Sunday 17 April 2016

The Web

As some of you might know, I have long avoided having anything more than a simple social media presence. I am completely ignorant of all things Myspace, Bebo, Snapchat, and whatever other cyber forum the teenage cognoscenti has recently anointed. I know the Hash tag sign is a crucial element to communicating via Twitter, but have never personally tried it. More importantly, I don't feel like I'm missing anything. My life doesn't feel lesser for it. When I began these blogs all those years ago, I decided that they were a perfectly adequate way of communicating my personal thoughts on a large scale. Sure, they're a one-way communication, but I actually prefer that. My thinking was, and still is, that this world of ours already sends too many messages. Or perhaps consciousness, by its very nature, acquiesces to being barraged. Either way, my self-preservation seemed to demand digital inaccessibility. Or, to put it more simply, the only hater I can tolerate in my head is already in my head.

That’s not 100% right, let’s be honest I’m a luddite, I still prefer my food cooked on a cooker and not in a microwave, I still prefer a house phone to a mobile one, I prefer vinyl to a CD. I suppose this makes me a dinosaur a thing as a teenager me and my friends used to laugh at, do you want a hand with that cassette?  or whatever was the techno wizardry of the day, it would appear that life moves on but we as people do not (always).

I keep trying to pull myself up by my boot straps but it would appear that I continue to fall at the first hurdle no matter how hard I try, little things continue to trip me up, I don’t even have the common sense to go around and make a detour, I feel that in my life I’m either a shrinking violet (yes that’s right) or a bitter little man, both of which I don’t particularly care much for, I do keep trying to be a better person, but how many more times will I let my fingers continue to be beaten about the knuckles before I lose my grip, my nature is that I’m not jealous of anything what you may have in your life I wish you well with it, you have worked damn hard for what you have, but it seems at every turn things just go wrong, if I fell into a barrel of nipples I can guarantee I would come out sucking a thumb and probably won’t have been mine! Go figure, I’m not a jealous person but I work damn hard just to pay off my debts and my taxes, the junkies and scum have a better social life than us, mind you I always seem to sabotage myself on that front as well, well ok the wife helps from time to time (there’s that one rule for you and another for me) this is starting to sound like a rant but it’s not I’m not (that much of ) a thick person, but I just never seem to take the correct option, you know for a fact if this was the matrix I would have taken the wrong pill!

Again I’m retreating from the sunlight that gives life and shrinking into the dark that helps in the growth of self-doubt and all the other things that don’t help, I know that this is yet another temporary setback I have no intention of giving in I just need to know how to marshal my troops just a little more efficiently, that’s down to me and I will keep on plodding on, hopefully a little less darkness and a sprinkle of sunshine, the old cunning plans need to be thrown out and new ones started, so today I shall try and banish the clouds and step into the light, the rain has gone for the time being (mind you I do love the rain) so there’s the blog or should I say the blimp in the road not one of the best but certainly not the worst, the name game is back in play (this one should be so easy even for Nils) I’m already working on the next (hopefully happier) blog so keep spreading the disease (because the numbers have been wonderfully consistent) and I will invade your minds again soon, but until then Toodles!

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