Well, that
was a wacky week, the blog outstripped the others of the last few months, I know
when I post this it will (probably) kill the last one stone dead, I can live
with that, its been a good kind of week. What I have noticed is that when I post
the blog after spending longer proofreading the bloody thing than writing the
thing, there are words missing and punctuation is missing, I know I’m old, but I
do know how to write in “Inglesh” when this one is posted I will be once again
proof reading it again and again.
The week has
continued to be crap, but I have my big boy pants and I’m simply going to go
with the flow, life’s too short to panic about stuff we can’t control, I was
going to attempt to get the wife to leave the house tonight, however we have
the Hurricane staying with us, that works for us as well, different horses for
different courses, its nice to have him around.
I received a
surprise in the post, nothing horrific but something I wasn’t expecting, a
letter to inform me I was going to be seeing not one specialist but two, its
regarding my diabetes, I have promised the wife that I will be trying my best
to keep my mouth shut, its not the specialists fault, my issues are with the
system not the staff trying their best whilst operating within its strict boundaries!.
Reading has
stopped, as I was by myself for the whole week at work, fielding enquiries that
you would think educated people would know the answer too. Its quite funny as
my boss has to walk away as he knows what I’m implying when I look at the educated
fools footwear, I need to see who tied their laces as I know it wasn’t them,
bless them, they do indeed walk amongst us!
music hasn’t stopped if I’m in the office my headphones are in, on the bus my headphones
are in, just about everywhere I go I have music on, boy does it cheer me up, It’s
a little difficult in the house, as I don’t wish to leave the wife to her own
devices, too much space will ensure that she goes off the track to dark places,
I know she is not going to be good overnight, but she is my number one
priority, so I shall be doing my dutiful husband tasks as I hopefully bring her
back towards the light.
We still haven’t
decided on a holiday but we are looking, we have a few possibilities but we
need some quality time with each other so we can converse, agree or disagree whichever
way I’m happy as long as we are both heading in the same direction, we also
have a little dog (an old man) as the wife’s mum’s pooch is settling in with us
even though I’m sure he sleeps for 23 hours a day maybe longer, but he’s like a
little corporal with his chest puffed as we prepare his food, bright as a
button then he eats it and then the little swine goes back to sleep, what a
life, oh imagine how jealous I am of the little bugger!
I’m sure we
need to insert a day between Saturday and Sunday, just so that we can achieve
some of our little “projects” having said that we were able to locate our
joiners telephone number and to get him to come and give us a cost for
replacing our 60 year old back gate that was suffering more than me, price
given, gate fitted, I even managed to get it stained the next day before the
deluge that was forecast, two jobs done only another 4376 left to do. The lawyer
isn’t helping, I know that she is simply doing her job, but its not helping the
wife’s stress levels, we just need to sort out the sale of the house, we aren’t
going to see any money out of it as there is debt, about the size of a small
third world country, to be honest if it becomes a pain we will simply walk
away, let them sort it out we had just about sorted everything out, that will
teach us to be open and honest (never
again)as I said before, life is way too short, for all of their drama!
So, some
small tasks, babysitting (bless he’s nearly 12) maybe some food and me proof
reading this for 9 hours before posting and then seeing even more mistakes
after the event! Thank you for the kind words from all of you lovely people, I’m
not back 100% but I am getting there, I was determined to get one more blog out
before the months end, so here we go 4 days since the last blog and the best-read
blog of the year, here is one more missive, hopefully hitting the same heights
that will tell me I am on the right track!
So as always
onwards stay safe and stay alive, tonight I shall be immersing myself in the 13th
Star remixed box set ( three cd’s and a blue ray disc there’s about 8 hours of
music for me to devour!) that has just been released, ordered Monday, I had it by
Thursday, work got in the way, so maybe a couple of drinks and an awful lot of
Fish (Why Not?), the name game is in play, only three people got the last one,
loads of you said Aerosmith, but I did say I wanted the original which was by
Joe Perry who is in, yes you guessed it Aerosmith! As we approach God knows how
many blogs we are fast approaching 100000 hits for the page, this cheers me up
as it means I am doing something right, not all of the time, but I am trying,
so until the next time, as always………………………Toodles!