This morning as I sit here typing I feel fragile, not for any real reason just I feel like broken biscuits in the bottom of the barrel, too much time on my hands (yeah right), I'm actually sitting typing this without a title in mind so it could get messy, well you know my style I might just wander off subject altogether!
The week has been an interesting one both personally wise and work, well to be honest its been a bit of a whirlwind, lots going on not least I started my treatment which was.................wait for the book and buy the fecker hahahahaha, lets say the next appointment might be the interesting one, just watch this space! work has been manic, I know I always say it is but it was notched up a number of notches, a number of times I had to stop and smell the roses, I seem to be taking it quite in my stride but some others are suffering, so a pit stop to gather the troops and give inspiration for them to head onwards has taken up a lot of my time, time I can ill afford but I'm not one to see people struggle or for them to be left behind.....DAMMIT I'm a member of the Tee Hee Club we never leave a member behind. I'm a firm believer in Karma so I believe do a good deed it gets repaid, well not always but its not in my nature not to lend a helping hand whether its requested or not.
Then the youngest got the offer of a job on Skye (WTF) acting in the new .....well lets keep it stum, a new film with some serious actors, the only thing was she had to get there and back and pay for her digs, bit much as she has used all of her meagre savings going to college and the such like, a cunning plan was needed which was soon in place which soon went south, but she got there after thirteen hours plus! we got her booked into a hostel give her some spending money, we managed to beat the shit out of my bank account (please say some prayers because there's some extreme fancy footwork taken place and I know it's going to bite me big style!) and rather then her spending the same the length of time coming home we decided to head up and get her, yes you heard right ........road trip!
Keeping contact was hard as mobile signals are hit and miss in that neck of the woods me and the wife set off on Friday morning and headed northwards in and out of the rain and .....well more rain actually! the scenery was beautiful and me and the wife went with the flow and the sat nav (ooops) well as the day got on we both commented how we hadn't really had any mishaps, big mistake we had followed the yellow brick road to the wrong point on our destination, it had only taken us to the ferry seventy miles in the wrong direction, so there's us thinking we had twenty minutes or so to go when in actual fact it was closer to three hours, cue a very frustrating drive now in total darkness in worsening weather conditions, was it a ghastly nightmare no we enjoyed the time together with no interruptions from the outside world (well almost) we finally made it to our destination and were looked after wonderfully, the kitchen closed but they cooked us something wonderful and we headed upstairs to our lovely spacious room and a soft bed (ZZZZZZ) yes you got it I was a sleep in seconds, who would have thought? and I slept what the hell it was great even after all the hours in the car we felt pretty good(ish). we went downstairs and ate our "Scottish" breakfast gathered ourselves with the promise we would be back for a slightly longer stay for ourselves and not the flying visit we just had, we gathered the youngest and two new"friends" and headed back to home.
The journey back was uneventful apart from one or two bridges (don't ask) and we headed west as opposed heading down the east coast (with all the bad weather that was forecast) we counted off the miles as we got home, the scenery was nice but not as nice as the east coast and the scenery that we saw leaving the island as we had sped through the previous night in total darkness was just jaw dropping, if you get the chance go visit the good people of Skye and just look upon the awesomeness of the island! it takes a long time to get there actually its quicker getting to the states but trust me a nice long weekend and a camera is all I wish for, I'm not normally impressed but this was out of this world.
Back to real life, and the crushing nature of imminent death (that was meant not be funny not depressing, I might need to work on my humour skills just a tad) life it seems needs my full attention as I have been broke many times in my life (and I probably will be again at some point in the future) I just can't remember being this damn broke! friends who haven't seen us, don't worry we are alive and (sort of ) well this is always a bad time of year for us, but honestly I joke about selling body organs if I thought it would make a difference I sure as hell would, and that's the blog and I didn't mention deer speeding arseholes or the mention of feral goats.....exactly! too much going on and a chapter to write at some point for the new book which is going (finally) in the right direction, but first I have shit loads of work to crack on with it, the world keeps spinning even if I take time to step off, if even for just a little time!
The name game at the moment is "retired" not enough interest of late with the numbers going south (still good just the regulars most of the Johnny Come Lately's have disappeared so maybe its time to try something slightly different, as always thanks to everybody who does indeed comment and pass "critique" just remember I plough my own furrow so it goes where it goes I'm not the captain of this damn ship so until next time watch the skies .....incoming........Toodles!
I'm a 60 + Teenager and I liked to write, so I did a blog and got some hits a couple of death threats, oh and a case officer from the F B I, I used to write mainly observational stuff, concerning people that come into my orbit, friends, family and work mates, its not rocket science nor is it meant to offend I'm a luddite living in a technological world.
Sunday, 23 February 2014
Saturday, 15 February 2014
Flying Colours
The Long Road starts here .....allegedly!
