Friday, 3 April 2020

I Am A Camera

Have I ever explained that I hate technology, that I am a luddite, I’m ok if I’m shown how to do something but don’t give me a set of technology instructions, I will simply have a major strop and destroy said piece of equipment, as was nearly evidenced when work recently sent me a new Apple iPhone (I’m an android baby) thankfully the wife was on hand to sooth my fevered brow, to point me in the right direction and wave something shiny my way to keep me distracted while she sorted the issue(as she always does).

I’m not a huge fan of my photograph being taken either its like some kind of voodoo, me silly hell yeah! In reality I doubt that my picture count gets up into triple digits (apart from the set I did with the wife with the wonderful Chris Harrison)my wife complained that she had hardly any photos of me (why is that a problem) other than that, family, piss up’s etc I generally feel that I have the face for radio, even official work ones don’t get into double digits and when you consider the fact that I am part of the senior management team, that’s no mean feat!

It’s the wife that keeps trying to drag me into the modern age (not the middle ages) with streaming and the such like, I only skype for work, but not with the camera turned on, who knew I was camera shy, many people over the years have tried to drag me into the camera’s eye, although I do try to play nice I simply don’t get it, even when I’m stood there with two fingers saluting the camera they still insist on taking the bloody thing, what is with the need to be perpetually in the view of the world. I have two pictures that I like of me and they are both natural, one with the wife and one with me in the arms of another woman (thankfully one of the wife’s friends) I’m simply not that photogenic.
I struggle with new things some people claim I was born too late, and I will admit that if it wasn’t for the wife I would probably live in a cave, with music I love the physical copies I hate downloads, if truth be known I prefer vinyl, but hey ho that ship has sailed, I can kind of live with CD’s but downloads pfft, I get that its easier to transport but I like what I like, go sue me!

I do like digital photography, simply because again I’m crap with technology, at least you don’t have to wait 5 days and spend a fortune to see that all of your pictures were shit, I know my pictures are crap I have no intention of printing them I like the idea of pointing and pressing, I have no idea about apertures and stuff, I know some very talented people who publish some awesome pictures I would be jealous if I thought I could something half as good, I can’t and yes I can live with it.

So there you go a small blog just to keep the river flowing as I veer towards number 500, the last blog did really good numbers although some of you thought I was a bit of a lout, no I was a drunken lout, well I was actually quite well mannered but a total piss head something I never denied, I did not do it on purpose I have only ever puked with drink about six times in my life (the last time about twelve years ago and a blog all in itself) and two of them were at a john Waite Gig, damn I know some people who do that in a night!

My intention is to keep the next couple short and sweet, as I am working on a historical one that means an awful lot to me and it could end up being quite large, it will be here sooner rather than later, the name game last week was won by Suki from Goteborg in Sweden who actually sent me the complete lyric as its her  fave song (we all have a cross to bear I suppose my dear) yes as always the name game is still in play, so keep on doing whatever you have been doing as the numbers have been all good in a positive kind of groove, so watch the skies for more incoming, I mean what the hell else have I got to do with myself, well apart from playing a lot more music than usual (I know I laughed at that one as well)I will only publish once the previous one stops getting read, I know I have set myself up for a right kicking haven’t I LOL. As it happens I have got a great idea for another blog while I was typing this one up, it’s cool my brain is ticking over(for once) So stay safe and lets get through this madness, until the next one………Toodles!

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