Sunday, 25 February 2018

Here There & Yonder.

Damn when did getting old get to be so easy, life keeps running past me and it keeps slapping me on the back of the head hard…………………. Damn Hard!

Work has kept me just a little bit occupied these last couple of weeks, not a complaint just stating a fact and I am so worn out when I finally get home that I have little strength to do anything except cook the evening meal and then blink for long periods of time.

Its just me and the Mrs in the house we haven’t even had the Hurricane in a long while, that will change soon especially when his new brother comes along, I miss the kids being in the house they have a tendency to keep you young, even when the youngest comes home from university it perks you up just a little bit and these days boy do I need a little perking up!

I could do with a visit to the Tee Hee Club, it has been way too long since we visited the Shields massive, but cunning plans are afoot I’m sure they will be happy to see us once finally get there! As for cunning plans I have a few starting to simmer (blog wise). although I haven’t posted anything of late, I have teamed up with a local bus company so there should be at least along all together, well we will see!

Finally, winter is coming to an end (only 20 feet of snow forecast for this week) and I can but hope that the sap will rise along with some will power to get these blogs ship shape and published, I’m simply firing from the hip for this one so that there is something out there, as I would like to keep my powder dry for upcoming ones. There is no name game for this blog, no its not an obscure Led Zeppelin song it’s a comment my youngest made on a radio interview she did earlier in the week (she’s a star did you not know this) like I said I miss my kids so when I found out she was going to be interviewed, I couldn’t wait to hear it, but I didn’t recognise the voice coming out from the speakers so posh and so adult like where has my little girl gone? And then in the middle of the interview she came out with the words I’m using for the title, damn how I laughed, I better be careful she could end up picking my nursing home until then …………..Toodles!

Sunday, 11 February 2018

Like a Satelitte

You wanted historical, don’t say I don’t give you lot what you want, are you all sitting ……ah who gives a fuck, here goes anyway!

Back in 1983 I was a raging ball of hormones and dreams, I wanted to be a singer and nobody had the heart to tell me otherwise (pfft call yourselves friends) actually I wasn’t too  bad to start with, I just didn’t really know what I was doing, breathing all over the place and it would appear that I could be as pitchy as hell, but I tried and I tried and if you hadn’t guessed it yet I kept on trying.

At the same time I was getting into writing in a big way and I could pull lyrics quite simply out of the hat or thin air if you wanted them from there, I wrote on a regular basis with the same group of friends, people who were excellent, who could write music as easy as falling off a log, but words they struggled, some of it was comical some of it was……..erm lets just move on, I soon became the go to guy, I could turn it out like the flip of the coin, and even if I say so myself I was pretty damn good, I got a publishing deal really quick, and I was making some good money, it was in the music business, so I was happy, but I kept plugging away, what I really wanted was to be a singer!

One of the bands I wrote with was a band called Satellite from the Durham area who soon got a fantastic gig playing support to major US stars who were contracted to play US Forces sites , if I had to say what were they like I would say that they were probably a cross between Wild Horses and UFO, I liked them, they had a great singer called Steve Newton who was awesome, never over reached himself and never missed a gig……well nearly never missed a gig , he always knew how to get your throat back on form and he did genuinely try to help me, now the guys had a showcase coming up and Steve went down with Tonsillitis, a severe case of it blue flashing lights and all that Jazz.

The guys had 9 days and they tried out a couple of guys who were good but they just went  through the motions, simply because they knew it was Steve’s gig, at the second set of auditions for a stand in guy they wanted to do a song called “I don’t want to be here” (how apt) but it’s a rocker with a tricky lyric and this guy simply couldn’t get it so I ran through the song with the guys and it wasn’t bad, I was just trying to prove that it wasn’t as hard as he was making it. Anyway, a break was called and a “thanks but no thanks” was delivered, and then I was asked if I wanted to give it a go ……………. erm do bears shit in the woods? Now the issue that I had was that I didn’t have a big range, so some of the songs had to be dropped, instead of the hour they planned we dropped the set to around 40 minutes and then we got down to rehearse, we did four days around ten hours a day, some of it at peoples house and then about four of those in Witton Gilbert Club, with lights and a couple of ramps the showcase was going to be done on a Sunday morning and the people were coming to us.

The first couple of days were me simply stood trying to remember the bloody words , which in reality should have been easy as I wrote all of the words to every song they ever wrote, go figure, but I have to admit it’s a habit I have had since I started writing something that I haven’t been able to shake, I purposely forget so I don’t repeat lines when writing lyrics, there was me thinking I was being clever, it has lead to a couple of embarrassing moments, the worst when Candice Night shoved a microphone into my face when Blackmore’s Night were playing York Opera house me and my brother front row shouting for obscure songs , bugger me they only go and do Temple of the fox and well Candice thinks that I want to sing, hahaha I don’t know the words, thankfully my brother came to the rescue, any way as usual I digress, back to the story in hand!  so I was really frustrated but I was managing to do an alright job, by Friday night I was about 60% there and I was enjoying myself, that was the breakthrough, we had one last run through on the Friday night and then decided to do a full dress rehearsal on the Saturday afternoon, we would have the club to ourselves due the fact that there was a local grudge football match on, so we could do what we wanted , Saturday Morning arrived and we all sat and decided what we were going to do, where we would stand, What lights were going to be used, you know all the things a band does it would seem, after the club had cleared, we got sorted, lights out, intro tape running and away we went, I fluffed the second song (I sang the verses the wrong way around the band didn’t notice ……I did though) but we all had fun, we all ran around as though it was Wembley Stadium not a working men’s club in the north of England, then just like that it was over before it had begun and the lights went up, and my bottom dropped out because sat at the back of the room were 25 of my nearest and dearest who had come to offer support (OMG) I was deeply shocked, however I got some positive remarks, but behind everybody was Steve looking the picture of health and he claimed that he was better (bastard).

