Monday 6 May 2024


Yes, the name game is in play!

Inertia is the tendency of objects in motion to stay in motion and objects at rest to stay at rest, unless a force causes its speed or direction to change. It is one of the fundamental principles in classical physics, and described by Isaac Newton in his first law of motion (also known as The Principle of Inertia). It is one of the primary manifestations of mass, one of the core quantitative properties of physical systems. it’s safe to say I’m not a happy camper at the moment!

The world feels like its spinning faster and I would appear to be the subject that is at rest, work, life just about everything has got me full stopped at the moment, Life as always is in a state of flux, and no matter what I seem to do, it simply doesn’t seem to help! it’s safe to say I’m not a happy camper at the moment!

Music has been a constant and this blog was meant to be a four on the floor, however my brain keeps taking me off in flights of fancy, a lot of ideas however none of them formed enough to take part of any semblance of help. it’s safe to say I’m not a happy camper at the moment!

Work has simply been work, too much to do and simply nowhere near enough time to complete things, with too many people playing politics as senior people are leaving and people are jockeying for position before the seat is even cold, I like work I like my job, but I think in reality I have had enough, I simply want to do the work to the best of my ability, unfortunately the team I work for seem to be standing alone, simply because nobody else wants to, enough said, its safe to say I’m not a happy camper at the moment!

My health is really shit I work and then snooze at odd times of the day, my knees are crumbling however I have started the process, to get to see a doctor, it’s probably about 6 months down the line if I’m lucky and my diabetes is kicking my ass like I have Mike Tyson chewing on my ear, it’s safe to say I’m not a happy camper at the moment!

Life itself is a ball ache, only because I feel as though I’m drowning not waving, I feel as though at nearly sixty years of age that I still do not know how to help the family with their issues, and while I try, I really do try, I’m not 100% sure that I’m helping, as I continue to blunder through life. it’s safe to say I’m not a happy camper at the moment!

The blog, the one thing that I thought I had got to grips with, is simply laughing in my face, mocking me, just when I think that I have a good idea, doubt and mistrust are the two hellhounds that have turned a number of these blogs to ash, it’s safe to say I’m not a happy camper at the moment!

If I’m honest I feel as though I’m angry with myself, for all of the above, I bounce through life with enough issues to sink a battleship, simply ignoring them in the vain hope that they will go away, at some point I will have to take the bull by the horns and tackle it, it’s safe to say I’m not a happy camper at the moment!

What’s that got to with the blog who knows, all I know is that I’m a lot happier for spewing some bile, I’m going to try harder for the family, for work and just about everything else in my life, health wise I think I’m fucked, but I have no intention of letting the Bastardo grind me down, I intend to pick myself up and kick some ass, probably mine just to get through life, it’s safe to say I’m not a happy camper at the moment!

As for music I intend to play a damn sight more (and I have played a lot) I should probably avoid the album that the blog title comes from as it’s a tad bleak but a great wall of noise that has kicked me in the seat of my pants, its safe to say I ain’t beat yet!

There you go, log jam cleared, so watch the skies for incoming, there will be another one soon the numbers have been great hopefully if I can give my head a shake the blog should simply get better, keep spreading the disease, onwards and upwards, stay safe and stay alive until the next blog……………Toodles!

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