Friday 4 August 2023

Man Plans, God Laughs!


Honestly this is a Bob free zone!

Do you ever get the feeling that we are just a joke for the amusement for the man upstairs with the big beard, just when you think its all good in the hood, he takes another swing at you, let me explain!

My mother went through some traumatic pregnancies, we found out later although me and my brother were born under strained circumstances, she lost three girls in-between us, she picked herself back up and he laughed!

I was a sickly child for the first five years of my life, lots of medicine for little things and a couple of surgeries, I got back up and he laughed!

My parents got divorced 42 years ago, at a time when it was virtually unheard of, me and my brother took some shit for it (kids can be cruel) we went with the flow then had our revenge when the same kids who gave us shit, got it back in spades and we were the bad people (I still hold a grudge) , I got back up and he laughed!

School was a shit show some people (teachers and pupils alike) liked me some didn’t , I wasn’t the brightest bulb in the box but I wasn’t the dumbest either it might have helped if some of the teachers taught, I was slow (I still am) at maths but the teachers were crap until I got a new teacher in the third year and from being 26th out of 30th (I was consistent) this teacher got me to be 5th out of 30, simply because he took the time to teach me and point me in the right direction, the next year back to the original teacher and straight back to my previous position, , I got back up and he laughed!

I wanted to join the army from the age of five, my whole life it’s what I wanted they were the best days of my life, yes you can see what was coming, medically discharged, with no plan B to fall back on,  , I got back up and he laughed!

I then stumbled by fluke into music, and I had four good years before someone threw in a curve ball, I know if I had been a tad more mature I might have survived this, however I wasn’t so I crapped out again, , I got back up and he laughed!

I got married at the age of 19, this one I don’t blame anybody but myself, I was trying to be a knight in shinning armour, more like a muppet, it was going great until we got it blessed in a church (its out there in the blogs……I think) she wasn’t honest, if she had of been we could have parted as easily as we came together, maybe god did have a hand in it, I got back up and he laughed!

My mother had a run of bad luck health wise, a stroke, and in reality her life dragged on for another 18 years, she never complained, I got bitter towards the church, a blog all in itself , a one for when I wish to vent my spleen, , I got back up and he laughed!

Then for the next five years there seems to have been a kind of truce, it would appear he was picking on somebody else for a change, but I still kept on my toes , just waiting for the shit to happen, maybe that was his plan all along, , I got back up and he laughed!

I got  a job at a shopping centre and I had to put up with a bully, to be honest nothing he did made me mad, I won every time simply because he was stupid, as all bullies are I suppose, I waited 19 years and I nailed him solidly when I became a senior manager and made him work for a living, to be truthful most of the things he did were down right criminal, so again maybe just maybe, I got back up and he laughed!

I met the wife and over the years there were multiple curveballs, which we batted away and kept fighting our way up the hill, far too many to mention in this small missive, some of them have been mentioned in some of the earlier blogs, , I got back up and he laughed!

I discovered blogging and I finally discovered something (and I have no idea why) that made me kind of happy, then I had the redneck infestation, I thought it was all over, death threats and the FBI getting involved, anyhoo we finally got it sorted without me going into witness protection, I got back up and he laughed!

The wife has always had pets, I haven’t, but I have enjoyed the babies we have had over the years, but they have all been cruelly snatched away, , I got back up and he laughed!

I turned 40 and then my body started to drop to bits, and it’s the longest amount of suffering,  I was reasonably fit, were as now I’m reasonably fat (whoops) I’m not as big as I was but I seem to be stuck at 17 stone, no wonder my knees are goosed, , I got back up and he laughed!

Friends have come and gone I rarely and I mean rarely see any of the people who were a big part of the first 26  years of my life, no falling out just we drifted, but on the plus side I have some lovely new (well for the past 32 years) friends and we both do miss them all dearly, but we have cunning plans going forward, , I got back up and he laughed!

Bad luck does seem to habit of following me around, I know there’s a song in there somewhere, as I get older I seem to be taking it in my stride, sometimes, but things seem to be consistently going wrong, I got back up and he laughed!

We lost a grandson to cancer that was a shit time, again religious nuts who I worked with avoided me as they knew how bad I would have raged at them, “its gods way” bollocks he’s up there with Rolf and Jimmy then , I got back up and he laughed!

My walking is suffering, today I have walked 21000 steps, tomorrow I will suffer, even  the little task of trying to catch a bus, something when I was fit wasn’t an issue, now I shake my head and sometimes I want to be angry, but I do my best to simply go with the flow, , I got back up and he laughed!

This isn’t about being mad at the world and everything, I was simply sat on the bus this morning and I didn’t want to lose the thread, and the thought popped into my brain, and it percolated all day so much that I simply couldn’t wait to put pen to paper, yes I still do put pen to paper simply so that what flowed through my brain that seems to be fun, I hope this hasn’t been to bad, it was better in my head this morning, I have no idea how it has translated I simply hope its better than how I am reading it now, I’m still standing, I’m not giving up neither is the wife who is still having some weepy moments but she’s getting better with each passing day! Cunning plans are abound, I have booked us a holiday, that’s the new credit card melted, more news on that in the coming weeks, it’s a big holiday, we are getting on the big silver bird, more to come soon!

 The name  game is in play and yes I am in a good place my knees aren’t, but hey ho worse things happen sea, more to come so stay safe, stay alive and spread the word, until the next one ………….Toodles!

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