I have
failed yet again in my attempt at having a sense of humour! No matter what I have
tried over the last six weeks, it all turns BLACK!
I feel like
a certain character out of The Fast Show, I simply need to get an easel,
thankfully because I have prevailed, I have at last started to climb out of the
morass of ill feeling that has been surrounding me, I would also like to thank
all of you the discerning readers who have latched on and have been rereading
all of the old blogs, and again thanks for all of the kind words, they have
indeed helped. If anybody has noticed or even cares I am slowly but surely
removing myself from social media, I’m not going to delete the accounts, I will
still control them as much as one can. The reason why the last blog was musical
was simply because I was at my lowest ebb ever, I was trying to stay positive
but I couldn’t, so to fill the gap I went with what I know and that was music,
it didn’t do great numbers but it did OK for what it was. By the end of the
year the only place where I will be posting will be here on the blog.
By removing
myself slowly from social media, rather than going cold turkey, my self esteem
has been slowly building trying to retrieve some kind of sanity, I have been
suffering from major bouts of jealousy, Misery and all of the other bad
feelings that were simply overwhelming me, I wasn’t simply being a big girls blouse,
I was deep in the hole and I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to make it out,
I decided that I would simply remove myself from my work Farcebook page, stop
posting altogether and see the reaction, I waited 53 days before someone even
noticed and asked if I was alright, I’m glad it was that length of time as they
might simply have got a mouth full of abuse/bile, thankfully the climb had
started. Having said that I felt worthless that it took so long for anybody to
notice I wasn’t there, especially as I was normally prolific annoying the shit
out of my former boss at my former job, generally trying to be a fun and happy
person, not one person missed me, I could have been lying dead somewhere, it
kind of puts your life into some kind of perspective, love those close to you
and keep them in your hearts.
I blame
Christmas and the fact that I was allowed time off, I could fester to my hearts
delight, my black heart! it was the first time in nearly 35 years, there’s a
term for it I’m sure I will remember it at some point, I retreated into my own
shell and although we had a nice Christmas I was sinking slowly, even Bob
wanted nothing to do with me, he did want to be named the guilty party for
pushing me truly over the edge. I do try and keep myself busy when I’m off,
simply pottering here and there, But this time I would simply sit there and
stare blankly at the world and hating it, hating it with every fibre in my body,
life wasn’t fair and I wanted to bite back, I wasn’t being fair to anyone,
everything was bleak, it’s the only way that I can describe it. The wife kept
trying to throw me a life line and I simply kept throwing it back at her, this
was my problem not hers I didn’t want to talk I didn’t want saved I was simply
waiting for that big wave to come in and claim me!
I went back
to all of my bad habits, staring inward, eating all the wrong things, I put
weight on that simply didn’t help, I didn’t want to be happy, even music the
great redeemer did nothing, many times I simply went to work and left my MP3
players in the house, I wanted to wallow like a whale in my misery, I was good
at it, work was simply that work, again no joy, I don’t think I have the words
to say how bad it was, it was probably the closest I have ever being to doing
something stupid, not self-harm, but to be self-destructive, I drank in the
house again which spiralled into eating the wrong things again and my mood
spiralling ever downward. I have nobody but myself to blame, I did everything I
could to break my heart over and over again, I simply didn’t care for myself or
anybody else, that is the worst thing that I could be so selfish, I honestly
never thought I would or even could be, but there was the proof, I always say
as long as I wake up happy, I’m happy with life, I went to bed praying that I wouldn’t
wake up and I awoke cursing the fact that I woke the next morning!
Why did I feel
like this, simply because of the pain that I thought I was causing my loved
ones, that they would indeed be better off without me, alcohol helps those
feelings, when I’m in the house I can drink to excess (for me anyway) I realise that I was drinking way too much, I’m
not a heavy drinker by any stretch of any imagination, but it was heavy for me,
and it caused me severe mental health
problems, thankfully I only ever drank at weekends and never on a school night,
I would go to work with animosity in my heart, I would spend long hours
thinking were I had gone wrong, I know I hadn’t gone wrong, life is what it was,
but when that mood arrives there is not a lot anybody can do, I pitied myself
and that drove me further away from my family and friends, thoughts of being
alone with no family or friends, isolation was self-inflicted, it always is, I realise
as I enter my final innings, we are born alone we die alone, sometimes that
sweet oblivion cannot be close enough! I’m sure that’s a theme I have touched
on more than once.
