Sunday 28 January 2018

Family Business

Hello and welcome to the first blog of 2018, a low profile has been the order of the day and not because of me having a strop, let me explain.

Its not just me who has had some serious health issues, but the wife has also been drowning and not waving, she was scheduled to have an operation in the first week of December but we knew it would ruin Christmas, so she elected to have it done at the beginning of the year, I have been sat in a nurses uniform for the first couple of weeks of recovery (I know not a pretty thought) however I had to go back to work this week and well lets just say I'm not as young as I used to be. Work has got me battered  as I had a huge allergic reaction on Friday night and simply slept the whole night through from around about seven in the evening, the wife says it's stress, I claim it's my diabetes, whatever it is it keeps kicking my butt and it's getting worse not better!

So although I wanted to write there was literally no time for me to do so, the wife although still in recovery and the going is a lot slower than anticipated, I find myself stealing a couple of minutes here and there, she still has a long way too go and I intended to blog before the end of the month, this has been a most frustrating time, who would have known.

This is simply a short but sweet little thing just to prove i'm still alive and to say thank you to the 28083 (a huge surge from the previous year) people who last year took the time to read the blog, (WTF) thank you one and all, you have made this old man quietly happy(not that I would ever express open feelings of gratitude) I do intend to blog a bit more but life needs to resume an orderly fashion so it will be hitty missy for the next month or so, it all depends on the patient, as work just has me totally bogged down, its simply what happens if there is nobody to cover for you if you take long periods of time off.

So there you go in and out like the royal marine commando's of the second world war, in and out and take no prisoners, thank you for waiting (lets see if those numbers show that) things will get back to an even keel as soon as possible, so keep spreading the disease and watch the skies , I'm sure we will have incoming soon, but until then ...............Toodles!

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