Sunday, 28 April 2019

Blurred Vision

As always life goes on, as always it’s not always a straight run on the road of life (LOL), what a week, with a party as the endgame (see how topical I can be) with lots to do in between, as always I have gotten ahead of myself, strap yourself in it’s a slightly bumpy ride!

I was still feeling a tad off through the week, even with my long weekend off, although a welcome respite, it had not cured me of my ills, there was something lurking in the background that I simply couldn’t put my finger on!

I kept going forward, I had a great day, I had a poor day, then back to a great day, I was struggling to play nice at work, nobody’s fault except mine, hopefully by the end of the week I was a lot better than I had been at the beginning of the week, and hopefully I didn’t piss too many people off (as if I care LOL) Friday was hard, as I simply seemed  to have run out of steam, thankfully I got across the finish line, all I had to do was rest and relax, as we were going to a party and I wanted to be tip top for that, I wanted to be, however life had different plans for me the bastard!

Friday night was the usual and yes at some point I blinked for long periods of time, off to bed at one in the  morning, in bed tucked in before I was properly awake, because if I was fully woken to the full degree of consciousness, I would never get back to sleep (can you see were this is going) some nice person or robot rang my phone at three o clock in the bloody morning, I scrambled to answer it before it raised the dead (it woke me didn’t it) no glasses on and half asleep I soon put it into the switched off mode, I did not as every one of you expects, simply throw it at the wall, the issue then though I was now awake with no chance of going back to sleep.

I tried to go back to sleep and I tried absolutely not to wake up the wife (thankfully I was successful in that task) however I was now wide awake and stayed that way until I got out of bed a little after six in the morning, I was wiped out, hopefully the rest of the day was going to go better then the previous evening, the rest of the tribe got up did a few deeds and then the rest of the tribe arrived with the grand kids running riot, I cooked quite a nice dinner for everyone and things were going quite well until a familiar gurgling started in  my guts (oh oh) we had started on a task that we had been avoiding for the last couple of years and I was sweating buckets and the stomach gurgling continued unabated, now this I could do without, until I realised an explosion was going to occur and at a rate of knots I dived over people to get to a safe haven, crisis averted however I was still sweating buckets!
Crisis was not averted, the enemy continued with repeated attacks, I really did just want to die (yet again) job completed I decided to towel of the excess sweat and try a snooze, I did not want to miss the party after missing the previous weeks shenanigans!  I probably managed about an hour, however I awoke refreshed and I tried some toast to settle my guts (crisis what crisis) it seemed to sort me out, thankfully I would be going to the ball!

It was a combined birthday party for the master of the royal hounds and one of his friends (who had a simply inspired costume for the party but hold your horses I’m getting ahead of myself) The youngest was going as Freddie Mercury from Live aid the wife was going as Freddie from the Crazy little thing called love video, yes you guessed it,  I was going to a Queen themed party now which Freddie could go as…………..none, I was going left of centre, Gerry Stickells their tour manager (you  may have noticed I mentioned him in a previous blog “Shove It” ) I can grow a beard I can wear a Hawaiian shirt how hard can it be, actually quite easy, I made some passes of the backstage variety (Copies  of the genuine article, no I didn’t have any, but I know someone who does) so I went with a Crazy tour one a one from the Game tour and I believe mine was from 82, me a nerd ……hell yeah! Somebody asked me if I could do them a Kind of magic one and yes, I can!

Thankfully refreshed and booted and suited we set off on an uneventful journey, no wife shouting and swearing at passing drivers, well kind of, we arrived to find the house of people, the host had excelled and had a complete Kind of magic suit with proper yellow belted jacket and a full on crown and robe, even going to the lengths of dying his hair the same colour as Mr Mercury, now that’s dedication,  definitely the winner of the evening, then I had admit I was a little disappointed as I thought there were going to be a million more Freddie’s with a designated parking spot for all of the accumulative Hoovers, there were some great costumes just not as many as I thought that there would have been, the other birthday boy’s was inspired he came as Connor Mcloud flasher mac included  and how he walked the streets of shields to get there with that huge sword in his hands (oh matron) and not to get arrested!

There was a Roger Taylor (a female version) sorry but Roger was sexier (LOL I mean in a nice way) there was even a Mr Bad Guy version of Mr Mercury (more of that later) and a Tribute act who did a good job of dealing with the ignoramus’s who continued to talk when he was performing , want to talk, fuck off to the back of the house and let others enjoy the show! I know it’s a tribute act but he was still trying his hardest to entertain those who wanted to watch, I’m not going to go into huge detail it was a fun night, one that I intended to break my (temporary) sobriety as it happens what with my stomach the way it was I decided not to, and consequently it was my first ever party sober, not that I ever get commode hogging drunk, squiffy yes, but not obnoxious, consequently I believe the hosts thought I might have been heading down the rabbit hole, I wasn’t, I was simply sober and shy and I really didn’t know a lot of people, the person who I  usually would have sat and spoken to turned into Mr Bad Guy for the evening he was minging when we got there and simply got drunker as the night went on, I had no problem as such but he trampled on Blue a couple of times and was generally toxic to a few others, spilt drink bad language whilst the act was live on Facebook, I genuinely thought the wife was going to twat him at one point, however the host of the evening gave him the look and he (sort of) calmed down, a lovely chap just last night I think he had my share of drink as well (and a damn sight more), in the nicest way I hope he is suffering this morning bless him!

The second set was Neil Diamond songs and a bit of karaoke, the wife and the daughter got up to sing as did the host, all in all a pretty good night (next time I will not be sober………sober is boring) we headed home later than normal, we had our own pooch to think about and others were going to work the next day (hahahahahaha not me I had a blog to do) thankfully an uneventful journey home  and we were soon headed up the wooden hill to the land of dreams and boy were they some strange dreams, all Queen (the musical entity not the drag kind) related, I awoke refreshed this morning, as I had turned my mobile (of the phone variety not something swinging above my bed to put me to sleep) off, I waved everybody off to work and now I sit typing this monster up.

Now the name game is in play and I was flabbergasted that nobody guessed or googled it, today's title is a B-side but the artist should be so damn easy come on you all know that you want to!

A great party and a jolly good time was had by just about everybody, even if only two people got my Gerry Stickells reference, so watch the skies and keep spreading the disease! there will more coming down the line, until the next time …………Toodles!

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