Hello, it’s
been a while I know, but I had so many cunning plans then life stepped in front
of me and slapped me right in the face, I had to have a rethink, it has taken a
while, but at least I’m still here and here is the cunning plan for today!
So, I had a
blog written called “Fresh Horses” detailing my intention for the coming weeks
of blogging, then I ran into technical difficulties in the computer world and
then as I said life slapped the bitch right out of me. My get up and go simply
got up and ran, that way, I still haven’t caught up to it, God help us all when
I do as I shall be writing up a storm! So many plans and not enough spirit to
deal with it.
I had a
slight medical emergency, in so much that the Dr I was asking for advice
actually did something about it and sent me straight to the hospital, a couple
of hours talking to various medical people it was decided it was potentially an
issue with my heart ( I do have one) it was finally decided that I should have
a stress test, however because of my knees they were going to have to medically
induce it (OOOOPS!).
came and went and although it was a pleasant affair it was a little subdued,
the wife was still having issues, and I was mired in my own little world of……
well, to be honest I was feeling sorry for myself, the new year arrived the
same as the old one (decidedly shite) but we tried our best, back to work to
find out that potentially over 200 of us were/are facing redundancy, just
another to add to the list of shite, legal issues were still dragging on, and I
finally went for the dreaded “Stress test” it was a weird sensation as they
ramped up my heart to 136 beats per minute (it’s been a while) and keeping like
that for what felt like the longest time (probably no longer than 5 minutes)
and then home to mope around the house it seems I can be quite good about that!
I was still
attempting to be a rock for the wife, I wasn’t doing too bad, but I think the
attempt can be filed under “can do better” all the while I was missing
writing/blogging, but I simply didn’t have the urge, I was still making notes
and was tempted to simply post the aforementioned blog (Fresh Horses) but
something made me hang back, I was still trying to get the wife out of the
house, I might just have to use dynamite, we shall see. I have kept my head
down and simply played a lot of music read a few books and watched a lot of
classic movies, so life hasn’t been all that bad, again the hunger was there to
write but I still didn’t do any, I got my initial results back from the
hospital that discounted a number of things, but not angina, here we are
heading into March, 6 weeks after the test still with the issue, probably with
the condition a little worse but no definitive answer, you cant ring them as
there is no number to the person I need to speak to, I have a week’s leave
coming up let’s see what I can do then if I haven’t heard (pfft as if).
And that
really is that I have had a couple of people asking me if everything was ok (no
I died…..only kidding)which was nice, it did help, a little bit, so today I’m
working from home, I’ve had a little light lunch and decided I had to have a go
at this, my intention is to keep my powder dry blog wise as I truly don’t know
what my intention towards the blog is, if we had a social life that might help
and then I could go back to writing in code about the exploits of friends and I
wish the Tee Hee Club (that would be so good) could ride again.
I haven’t posted since the end of November the blog seems to be doing ok as
there has been nearly 1000 hits, I know I will have to start and rebuild the
readership, who knows if I get made redundant I might just finally write the
great novel( erm no) things are decidedly pap at the moment but we will not be
beaten, this will be a better year than last year, it simply has to be! Will I post
Fresh Horses? I might revamp it and I could still yet do the holiday one as I still
have all of my notes, so until next time (and it will be a damn site quicker
than this one has been) stay safe stay alive and I will be back soon…………………….
And yes the name game is in play!
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