Monday 1 August 2022

Set the controls for the heart of the sun.

So the (digital) world went sideways ever so slightly, Farcebook lived up to its name in spectacular style, I was banished time and time again, it was saying I was posting images that broke their (Stalinist) views, I wasn’t but their computer was saying I was, I was then being told I was being hacked so I had to change my password (11 times and counting) to be honest it broke my addiction, I went off and had a life, I saw that there was daylight and butterflies and stuff!

Books and many music magazines came back to the fore, and I discovered this thing called a “TV” mainly for films and the odd documentary (and yes some of them were indeed odd) I re-joined  (ok just the wife)the family and it has been a wonderful time, I played some music (ok lots) and although I did (as per usual) start a few ideas including a four on the floor blog, I decided a break was needed, my writing had become stale(so I thought) and I sat back and concentrated on other things that some people say that you have too.

The youngest moved out to her first flat, the world kept turning and I kind  of went with the flow, now that’s not to say that it wasn’t without its issues (mainly medical) but we kind attempted to sort out our empty nest, cunning plans were afoot, and then again the world tilted, the Hurricane came to stay so things generally ground to a halt as we adapted to his curious foibles, nothing too bad just different, strange having a “child” in the house and I like it in a strange way, we do indeed clash from time to time, but I would do anything to help him, he just needs to recognise it!

Still, I went without contact with the digital world and if I am honest I really enjoyed it, I finally reclaimed my Farcebook account, simply so that people realise that I’m not the misery I have painted myself out to be (ok I am who am I trying to kid? Mainly myself) but I think the damage has been inflicted so its time to stick to twitter and potentially Instagram, although I simply post obscure things there, no change there then I hear you all shout, numbers have been good across the board, with 66 views yesterday alone, its never going to pay the bills, but some of you seem to still enjoy it! Go figure, I can’t, and I write this drivel LOL.

So here comes yet another (false) dawn as I again attempt to keep to a direct course to you the discerning readers, the intention is to do the same as I have already indicated, I will endeavour to do definitely two blogs a month with an occasional Q&A session thrown in for good measure, has anything really changed? Well other than a smashed tooth and an addiction to Kit Kats and a new hedge trimmer (I have gone for a battery operated one as i was sick of cutting the cable on my previous one) and a new bathroom being fitted as I type this, no I don’t suppose it has changed, the house is still upside down, but I’m here and I’m raring to go in a blog kind of way!

So, I have set the controls in a solid direction (yes the name game is in play and is soooooo easy) once more into the breach and all of that malarky, so watch the skies, keep spreading the disease, click, press like or whatever you lot do this kid is back in the game and until the next time………Toodles!

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