Monday 10 June 2024

Vielleicht Das Nächste Mal

My brother is a huge Ritchie Blackmore Fan, I am as well, but not as much as he is, it’s a long story that I wont bore you with here, other than to say it all started with Deep Purple’s Fireball, again it might just get mentioned in the next blog  (9000 words already I need to prune not demolish)I know this blog is late but all will be revealed in the next blog on Sunday, let’s go back to Mr. B, The first Rainbow album was nice but not awesome that came with Rising (still not beaten) and although I did see them on this tour, I didn’t see him with my brother he refused to take me and no amount of pleading would make him change his mind, not to worry I had friends in low places who would let me tag along.

The tour I wanted to see was Down to Earth and nothing short of a miracle could get me into the City Hall, so my friends opted to go in a Transit (with no MOT) and 9 of us crammed in, there had been a spare ticket and I bought it at face value, it was my first venture to Bingley Hall in Stafford, I think my brother was peeved that I was going to see this line up, I loved the gig and thankfully we left as long live rock n roll was finishing and before all night long started (I never did like either single from that album) it was a long drive back from Stafford and it snowed, thankfully I was staying in Durham and went home on the bus the day after, as the Van coasted to a stop outside my mate Mike’s house!

Then the band changed again (no surprise there then) and I couldn’t for love nor money get a ticket for the hall no matter how hard I tried, my brother was going and he lorded it over me, nobody was going to another gig everybody was going to Newcastle, I was gutted, that was until my brother realised that he was on Holiday in Salou at the time of the gig he was crushed, I bought (yes bought) his ticket off him, I could catch a lift off a friend who was going with another school friend it was all good in the hood, we got the bus to the gig but we were being picked up by his mum on the way home.

The gig was great I loved the new singer (Joe Lyn Turner) and  the new drummer, the gig itself was a great show, again I didn’t care much for the singles but hey ho beggars cant be choosers, what made the gig all the more sweeter was my brother was miserable in Salou (he admitted to that many years later) we headed into the centre of town and discovered that both of my mates parents had come pick us up, his mum drove us to outskirts of Newcastle and then his dad took over, like a formula one driver, the thing is it was Friday night so his dad may have had a couple (7) of pints , we all put our seat belts as we approached supersonic speed.

As we approached Rowlands Gill there appeared to be a gorilla, yes you read that right an actual gorilla standing in the middle of the road, my mates dad said and I quote this from 40 + years ago ,” I’m going to have to stop drinking I can see a gorilla” and then he promptly put his foot down, and we all screamed that we could see the same thing as he swerved at the last minute, and as the gorilla took his mask off and was shouting drunken abuse as we passed, if we hadn’t said anything that would have been one dead gorilla, it sort of put a twist on an awesome evening!

My brother came back and pointedly didn’t ask me, but I took great delight in telling how good a gig it was, he got the bootleg of the gig and found fault with most things but again years later he admitted it was a pretty good gig, not as awesome as the Dio or Bonnet line ups but still a great gig! Apologies for this being late (and being short) hopefully all will be revealed in the next blog, and the next one is a serious one, until the next one stay safe and stay alive………………Toodles!

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