I know I have kept a really low profile here, but to be honest I have been basking in the glory of peeps who are new to the page and have been complimentary (aw shucks) about this here blog (WTF) lots to tell you so lets crack on. Work I really don't want to go there as it's in the realms of silliness I will come back to work in a little while but only for a slight detour, however in the main part I'm still waiting for the lottery win so I can retire to some where English and write for a (splutter) living! The wife hasn't been the picture of living health and I do wish I could weave some magic for her benefit, she may be a pain in the arse (sometimes) but she's my pain in the arse and I hate to see her down in the dumps (I know she married me what can I say) just something little, OK lets quit while I'm ahead, you all get the picture, hopefully!
So what else is there to write about well lets see? the new book which I have to admit I have steered clear from, other than to write and work out some ideas (what you think I just throw them together) but the feeling wasn't there so I didn't polish those small kernels of ideas, this weekend although I do have some work to do, my intention is to finish the chapter for January (only 15 days late) and start on the new one .....honest that's my intention.
Farcebook has been damn well strange, with a number of emails from the company itself stating that people have been trying to hack my account and at least two accounts where my pictures have been used to set up other false accounts, well if you can see this do something about it! it appears that this is a common occurrence so if you get any "new" requests from me ring me or drop me an email and I shall point you in the right direction, to be honest if you do get a request from me, delete it straight away, as I never ask people, just in case they blank me hahahahaha me Paranoid (yeah probably) the thing that gets me about this, is that this is about the tenth time it's happened, am I that interesting I think not. Most of the attempts seem to originate from Africa or South America trust me the fact that you live there makes your life a damn sight more interesting than mine! at least its not my friends from North America still looking to make my life hell.
The treatment has finally been given the go ahead, and I was like a giddy schoolboy with a hot date with the sexiest school teacher (too much information? ....probably) yeah lets change the subject, there have been many highs and lows since I requested help, not as many lows as there used to be and generally by just asking for help I think has been the most positive thing I have ever done, the proof is in the pudding (damn I always bring it back to food) I have a doctor to report to (qualified hells bells a real doctor) and a time and a place so it's time to get busy so to speak, watch this space will I be keeping you informed of what happens well in varying degrees, but its what the new book is about so you ain't going to get the honey!
Financially we are once again being dragged backwards towards the black hole that is life, the fact that we are a one wage family is soul destroying, I had to go away (see it always come back to work) for a meeting of like minded souls, I was told it was going to be something central for us all to get there, so guess where we went to yup we were actually 63 miles from the capital because allegedly that's the f***ing midlands, buy a map you witless twunts, I had issues with getting money back off the company previously, and with the black hole trying to suck me in I was concerned about going away, indeed the weekend before I had to go away I had a number of panic attacks thinking how the hell was I going to cover this with no savings whatsoever! thankfully I was offered a lift and my concern about wine guzzling autocrats and the cost being spread was my biggest concern (this happened to somebody the last time there was a jaunt away and it cost somebody who was teetotal nearly £60 - which I didn't have) crisis averted when the big cheese whipped out his credit card, I still only had one pint which I paid for (FOUR FECKING QUID) then drank water through the meal and was nearly the first one to bed, did I want to stay and have a drink, hell yeah, but the pennies were weak so off to bed I went, the next day was interesting watching people who had made pigs of themselves, the day was soon over but it took over seven hours to get back in possibly the worst travelling conditions ever, I need to buy some jelly babies by way of a thank you.....don't ask!
Once home in the loving arms of my family things spiralled out of control just a smidge when it was discovered that the youngest has to go away and participate in a new version of the "Scottish Play" currently being filmed with Michael Fassbender in the starring role, cue much gnashing of gums as again we duck and dive to work out how to do it financially, we do our best for our loved ones! cue a road trip and many machiavelian deeds as the means do indeed justify the deeds!
What to do next well in reality just live my life, I do feel as though it is travelling in the right direction for once, positivity is the key, so I'm told so I am trying to stop being a doubting Thomas, blogging and writing will being taking a more active role as I hope the treatment will indeed be a good thing, if you see me waltzing around with a stupid grin on my face it hasn't worked and the wife has loaded me up with loopy pills! the name game last time only three people tried even though it was a bloody easy one and the winner was Nils! who not only guessed it first gave me a potted history of the recording, well done bonny lad well done, one right out one hundred and ninety six isn't too bad, I hope you get this one as it is a song and not a band, I intend to nail my flying colours as I march forward I intend to be a better person not just for myself but for my family and friends, there are many people who are our friends and the wife and I haven't fallen off the edge of the earth, this is always a tough time of year for us, I know some of our friends have had a hard time this week and we are there for them as we love them deeply, we have not forgotten them and we know exactly what you are going through as we went through it just before Christmas, you know who you are if you need anything please don't hesitate to ask.
Hopefully with all the ducking and diving the Tee Hee club will resurface as we go to see a certain band in the Robbers might be under new management but the jury is still out, so there you go number three for the year and the gap will not be as long as this one for the next one as I feel the juices flowing (oo er missus) play nice and a special thank you to who ever is reading the blogs I have an idea, but the numbers have been solid (if not great) purely because of you guys, even the book website is getting fabulous hits (buy a book tightwads!) s here we go play nice and watch the skies here we go again..............Toodles!
