Sunday, 12 March 2023

Looks That Kill.


I have simply been a busy bee, what with work, pulling the house to bits in preparation for the ongoing building works, the family and a multitude of other stuff, writing has unfortunately had to take a back seat, not because I want to, simply because life has been getting in the way, yesterday I decided I needed a little break, I decided to call to my previous place of employment for my quarterly fix of music from an ex colleague (874 albums but who’s counting).

First though I had to get there I wasn’t looking forward to the journey as it makes me melancholy (for some mundane reason) and I do still miss the place and some of the people but not the job (anymore) I was at my point of departure with time to spare (as always) I pissed the driver off straight away simply by paying for my fair with a ten pound note (bragging not me) and it would appear I took all of his loose change, oh dear, how sad, fuck off not my problem, ya whinging twunt! Bus drivers of late have been really good this is the first grumpy one I had seen in ages, I took great delight by staying in his line of sight and smiling at him with great delight.

What I had realised was that I had set in motion a cascade of chaos of biblical proportions, people started getting on and it appears that I had sat in someone’s seat, ha me with my reputation, who knew, by the time I got to the bottom of the hill, imagine my surprise when I spied Jabba the Hutt waiting, I hadn’t seen her in ages, it appears that she hasn’t missed me, I don’t remember the title but I have told you all previously about Bus Seat Bingo and the fun I had teasing her and “her” seat, I believe its called public transport for a reason, with gnashing of teeth she sat close behind me lasers burning into the back of my head, the journey got better as I bumped into somebody I hadn’t seen in over three years who sat next me and we gossiped all the way to the centre, thankfully he was staying on until the end of the line so I’m afraid Jabba wasn’t able to slide down bus into her favourite seat, lol it’s the simple things in life that cheered me up.

Onwards to the designated meeting place a cup of tea and a chin wag about a lot of nothing, music collected I set off to head home, bumping into old tenants who actually missed me and I did answer a couple of queries, because I’m helpful and I want them to be as awkward as I can to my former employers (just quote the legislation and they cant do sod all to you bless them) some staff who actually seemed pleased to see me (no I’m not coming back) and then a long slow ride home on an empty bus, that’s the luck of the draw, but I enjoyed it like a slow boat off the coast of China, I simply sat and enjoyed the scenery, soon I was home awaiting the youngest who was going to assist me move stuff around for the mammoth works that are coming my way.

A quiet lunch and some small talk, its nice to see her, I actually like to see all of my children, their partners and even the grand kids I’m not the grump people think I am, well I am but I am trying to improve my image, then a hike to a local charity shop to unload three bags of cookbooks and some kitchen utensils that don’t get used often, then a slow walk home ( I was shattered) to await the wife to take the youngest to see her nana and then after that to take her back down the hill away from the delta to that god forsaken hell hole….Bensham,  actually its not hat bad (not  that great either lol) I was simply using artistic liscence (no not autistic) then home to buy the wife some chocolate (she has been down in the dumps ) and to buy me something for supper, a dodgy korma that was pfft (2/10) I was distracted at this point and I headed up the wooden hill around 10.30, I might as well as no matter what time I go to bed I have a tendency to be up around 5 (actually 6.30 this morning, huzzah a lie in).

Today more of the same small chores chipping away at the mountain of tasks, but I was determined to put fingers to the keyboard (and not pen to paper) some shopping of the food variety, nothing for me this week as I am still trying to go through what’s in the freezer although I did buy a stroganoff at the same time as my curry last night, please god I hope it’s a damn sight better than the curry! Tomorrow, well its back to work, a busy couple of weeks before I’m on a weeks holiday, well I say holiday but with the list of tasks I believe I could be looking forward to going back to work just a little bit!

So, there you go, done and dusted, some fluff to keep the thread active although someone sat and read over 80 blogs yesterday, some people might just need to get a hobby (what do you mean me included) there are a couple of things fermenting and hopefully there will be something coming down the line hopefully mid-week, after shopping I will be doing some more small task, more rubbish to dump in the yard, the wife needs to organise a man with a van to get rid off it all as the pile is slowly starting to turn into a hill, after that a mountain who knew, so there you go keep spreading the word and keep an eye out for incoming, thanks for all of the kind words they do actually make a difference, actually it just proves some peeps are actually reading the bloody thing, so until next time………..Toodles!