So here is the third and final blog on how E is
doing, why the final one, well plenty of people are able to get the message out,
and to be honest I don’t want to bore people with my version of how the lady in
question is doing, and I certainly don’t want peeps to think that I am the font
of all knowledge, I’m not I’m just a concerned friend of a very special (and much loved) person.
A very elaborate viewing programme was now in place,
we aren’t the only people who wants to visit our friends and we weren’t greedy,
we weren’t able to go as often as we would have liked, we had other issues to
deal with and again other people needed to visit, the week had dragged and we
contended ourselves with reports from G on the patients progress and the
insults he was receiving on a daily basis (that in itself is a great thing) and
finally Wednesday arrived.
Straight away there was a lesbian affair or so I was
told, I was polishing my glasses so missed the whole thing, but I did hear the
wife getting whispered platitudes from the lady in the bed, the wife was given
instruction on how to do Foof Fanning (a lot more complicated than you could
imagine) and then for some insane reason the ladies broke into Mary Poppins the
musical…..please don’t ask just take it from me it’s a good thing……….I think!
E had a raging thirst but she was being given her
regulation wall paper paste to drink (well that’s what it looked like to me)
and G was being very strict as to what position she was required to be in so
that it all went down the right way, cue lots of old jokes and much hilarity
mainly from the patient herself and finally she informed us all that “these
beds are fucking shite” I was quite concerned for another patient who was
snoring like an outboard motor and was quite frankly putting me in the shade,
and she seemed to be such a frail old thing!
At this point E as always was asking news of her
subjects ….erm I mean friends and she was thrilled that lots of you had read
the blogs and she was determined to have a read herself, unfortunately the
mobile phone was proving a little difficult to read so G whipped out his big
boy (that’s his IPad to the uninitiated) I now have my instructions and I have
to see how I can do a spoken word version so that E can hear my dulcet tones
doing my best Stephen Fry impersonation, another reason why this trilogy will
be coming to a close tonight.
E had by this time be glammed up, hair brushed by….
well herself and others who wanted to help, she had nail varnish and looked
almost like herself although she does look tired, well she is worrying about
the world having to deal with an unfettered G! The wife and G were in full on
nurse mode and me well to be honest, I just got in the way and sat looking
(cough splutter) pretty! We had a patient that had suffered a number of heart
attacks and was not going quietly, either move the poor woman to a more private
place or provide everybody else with ear defenders, the noise was most off
putting, I have no idea how E didn’t get out of bed and smother her (I’m not
being cruel just making an observation the woman was in pain), we returned our
attention back to E who was considering Foof platting, and my fragile
constitution was shaken to the core, we fought with her to get her sassy inflatable
leggings back on and G will be a qualified Anaconda wrestler after E is done in
hospital, it could just possibly be E getting him back for all the mischief he
has caused over the years.
G himself was as always being naughty, well not
really he was just getting the patient to do some things for herself, although
the cursing only went up by a modicum. We soon departed and life as always went
on. The week continued and we awaited any news that G had to give us, the very
next day E was moved to Cherry Burn a rehab centre, but not the preferred
option, but we are led to believe that the preferred option have accepted her,
so all we can do now is to wait on the bed! G again had a lot to deal with and
again I can only sing his praises for his fortitude, I know for a fact that I would
have been a wreck by this point, also not helped by the Halifax being total
Cocks! Don’t worry a special kind of hell is being worked out for the troops
who cannot deviate from instructions, I’m so glad that after the banking crisis
and all that we did for them that compassion has blossomed in their hearts and
they wish us all nothing but goodwill ……..continued at!
Go figure!
The weekend arrived along with travel documents to
see E at her penthouse suite and we arrived at what is left of the old General hospital
(where I had my first ever operation at the age of five and a whole blog on the
nightmares that were associated with it …..Even for the shortest time us kids
are resilient) thankfully the rehab place wasn’t so derelict (it was actually
quite nice) again it felt strange learning how to gain access to another ward
once in we found E in her own cubicle and G flashed the fact that Motley Crue
had been shoved into the wardrobe, it appears they are there simply to lie on
the patients “sweaty tits” her words not mine, this time I had forgot to take
my little black book to make notes and there was so much that I forgot 90%, it
was good to see E relax once she knew that I didn’t have my little black book
and the conversation flowed and it’s great to see her start on the long road
ahead, let’s be under no illusion she has a long way to go, but with G by her
side she can’t ask for a better companion who will not only be a hard
taskmaster but a loving husband ( I know she will set her ninja’s on me but you
know what I don’t care) the message is getting out there and she knows that she
is loved one step at a time let’s keep giving our love and support to both of
Is Cherry Burn the best place I don’t think it will
be, it appears under staffed and again they can’t be deviated from
instructions, making G sit outside in his car because of rules, G understands
that there are certain things that need to be done when he is not there but
what would have happened if he didn’t have a car would he have to walk the grounds for two
hours as instructed, I understand that there are rules to be followed, but
someone who has nowhere to else to go and can basically do more for the patient
than what appears to be actually happening, I’m aware that the NHS has
problems, this is not a critique but if a helpful person is ejected because of
the “rules” then you really are up shit creek, because essentially this person
wants to support the staff and not be a hindrance, who wants to assist in the rehabilitation
of his wife and is prepared to do the small things that the staff seem not to
have the time to do! It’s not all good but we make the best of it and offer our
That brings the trilogy to a close, I’m not the
mouth piece for either G or E I just felt I had to let as many people know what
was happening from my view point, they do need all the love and support that
everybody (a cast of millions) can provided, some of our prayers have been
answered but not all of them lets continue with the support for a great couple,
they need every bit of love we can send them. Until the next time …..Toodles!