I know I have kept a really low profile here, but to be honest I have been basking in the glory of peeps who are new to the page and have been complimentary (aw shucks) about this here blog (WTF) lots to tell you so lets crack on. Work I really don't want to go there as it's in the realms of silliness I will come back to work in a little while but only for a slight detour, however in the main part I'm still waiting for the lottery win so I can retire to some where English and write for a (splutter) living! The wife hasn't been the picture of living health and I do wish I could weave some magic for her benefit, she may be a pain in the arse (sometimes) but she's my pain in the arse and I hate to see her down in the dumps (I know she married me what can I say) just something little, OK lets quit while I'm ahead, you all get the picture, hopefully!
So what else is there to write about well lets see? the new book which I have to admit I have steered clear from, other than to write and work out some ideas (what you think I just throw them together) but the feeling wasn't there so I didn't polish those small kernels of ideas, this weekend although I do have some work to do, my intention is to finish the chapter for January (only 15 days late) and start on the new one .....honest that's my intention.
Farcebook has been damn well strange, with a number of emails from the company itself stating that people have been trying to hack my account and at least two accounts where my pictures have been used to set up other false accounts, well if you can see this do something about it! it appears that this is a common occurrence so if you get any "new" requests from me ring me or drop me an email and I shall point you in the right direction, to be honest if you do get a request from me, delete it straight away, as I never ask people, just in case they blank me hahahahaha me Paranoid (yeah probably) the thing that gets me about this, is that this is about the tenth time it's happened, am I that interesting I think not. Most of the attempts seem to originate from Africa or South America trust me the fact that you live there makes your life a damn sight more interesting than mine! at least its not my friends from North America still looking to make my life hell.
The treatment has finally been given the go ahead, and I was like a giddy schoolboy with a hot date with the sexiest school teacher (too much information? ....probably) yeah lets change the subject, there have been many highs and lows since I requested help, not as many lows as there used to be and generally by just asking for help I think has been the most positive thing I have ever done, the proof is in the pudding (damn I always bring it back to food) I have a doctor to report to (qualified hells bells a real doctor) and a time and a place so it's time to get busy so to speak, watch this space will I be keeping you informed of what happens well in varying degrees, but its what the new book is about so you ain't going to get the honey!
Financially we are once again being dragged backwards towards the black hole that is life, the fact that we are a one wage family is soul destroying, I had to go away (see it always come back to work) for a meeting of like minded souls, I was told it was going to be something central for us all to get there, so guess where we went to yup we were actually 63 miles from the capital because allegedly that's the f***ing midlands, buy a map you witless twunts, I had issues with getting money back off the company previously, and with the black hole trying to suck me in I was concerned about going away, indeed the weekend before I had to go away I had a number of panic attacks thinking how the hell was I going to cover this with no savings whatsoever! thankfully I was offered a lift and my concern about wine guzzling autocrats and the cost being spread was my biggest concern (this happened to somebody the last time there was a jaunt away and it cost somebody who was teetotal nearly £60 - which I didn't have) crisis averted when the big cheese whipped out his credit card, I still only had one pint which I paid for (FOUR FECKING QUID) then drank water through the meal and was nearly the first one to bed, did I want to stay and have a drink, hell yeah, but the pennies were weak so off to bed I went, the next day was interesting watching people who had made pigs of themselves, the day was soon over but it took over seven hours to get back in possibly the worst travelling conditions ever, I need to buy some jelly babies by way of a thank you.....don't ask!
Once home in the loving arms of my family things spiralled out of control just a smidge when it was discovered that the youngest has to go away and participate in a new version of the "Scottish Play" currently being filmed with Michael Fassbender in the starring role, cue much gnashing of gums as again we duck and dive to work out how to do it financially, we do our best for our loved ones! cue a road trip and many machiavelian deeds as the means do indeed justify the deeds!
What to do next well in reality just live my life, I do feel as though it is travelling in the right direction for once, positivity is the key, so I'm told so I am trying to stop being a doubting Thomas, blogging and writing will being taking a more active role as I hope the treatment will indeed be a good thing, if you see me waltzing around with a stupid grin on my face it hasn't worked and the wife has loaded me up with loopy pills! the name game last time only three people tried even though it was a bloody easy one and the winner was Nils! who not only guessed it first gave me a potted history of the recording, well done bonny lad well done, one right out one hundred and ninety six isn't too bad, I hope you get this one as it is a song and not a band, I intend to nail my flying colours as I march forward I intend to be a better person not just for myself but for my family and friends, there are many people who are our friends and the wife and I haven't fallen off the edge of the earth, this is always a tough time of year for us, I know some of our friends have had a hard time this week and we are there for them as we love them deeply, we have not forgotten them and we know exactly what you are going through as we went through it just before Christmas, you know who you are if you need anything please don't hesitate to ask.
Hopefully with all the ducking and diving the Tee Hee club will resurface as we go to see a certain band in the Robbers might be under new management but the jury is still out, so there you go number three for the year and the gap will not be as long as this one for the next one as I feel the juices flowing (oo er missus) play nice and a special thank you to who ever is reading the blogs I have an idea, but the numbers have been solid (if not great) purely because of you guys, even the book website is getting fabulous hits (buy a book tightwads!) s here we go play nice and watch the skies here we go again..............Toodles!
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