I have been
conflicted about family, I love my family, but I wonder why my family life has
been so fractured, why does a father desert his family and make no effort to
stay in touch, I think it didn’t affect me as a kid, but those seeds are buried
deep and like Japanese Knot weed almost impossible to eradicate, I have always
tried to be a better parent than my father, I like to think I have been, but
the gnawing is always there, so many questions I would ask, if he was still
alive, is he dead, why does it bother me now, it gnaws and gnaws, that’s when
jealousy creeps in and I hate myself even more.
In the
middle of all this I was having major memory issues, it was a nightmare, simple
things that normally I would know, gone lost to God knows where, it didn’t help
my mood swings, I’m still having issues but I am trying exercise mentally,
sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t, but there are still some big gaps in
my memories, maybe it’s the onset of dementia, that’s all I need, actually it
is that could solve the main problem, I could sit and drool to my heart’s
content! Damn that’s not the happiest wish in this blog, is it?
I then had
a fall on my way to work, one small patch of ice one giant leap for mankind and
I was like a superstar of the winter Olympics, you couldn’t bend wire the shape
I landed, yes it hurt, no I didn’t bounce, a nice lady stopped to see if I was
alright, I wasn’t but I soldiered on, one foot in front of the other, I bashed
my head, cracked my collar bone, a few ribs, I got through the day but when I got
home all I wanted to do was go to bed and sleep, well that’s what I did, and
had a deep sleep, I dreamed about people who I worked with all through my life
in all of the jobs that I have worked I woke in a deep pool of sweat as there
was a person in my dream I couldn’t remember his name and every time I couldn’t
remember his name something bad happened, it was a weird dream, but when I woke
I spent an hour trying to remember his name and for the love of money it simply
wouldn’t come, that’s a really bad feeling to have at 3 in the morning, when
the dam broke, I nearly cried with relief, the mind is a bad thing to mess with
and I felt like I was playing with something dangerous, I honestly thought I was
losing my marbles!
My physical
health was destroyed and in a bad way, thankfully I am back on an even footing
no drinking at the weekend, trying to get my diabetes back on track as well,
that will take more than a couple of weeks, a minor surgical procedure was
meant to help me with my ongoing medical issues, it didn’t help and it just
poses more questions, questions that aren’t being addressed by a medical professional,
I feel like a professional complaint coming on, I might even go for the
scorched earth approach just burn the it all fucking down, I have had this condition going on nearly 4
years and I’m sure its probably at the base of all my other issues, watch this
space! And yes, I am still in pain since my fall slowly getting better, except
my collar bone, at times like this I wish I could retire forever!
Then at the
beginning of this week, it felt like the sun was trying to break through, I do
feel better, well a little bit better, still single digits, but that’s an
improvement on the last 12 weeks I can tell you, and so to the retreat, music
is creeping back into my life, as is my family, and I do appear to be a tad less
bleak when I wake each morning, The social media profile shall be pruned back
to its roots I don’t want it to die I simply want to be in control, this will
be the last blog that will be advertised on Farcebook, I know I will get some
people genuinely concerned about me don’t be it is what it is, there’s nothing
anybody other than myself can do, I shall still post at least once a month you
will simply have to look to see if I have posted, I do with good intention
intend to try and write something humorous, musical, historical, watch this
space is all I can offer. So here is the deal, the intention is to try and
write something no later than the last week of every month, so you will really
have to watch the skies if you do indeed want a dose of my life.
So to close
the longest blog in a while, I have shaved this down by over 80%, I have pages
and pages of misery that I intend to burn once this is posted, time to put my
best foot forward and simply take a deep breath and try to live each day to the
best of my ability, that may not be very good to some of you, but it’s all I can
promise, so until the next time, take care and stay alive…………….TOODLES!