Saturday 12 October 2024

Man Down

It should really have been called whack a mole, because I took some time for myself and well to be honest, I haven’t had a great deal of luck with that, however I’m not down, I am surprisingly “up” for some reason, not all of the time but I reckon about 90% so that’s good for me!

Actually, splat the rat would have been a good title as well, we occasionally get vermin in our loft I have checked the whole place (me in my condition, a 9-month pregnant woman could do a better check simply for mobility reasons) I do put poison out and to date I have been doing well and sometimes we can go months without any furry trespassers, but its been annoying of late and to top it all off we think something has chewed through a cable as we had no lights for a week, we are back in the land of the 21st century but the bedrooms have to be lit by bedside lamps! I had had enough and bought a trap, bang got the little blighter first time, now we just have to work out what to do about the lights?

Health wise it appears that I’m probably as good as I’m going to get, I  have a number of issues and by and large I get on with it, I have a flesh eating disease that rears its head when I’m run down, I know how to deal with its part of the curse of my diabetes I have it under control, the flesh eating disease not the diabetes, I’m a grown up and the NHS is not the place it was, not the staff but I don’t think any government has funded it correctly in the last 40 years, that and the whole sale stealing by contractors and “specialists” not NHS staff, well apart from the managers who get paid a fortune but simply sit at a desk, but I digress, I’m a man of a certain age and I’m well aware that my issue will get the bare minimum treatment, it took 8 years to diagnose my diabetes, a nurse simply looking at my bloods was able to guess what the problem was by then its too late to actually do anything about it, the main issue is they keep trying to patch a leaky boat (that would be me the actual leaky boat) its not worth while trying to fix a fat crippled nearly 60 year old, you might think I’m being cynical, well I’m not I can see the professional staff trying to help me but their hands are tied, it sums it up when I’m told “well at least you know what your cause of death will be” thanks for that that really makes me happy!

Its all the little things that add up, and well keep kicking me in the old bollocks! The flesh eating one being the first thing, my knees, I have been told I need two new ones, am I any further forward, hell no, just more obstacles thrown in my way, my BMI is too high you can see that I am indeed losing weight, but nope it has to be lower, I don’t think I made any friends when I enquired “where does it state this”? erm yeah no answer came the loud reply. They are making it up as they go along, watch this space for the further adventures of trying to get a knee replacement!

Consequently because of the pain and suffering I am trying really hard not to hide in food, my biggest issue, but I am doing way better than  I thought, but how long is that particular piece of string, and if Bob comes charging in I’m fucked, as I said at the beginning I’m not too bad but its starting to build and I don’t want to be the old man in a strait jacket when I finally pop, I have a lot of friends who work in the NHS, they do a brilliant job under extraordinary circumstances, but they have there hands tied doing paperwork rather than nursing, Drs seem to do more privately paid work than NHS stuff, I know one way to bring it down don’t let them do private work for the first 5 years that they work in the NHS, employ more nurses rather than doing bank work I know a person who paid off a substantial mortgage simply because they pay more doing bank work, I’m not knocking it we would all do it if we could, but the practices put into help the industry (because that’s what it is) is killing it, I predict there will not be an NHS in ten years all of the political parties are guilty of its murder!

There are a few other things but you expect it when you get to my age but I’m not being helped, “help yourself” they say guess what I have been doing that for nearly twenty years now I need some actual help, I have actually started to take painkillers  at the end of the day simply because ……..I’m soft, actually because my pyshio has told me to, My mental health is actually better than expected, but this is a very leaky boat, if I don’t get a pump to clear the bilges well lets see shall we, my chest has a slight pulse after any exertion, yes I still try to be a helpful member of society, but I am slowing down and I can’t figure out why, I’m breathless quickly, another reason why I can’t exercise like I want too, I know I’m going to get some stick for this blog I’m not whining, simply stating facts, my wife was a nurse who was injured on the job, thrown on the scrap heap and just left in the dust, she suffers in silence, with a lot worse than me.

I can fall asleep at the drop of a hat, I recently took an NHS questionnaire it said I have the heart of a 90 year old, hells bells I have I have[CI1]  never smoked, rarely drink and I have being trying to get to grips  with my weight on and off for the last 20 years, basically my health is a shit show, but as the songs “always look on the bright side of life” trust me you should listen to me when I don’t LOL!

As for the rest of things it is what it is life isn’t a bowl of cherries but you do have to get on, it would appear that I went off on a rant that’s not what I wanted but after running silent for six weeks I need to vent the bile as the next blog is number 600 so we need sweetness and lollipops for that one (something musical me thinks) I want to thank all the nice people who reached out, but I’m fine, well as good as I can be considering I’m a leaky boat! Things will get better I have to think that, if I don’t well let’s not go there, so spread the word like, whatever you do this is a new phase and I promise to keep the bile to a minimum, stay safe, stay alive, and I will be back again really soon! So, until then it’s simply………...TOODLES!


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