So, this is the penultimate blog before the change, and yet
again its in the style of “Now Hear This” style of blog. Enough of the waffle
lets go to it!
What is “Now Hear This”
Well as you know I like to call my blogs
after whatever music I am playing at the time, on the day of the first one that
I did I was blasting some Hellanbach, I liked the title, and it has stuck…Go
Why the Change?
This has been asked so many times I simply
had to address the question, the simple answer, I feel as though I have taken
it as far as I can, it needs to change, change or die, I mean you have to be
sick of me droning on, I want to improve, I know I can do better, I want to do
better, I’m sure the right answer is amongst that lot take your pick, I have a
different answer for every time I have been asked. Basically, I want to, enough
People are asking me if I am worried about
the ratings dropping, Yes, But I know it’s going to happen, it’s not going
to be a surprise, I doubt that many people who read the blog is into the same
music that I am, so yes I get it, I know some only like it when I’m down, some
like certain blogs and drift off when its not what they expect, the blog this
year has exceeded over 70000 hits, next year will considerably less it is what
it is.
More Books old style Blogs?
Sorry to disappoint some of you but that’s
not going to happen, for the books at least, there may be the occasional old-style
blog, but only if we get a life back, don’t hold your breath its highly
Will I still use Song Titles?
I still have to decide on some of
the longer blogs, its still rather fluid at the moment, however you will all be
the first to know.
Are you still ambitious?
I like to think that I am, that’s
why I am changing the format completely
, I had a little try out in 2018, it was a success, if only in a small way, I
think I can improve it and the intention is too start small and continue to
grow if I can manage half the numbers I am doing at the moment I will consider
it a success, we will have to see how it progress’s lets see what the next 12
months bring.
How often will I blog?
The intention is to continue as
weekly, sometimes it might be more, I’m hoping because of the content it shouldn’t
fall below that (fingers crossed).
Family and Friends Supporting you?
I haven’t got a clue, I don’t
write it for them, I write it for me, I believe some drop in and out from time
to time, there has been no negativity (as far as I know) in my wanting to
change, lets see what happens in the new year, if the levels of abuse go up, I’ll
know who is reading and who is not!
This is just about the most asked
question with in these NHT blogs, I like to think of myself as fairly open
minded, I like most things from ABBA through to Frank Zappa and then everything
in between, a good song is a good song, I think the name game kind of tells you
were I am at, at any time of the year, I do like a good singer and I’m not into
cookie monster style of ahem “singers”
doesn’t mean that I can’t appreciate it, but I probably wouldn’t go out of my
way to find it, I’m sure you all would understand, we all have our guilty
pleasures, musically speaking I’m no different lets see what happens, you never
know you could be surprised!
10. Will I still write in code?
I doubt it, I only wrote in code
not to offend people who are in my sphere of my friends, not that its directed
at them, usually someone who I didn’t know, and they didn’t really know me,
just in case they were pointed in the direction of the blog, it has never been
my intention to upset anybody, its meant to be FUN!
11. Social Life?
I have no idea what this refers
to it seems like so long ago, at the start it appealed to me and my nature, but
I know I miss my friends and I hope that they know it, I can’t wait for the day
until we can all get back out there and have some fun and some Craic!
12. Honesty?
I still intend to be as honest as
I always have, I see no reason as to why I shouldn’t, again I’m sure that
people will tell me if they think I wasn’t!
13. Will there be any further Historical blogs to
Never say never, the intention is
to never say no if I have one that I think will pass muster, especially in the
Musical sense, then probably but they should be few and far between, that’s the
intention, you never know, it’s a definite watch this space kind of answer!
14. What about your notes for blogs?
15. Will
this make you happier?
I have no idea; I can only try,
I’m sure you will keep me on the straight and narrow!
16. Have you changed your mind about a
favourite blog?
I have struggled with this one, I
have reread some of them recently, simply to try and remember what they were
about, at a push I could say that there were a few that I like, no I have no intention
of naming them, why? Because as soon as I do I would change my mind, if you lot
have a fave I’m happy for you, but I like them all, even all of the crap ones
and yes there were some really crap ones, I know and you know it to, it is what
it is a time or moment in my life when I
spewed what was in my mind onto a blank sheet, take from them what you want,
but or now its time to move on.
17. Have you written Blog 500 yet?
Erm not quite, should I even be
telling you all this, I have the basic structure, I have a sense of what I need
to say, it would always alter on the day of typing anyway it always has, simply
because I’m always affected by what is going on around me…oh look a butterfly! It
will stay fluid until I press post! I reckon I’m about 98% done, but tomorrow I
could quite easily have no idea and be nervous about my intentions, lets stick
with the 98% version.
18. Social Media?
I think I will stick with what I
know, I have tried unsuccessfully to expand to other areas, lets just go with
the flow and see how it goes that’s not a no or a yes, it’s a let’s see what
19. Is this a knee jerk reaction?
No this is me planning 18 months
and tweaking what I intend to do, I haven’t stockpiled lots of stuff as I
intend to try and keep it fresh, whether that happens remains to be seen.
20. Cunning Plans.
So there you have it, one step closer to the
edge, its coming don’t say that you haven’t been warned, so watch the skies for
incoming but until then its ……….Toodles!