Friday 7 July 2023

Where Have All The Good Times Gone!

And just like that the deed was done, the Kraken passed (God Save The Kraken)  it came so quickly but it as always comes as a shock, I was able to be by the wife’s side in just over 15 minutes thanks to my fave bus driver who literally just drove me there, if she had actually gone down the street it would have been called a taxi! Another tale for another blog.

The family gathered they said their goodbyes (in truth said so many times in the weeks before) and the wife was so much better than I thought she would be, I was the shoulder to cry on, and there were tears, theirs was a symbiotic relationship that even after thirty plus years I could never figure out, through the good times and the bad the woman was a constant, she didn’t get me, simply because I’m not like others I cant be bought or swayed no matter what people try to do, she didn’t get me, we were both fine with it. She knew I loved her daughter and I think that’s all that mattered.

I was glad to have the wife home even in her saddened state of mind, we also had a new passenger the Krakens little dog, an old man who was just as poorly but we swept him off to the vets and all was good with the world, he is brighter with each passing day, he’s still hasn’t a clue with what’s going on, but we are spoiling him and its nice just to have a dog chuntering on in the background!

We have many mountains to climb, thankfully my sister in law has been involved with close relatives deaths (figuratively speaking she’s not related to Fred West) in the last couple of years, so has been a huge help in wading through the minutia that goes with the process, there has only been once company that’s been a pain, but its better than expected, The only major bump in the road is our solicitor who has recently been diagnosed with Dementia which is causing his law firm major issues, hopefully they will get it sorted sooner rather than later.

The main issue is now trying to reintegrate the wife back into what most people call life, Hence the title of the blog (and yes the name game is in play)  it will be a slow process, but you will start seeing us just that little bit more out in the street of life, that is the plan, I thought it was just me, but it turns out the wife has retreated much more than me, the most painful I think I have seen is when the wife went to phone her mam, something she did everyday multiple times, the tears were heartbreaking.

So that’s it, normal service will (hopefully/allegedly delete as you consider) resume in the next couple of days, allegedly, I have a number of ideas percolating, there will be a few Four on the Floor blogs just to get away from the darkness that the last couple of blogs have been, many people go through this its nothing new but when it happens to you nobody is ever prepared for it, many thanks to everybody for the kind words, strangers in the darkness reaching out across the world, thank you, than you, Thank you! So now onto the next adventure and hopefully we will see old and new friends along the way, until then we will travel along the way and wish you all well, until then……Toodles!

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