The guys asked me if I minded if he had a blow (erm fuck yes/no) and although he wasn’t 100% he was 100% better than me, I tried my best to be the good loser that I patently wasn’t, it was at that point I noticed the fuck off big video camera set up by the mixing desk, “did you record me” “erm ………. No”, I have yet to see a copy of the set that we ran through, but it is out there, hopefully it will disappear like all the other bits and pieces that disappear into the great ether, how did it go for the guys? Well great they got the deal that they wanted, signed to a big-time agency and a proper management team …………. And then died a death, too many people involved, it worked so much better when they looked after themselves, the band limped on right up until about 1990, it all fell apart with the death of John Case and Steve Ridley, we all fell apart then, people took sides and we all went our separate ways (another blog when I can do  it justice)the band broke up, members died, got religion, sex, drugs and sausage rolls!

As for me I continued on my writing and made a living for a few more years with some really diverse artists, everything from pop to dance and ballads, basically anything that paid the bills, I kept trying, with friends far and wide then in 1986 the world turned to poop and I went down with exactly the same thing that Steve did with the exception they wouldn’t take my bloody tonsils out and my throat was shredded on a regular basis (to this day I suffer virtually every other week and they still won’t take them out) and I really struggled to hold a note, once again friends were too kind to say (STOP) I struggled on rehearsing with various people, but never completing line ups, the last attempt was when one of my good friends asked me if I would like to “Jam” with a Guitarist and a Bass player who were up and coming, so we did and I went off on one, improvising lyrics repeating lines and being incredibly self-indulgent, I have no idea what any of them thought, however I just knew that it was the end of the road for me, I hung my head in shame and vowed never to attempt to sing again, late 1987 I went down with a severe ear infection that rendered me more tone deaf than I had been before, my singing career was well and truly over, I don’t care that I wear glasses, I’m bald and not exactly Tom Cruise in the body department, I used to love wandering around the house singing to what I was playing, the one thing I wish I could do was sing, its something that gives me enjoyment, now I don’t mean a world class stadium filling crooner, just so that I can carry a tune for my own enjoyment, I still own a bootleg from Newcastle Riverside and my brother was ripping the piss at some individual who was singing along with Ian Gillan with a little known (at the time ) Deep Purple B side with the riposte “Fuck Gillan sings better than the guy in the crowd” I never had the heart to say “erm that’s your little brother” I would never have lived it down, ah well I’m sure I will find something that I can do…………..Toodles!

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Magic Bus

People really do not like their personal space invaded, you only need to travel by plague carrier (public transport boys and girls) to get a better insight into the human condition.

I do travel on a regular basis by plague carrier and at times I indulge in bus seat bingo from time to time (ok most days if I’m in the mood), I am not going to go into detail (again) here  as I do believe I covered it a number of times in the blogs , People really do like their own little world the way that people sit by themselves until they have no other option but to (shock horror) have to actually sit with another human being, some of the tricks to try and keep the seat to themselves is funny , well it would be if it wasn’t so sad.

Having said that I must either look like Ted Bundy (or is it Al) or simply the nutter on the bus, it’s very rarely that anybody sits next to me and I do none of the usual tried and trusted methods to keep the seat to myself. I don’t do the man slide whereby I try to slide and spread over as much of the seat as possible, I don’t do the bag seat where the bag is put next to me and encroaches into the other seat, I have to admit if anybody does this one, I make a bee line to sit on the offending article, the only thing that I will avoid is a crusty, smelly person, even with my sense of smell (quite poor) I’m not a fan.

Old people you think would enjoy the company, hell no they are the worst offenders, travelling homeward bound is a ghastly nightmare, I think if I was to pass my driving test (hahahahahaha) I would miss all of the weirdos and funny people, I wouldn’t miss the charvas and the knackers that do populate the afternoon and night services, but all people by and large I would say on public transport are anti-social, they simply do not want their space invaded , there is a guy who gets on my bus on a regular basis who will not sit next to anybody except blondes (surely I’m not the only person to have noticed) actually most of the girls tend to sit in a pack at the back of the bus, so yes maybe they have noticed, he really does make your flesh crawl!

The people who sit in the outside seat with nobody in the window seat who spit out their dummies when you state that you want to sit in the seat next to them (well it is empty). They sulk for the bulk of the journey simply because you ask them to twist in the seat, I suppose i could always sit in your lap! the school kids who bounce around like rubber balls full of Ritalin if they aren’t on it they bloody well should be! The people who have pushchairs who think that they have a divine right to the seated area at the front, yes they do have an equal right to be on the bus but for god’s sake work out when the buses will be empty so that there is not a screaming match, the unhelpful staff, who in all honesty have probably been abused all day every day, but that is the nature of the job, I will say that the staff are getting to be so much better,  most  of the grumpy guts have retired and shuffled off to the great Bus Depot in the sky, I can’t wait until I retire so that I never have to spend over 2 hours a day with grumpy types!

Short and sweet is the order of the day  and what was in my head this morning, as always it was much funnier when it’s in there, no little black book to note my thoughts  I envisaged a much larger blog with all of the idiosyncrasies of the populations of the various  wagons heading to and from Gimpsville, watch the skies …..Incoming and until the next plague carrier …….Toodles