Sunday 12 August 2018

The Mystical Potato Head Groove Thing.

Ok so it had been all quiet on the western front and G was away on a mission on the utmost secrecy, even Cookie didn’t know where he was allegedly he was deep cover somewhere in the old Soviet Bloc he was armed and extremely dangerous .......ok so he gone for a boys week of surfing in Cornwall but the other stuff sounded better! we still decided to have ago for a drinkie and for a change we decided to go to the Brit instead of our usual haunt there was only the four of us, so as always the wife was running on her own time zone and all though I did encourage her (shout) it was to no avail and when we finally got there after picking E up we got through the door and poor SMOR was sitting there all forlorn. 
We got ourselves an alcoholic beverage and sat and generally chatted amongst ourselves enjoying the banter as we normally do, a few more drinks and a decision to move venues just across the road to the Maltings an ok pub but upstairs and being buoyed by drink I jogged up the stairs like the crippled person that I am, I wasn’t overly enamoured by the prices either but we soldiered on but the atmosphere was also a drag and we wanted to fun so we headed back to the Brit and that’s when it happened time stood still and all other things in the universe ceased to matter we were obviously missing G as we all started to talk like him (nobody can walk like him certainly not me with my knees) and so we decided that we had to get the word “Potato” into every single sentence, utterance anything we were naming fave CD’s such as Dark side of the Potato by Potato Floyd you can guess what went on which even now I wouldn’t dare to put anything further as the space time continuum would rupture and spew “potato’s” everywhere. Needless to say we all nearly needed an ambulance and a team of specialists for heart and brain surgery cos we chuckled so much, I like the fact that we all channelled G so much that we were all nearly carted off to the loony bin ah well all good things do sometimes need to come to a close….well not quite!

The week returned to normal (well as normal as we actually allow it) frivolity soon raised its head with the sending of various photographs of you guessed it “potato’s” I even set up a page on Farcebook for The Potato Liberation Army yes even at my advancing years I still like to be just a tad silly.  On the Thursday SMOR got us in to see The Union Actually that was a story in itself as we met up in The Mile Castle in Newcastle for a pint and a bite to eat, Curry being the order of the night the wife wasn’t too happy because she knew I would be loaded for bear afterwards but she smiled sweetly and got on with it, we weren’t to bothered about the support bands (it must be an age thing because when I was younger I wanted to see everybody) so we wandered up with about 10 minutes to spare annoyed to see that it was upstairs and that it was sold out (the band deserved it but in the interests of safety it should have been moved downstairs because it was a disaster zone) me and the wife decided to head back down the stairs and sit and listen to the great music, I tend to agree with SMOR that’s as big as they are going to get a great band but rock music is dead at least in it’s present form we headed out the doors early took SMOR home well we did have to have a cheeky drink in the “Wouldhave” well we would have been naughty not to call in we were only being social able honest…..

We dropped SMOR off and headed off into the darkness heading back to that mythical land where potatoes live wild and free without fear of being stripped naked and smashed to bits ok I lie but it does sound like a heavenly place, a dream that might one day be a reality and not a pipe dream of a lunatic Russian billionaire intent on freeing our beloved “pomme de terre” damn I have started talking in tongues somebody get this boy a doctor or a drink ......actually I prefer the second one but if it has to be the first one can it be a female one and pretty as well ooops time to move on

So the week came to a juddering halt work beckoned and I was looking at 10 days on nightshift doing Christmas decorations at work I wasn’t happy I wasn’t even pretending to be happy it’s the one part of my job that I hate, but it did mean that I could take the time to catch up on as much work as I possibly could, not that ever goes to plan obstacles and diversions always get thrown in the way but hopefully with a bit luck these would be navigated to a satisfactory result.

Well what happened to all the “potatoes”  I hear you ask well that really would be telling I have a feeling that this potentially could run and run so watch this space or even the stars because you never know when the Potato liberation Army will strike ready to strike fear where ever a potato lives in fear and oppression ..... Ok I need my meds now and I need to lie down in a darkened room but don’t say that you haven’t been warned

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