Sunday, 23 April 2023

Four on the Floor – Deep Purple Solo Stuff.


So, over the last few weeks music has helped sooth the savage beast (that’s me if you hadn’t worked it out) and I have been playing a lot of older material, I had a couple of ideas for a couple of these, Deep Purple are a major influence to my musical path, I’m going to do some of the lesser known stuff, if you are a fan you will know them, I’m not saying that these are undiscovered gems just what I have played lately.

Glenn Hughes – Play Me Out.   8/10.

I remember hearing this and thinking, this is a tad different not what I was expecting at all, the single “I found a woman” is so soulful its lovely, it has a who’s who of players including Pat Travers, Mark Nauseef, Mel Galey and Dave Holland to name but a few, it’s not a rock album by any stretch of the imagination, Glenn speeding of his tits, but I do like it, I always used to think I was sophisticated when I played it, I always liked weird! And this is weird!

Ian Gillan Band – Clear Air Turbulence. 8.5/10.

I loved this from the first bar, I think my brother paid £1.99 for it, six tracks of jazz rock!  I bought it on cassette for 50p from our local Woolworths, I was gutted when it eventually got chewed up, it was one of the first albums I downloaded in those early days of Pirate Bay, this was such a fruitful time for the guys from Purple, they released so much good music in such a short period of time, it’s the only album I like from this part of his career, but boy does he sound good on this!

David Coverdale – Northwinds.    9/10.

Again, not what I was expecting, and it annoyed me when he went off and did whitesnake, not there was anything wrong with the band, I just love this, songs like Only my soul, Say you love and Keep on giving me love and ending with the barnstorming Breakdown, again only 8 songs but everyone of them hit the mark, it’s a shame that he stuck to the formula of his famous band! I would love to see him tour with these songs, it would suit his voice, at least he wouldn’t have to screech like a banshee!

  Roger Glover & Friends - The Butterfly Ball and the Grasshopper's Feast.     7/10.

Again, a different kind of album, I first heard the best track “Love is All” sung by Ronnie James Dio long before he joined Rainbow, on Blue Peter the kids programme (hey I was a kid I was 9) it’s not a rock album, and it has again a huge roster of stars on it I probably play it once every 5 years, but when I do, I love it!

Not the albums that I bet peeps were expecting, but they will pop up soon enough! So enjoy hopefully the blogs can be back on track now, until the next one……. Toodles!

Sunday, 16 April 2023

Better Man.

So, things are still a tad difficult, the house is still upside down and still bloody dusty, but I am getting there slowly, this will be another small quickie (ooer missus).

So, everybody knows I’m a bus wanker, I travel to and from work via public transport, and after a while you get to know the people and their foibles, all their quirks and so on, I usually sit-down stairs as I struggle to get back downstairs because of my issues with my knees! It was the same old faces, but this morning a lady sat in front and actually turned to me and actually said my full name (WTF!) it turns out she went to the same school as me, two years below me but she knew me, I didn’t have a clue, I still don’t know her name.

We made polite small talk (I wanted to sleep but that wasn’t an option) nothing serious only took 40+ years to make a connection, anyway she prattled, I listened, she hadn’t seen me since I left school (then how the hell did she recognize me?) it gets a little hinkey as she got up to get off the bus a couple of stops before me, “I’m glad you’re no longer a dick like you were at school” again WTF! As you can imagine I had just a few questions, why did she think that I was a dick at school? and how did she know I wasn’t the same person that I was then, now I don’t think I was the most popular person or even in the top ten of good guys, but why was I considered a dick!

It hasn’t given me any sleepless nights, but I do in my quiet moments, wonder, how was I a dick? Again I’m not saying I was fabulous, but I wasn’t bad or even her words “a dick”, I’m not sure where I go with it, to be honest it will soon consigned to a distant memory, but I thought I had better get it out there while it’s in the small grey matter, so if anybody has a clue as to why I was a dick, answers on a postcard to I needed a blog and this was it!

Hopefully in the coming weeks we will be back to something classed as normal, so stay safe and be good, now I’m off for a cup of tea and to have a couple of doughnuts, so until the next time play nice and be good……………….Toodles!

Monday, 3 April 2023

Life Goes On – Part 545.

And so, life goes on, unfortunately life has been upended (that’s my excuse for no blogs) Health wise, work wise, home wise, even family wise, a veritable perfect storm that has had me on the ropes simply as I’m getting old and cant keep up, its nothing major in the grand scheme of things, just everything all at once has turned life and its ongoing dealings into a total cluster f**k!

Family wise everybody is having issues, again nothing that I really want to go into in a wider forum, we are all having issues, the wife is being a brave soldier and fighting the good fight, she’s still not home, she’s still wearing the nurses uniform, and is getting worn down, I am doing my best to help, it doesn’t always work, but I am trying, it is definitely taking its toll on her and her health all I can do is a little more than usual.

My health is a slow grind, again nothing serious or life threatening (I hope), just a culmination of a lot of other things kicking my arse all at the same time, this getting old malarky is shit! I feel worn out and drained most of the time I don’t get to see the specialist until July a full 19 months after seeing the last specialist, I’m not hopeful, with all the industrial action, I reckon it will get put back for a second time, strangely, I’m fairly happy in myself (all things considered) but this isn’t what I signed up for health wise, they simply keep peddling more medication, they never seem to get to the bottom of it, 8 years this has been going on and I’m still no further forward, good thing its nothing “serious” add the injuries from my fall from last year and it’s not good I keep trying to get a vet to put me down! And let’s not even bring my hips or knees into the equation, I feel way old before my time.

Home, well we are finally getting a new kitchen fitted (its only taken me 18 years to get around to it sue me I ran out of money, and then life keeps getting in the way) the house has been upside down I had been sleeping on the settee for over 9 nights thankfully the work is nearing its conclusion, then the heavy lifting of putting everything back into its new home, onwards is the only word going through my brain I can see the finish line as I keep stumbling towards it, at least the end result will be worthwhile, because I feel like a virtual cripple at the moment literally every single task is taking a lot longer than it should, I honestly didn’t think I would feel this shit at this age (Boo Hoo).

So writing has had to take a back seat, not because I want to, life has a way of taking precedent and as I’m a responsible adult (yeah right) there simply isn’t enough hours in the day, so this isn’t the longest blog in the history of my blogs, I simply thought I owed you the discerning reader an explanation, don’t worry the intention is too come back harder and stronger, Watch this space.

So, there you have it, watch the skies for more incoming normal service will be resumed quite soon, stay safe stay alive, until then ……………………Toodles!