill while he was alive, I don’t wish him ill
now, I simply didn’t understand how you can stay away from your own children, I
don’t suppose I will ever find out now, one of life’s great mysteries I suppose!
They do say Dead men Tell no Tales (that was the original title for that particular
blog). There’s actually been two deaths of people who I knew, one better than
the other but they were both younger than me and a nice guys, a bit of a shock,
you really do need to take each day as it comes!
Dreams, what’s
that all about? – well,
the blog is about what’s in my head at any particular moment in time, so I thought
I would do something that was there at that particular moment in time, instead
of trawling back through older ideas, it came out better than I thought, it
might not have been perfect it might even have been drivel but it was what was
in my mind on the day,, but it tried its best and the numbers were bloody
respectable, I realise that not everything can be golden, I didn’t consider
that blog to be a lump of coal, if I had I simply wouldn’t have published the
bloody thing, I am just a little picky.
Still obsessed about numbers? –
Hell yeah I am, the page has beaten last years figures already, and we did
112,000+ last year so of course I’m still obsessed, I am simply trying to work
out the knot of why something does so well and others (some of which I think
are better) simply don’t, hopefully I never will as then it will simply become
tedious and I would walk away forever, I do however have a theory that the
robots on Twatter or whatever it’s called this week are helping, another blog
for another time.
Music? – it comes
in bursts so sometimes I could write 5 or 6 musical review ones, then have to
try and work out which one will I publish, I do know if I post about once a
week the numbers stay consistent, and if I don’t pick them I do delete them as I
may have a different opinion, I mean I am male so yeah something I hate I may
just like it later go figure!
Why the name Game? –
I have answered this a number of times, but basically it started as a bit of
fun (with a lot more readers having a go) it’s a habit I can’t seem to get out
of, so unless I can come up with something better, I will keep going, I do miss
Nils and his funny guess’s, I’m sure he knew them he was simply being provocative!
Countries? –
Seem to change all the time, Sweden has gone down the lists, Malta is in double
figures for the last couple of weeks, Japan has stayed roughly the same, I’m
quite happy with the mix, it could be worse, all the hits could be due to me
simply checking the numbers, no I don’t check them more than once a day!
Do you have a Favourite blog? –
I have over the last couple of months been doing some tidying up of the blogs
and sorting out an archive, so I have read a couple of them, but I’m going to
revert to my original answer, no, I don’t even recognise the writer sometimes,
and the subject matter tends to a tad eclectic to say the least, but I think
there is an even keel starting to show, I do have some ideas where to go but as
I have said in the past, slowly, slowly catchee monkee!
Health? – if you hadn’t
noticed my health is decidedly shite, its stable at the moment but still crap,
my knees, my hips, my chest seems not to be able to shake the minor infections
and the amount of phlegm I bring up in the morning is nobody’s business, I get
slower every day, I am actually trying to do all the right things, not that it
seems to be doing any good……..yet!
10. Pet
Hate/thing to make you very angry? – Filters that people use on
their photos, somebody said hello at work and I didn’t recognise them as they
looked so different to their profile, be natural, everybody looks so much
better in real life, some of us have the face for radio, who cares, love
yourself, its better than the Barbie lookalikes that appear on here, I’m going
to stop there as I tend to vent quite a lot on this subject, me with my
reputation, who knew!
11. Most
read blog/ most asked question? – I have combined these
questions, it hasn’t changed, everybody wants to know who stole my heart and
then buried it out on the moors in the “Girls” blog, and for some reason the “Intruder”
blog is streets ahead of all the other blogs, I have no idea why for both blogs,
maybe they simply struck a nerve!
12. Abandoned
ideas? – Several blogs actually that would be in triple
figures, so let’s not go there, they just lost the feel/emotion, they
lost something some I still have but it’s unlikely they will ever see the light
of day, some were simply full of bile, some were simply crap, I am at least
honest, I do believe with an editor someone to give me some perspective It would simply help me
improve, it’s not going to happen so I will simply have to go with the flow, as
for ideas other than blogs I have three very good story outlines for books,
simply fiction, not blog based one I have been working on for over 25 years, I simply
don’t seem to be able to put flesh on the bones, so to speak, maybe I need to
be retired to focus, I don’t thing any author has anything to worry about!
13. Improving
Social Life? – Well we have been out once in god knows how
long, but the blog from that trip was the best numbers for the year so far, so
go figure, and yes I will always write in code I wouldn’t want to hurt anybody’s
feelings, it seems unlikely that the Tee Hee Club will ever fully reunite (I do
live in hope) an occasional mini jaunt might happen, getting the wife out of
the house is the main issue at the moment, I knew it would be hard once the
Kraken passed, but I will do whatever it takes to make her better, baby staps
boys and girls baby steps, but yes if we go out more there will be more blogs
of that nature, so watch this space!
14. Advice
for Bloggers? – again what the actual f***, I have no advice
other than get out there and do it, when I started on Myspace all of those
years ago the first couple of blogs were in single figures but the more I did
it, the bigger the numbers and within six months I was getting regular four
figures per blog, how does that happen? I have no idea, the numbers I’m getting
now are pretty damn good, but my last years on Myspace I was getting three
times the numbers annually, mind you some of those people were simply wanting
to kill me!
15. Are
you happy with the blog? – Today I am, ask me tonight I might
not be, I can’t do anything but go with the flow, I have found once I have
accepted this simple truth, by and large I am, I can do doom and gloom, but
thankfully nowhere near as bad as it’s been!
16. Do
you still have a stock of ideas: - It would be easier to
simply take a picture (if only I could) I currently have 12 notebooks with
lines, paragraph’s, nearly completed full blogs, as I said previously I did
some archive work on the blog I sat down and compiled the ideas that I thought I
could still work with for blogs, the book ideas have their own special folders
and there are many pages of ideas and histories of characters, once I had compiled
the blog materials I got rid of over 25 books and notes some large some simply
tiny notebooks, so I was able to keep around 50% of what I had, some of the
ideas I had no idea what I was trying to say, or even what planet I was on as I
put pen to paper!
17. Are
you honest? – I like to think so, I get my knickers in a
twist if I’m not, I believe life will get you back if you are not, even while
writing about my ex-wife, I have never stretched the truth, she lied and did a
despicable thing, if she had been unhappy we could have sorted it all out
without any unpleasantness, not that there was much, it was done we moved on, thankfully there were
no children involved, I don’t like liars so to lie in the blog would not be
genuine, I would never knowingly lie or stretch the truth to suit my purposes,
I might bend the truth to make them look better or preserve their innocence LOL
you work it out! so the answer to this one is, you probably won’t meet a more
honest person!
18. A
Social Life? – Yes please, I would love one, and nothing
better than to write about my friends and their experiences, if it happens you
lucky people will be the first to know!
19. “BOB” –
Yes, he is still with me out on the perimeter, some days he crawls closer and I
can throw stones to get him to go back where he came from, this has probably
been the longest period in my life without him, I’m not stupid enough to think
he has gone, he will be with me until my death bed, but if I can keep him out
there on the perimeter maybe just maybe I might live a quiet peaceful life, I can
but hope!
20. The
Future: - well to be truthful nobody knows, it could all end
tomorrow (it might not) I really am taking it one day/blog at a time as long as
I have the desire to write it will be in form or another, no promises, no lies,
it is what it is!
So, there you go one blog as
promised, the next one should be a musical one, I said should be so don’t hold
me to that, but who knows what sparks in my brain as I sit down and start to
write/type, take care there is far too much death around, I want to stay away
from morbid tales, so until the next time, keep spreading the disease, but
until then……………………………Toodles!
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