Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Sick for the Cure.

Oh, dear I fell at the first hurdle, to be honest its not all on me, well it is, but I hit a speed bump, let me explain!

I wanted to get the holidays out of the way and the last blog has done relatively well, actually it’s the second best read blog even if I was thought it was as dull as dishwater, diluted way too much, but it had to be set free, it may have been the second most read blog but it was the blog with the least amount of comments………go figure!

I was on fire I had three ideas cultivating as soon as I posted the last one, they are still bubbling away (this isn’t one of them) and no matter how well this one does the next one will be here on Sunday….hopefully, I need to keep these flowing if I intend to end this year and I have decided that I am in deed going to be done, all five hundred by December, it’s a done deal, no come backs, unlike Motley Crue, I may be as fat as their singer but I will keep my word!

Doubt crept in as I sat and watched the numbers climb that and my diabetes kicking my arse, I seem as though I’m in a permanent food coma of late even though I am being sensible with what I eat, washed out, massive headaches, generally feeling like hammered crap, thankfully I am at least in a relatively happy frame mood at the moment (well kind of) that will only last so long, no black dog, but no glorious sunrises either, short sleeping patterns , not that it matters too much simply because of the food comas, but the latest I have slept to of late is around 4.30, I’m not one of those people who can roll over and go back to sleep, I wish I was.

The wife is in a bad way health wise as well she has a bad back and she is like a hunch back at the moment and is sleeping worse than me, she can thankfully drift off back to the land of nod, but it’s wearing her down, nothing a holiday probably wouldn’t cure, shame she isn’t going to get one, well she is but she has to have a minor operation so that’s fun……..Not! we are both sick for a cure, believe me some good luck wouldn’t go amiss. But we are in a better shape than others so we need to count our blessings.

Just as I was about to sort out the blog, we got some bad news one of our favourite people has been taking seriously ill, her husband and her are special people, if you have a prayer going spare please send it their way, we haven’t been to visit, we have hardly seen them these last couple of years no excuses simply life keeps getting in the way, but believe me when I say that our thoughts and prayers are with them, thankfully there is a glimmer of hope, praise be to medical science and a loving husband, our thoughts for them are more required than another blog about not a lot really, it really does put life into perspective.

Having made the promise that I intended to be more productive blog wise this year, I very nearly did fall at the first hurdle, so I made a little promise, before I succumb to yet another food coma, I have simply got to get this out into the big bad world like I said I would, I also need to stop feeling sorry for myself and think of others for a change, so there you go first one of the last year, I’m not expecting this to do the numbers of previous blogs, like I said life has hit a speed bump, a bloody big one, my thoughts on our cunning plans can wait,  but the intention is too keep moving forward, so watch the skies for more incoming, the next couple hopefully will be worth your attention , so until then keep spreading the disease and I will see you all then………….Until then, Toodles!

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