Thursday, 22 November 2018

Crank it up

A long, long time ago I remember The Rods being played on the Friday rock show (Yes I know a radio show, how old am I?) and simply being blown away by them, then I found out that they were a three piece and I simply couldn’t believe the power that they put out, it was like an atom bomb going off instead of a hand grenade.

I managed to talk my brother into buying it, a bit of reverse psychology saying that he wouldn’t like it, he bought it as an import and I waited until he went out and I taped it(oops) I liked it so much I taped on both sides of the cassette so I could play it back to back on whatever journey I was on, boy did I love that album, I then discovered that they were supporting Iron Maiden and myself and Big G decided that we should make a trip to see them, tickets purchased for the Number of the Beast tour, we knew this was going to be fun with a capital F! although I was working a menial job, I knew I wasn’t going to be allowed a holiday as the guy hated me and all long haired youths with a passion so on the day I was (cough cough) not well enough to go juggling chainsaws (I was working for the NCB at the time) so I had to blow the shift.

So off we went to the big city (OK so it’s a small pit village in the north east compared to some cities but at the time to us Yokels from Gimpsville we thought it was big……...what did we know)  as The Rods were doing a couple of meet and greets (Virgin and Volume or listen ear or whatever it was called at the time… was a long time ago…I’m old!) in Newcastle and Durham, they hadn’t been very well organised and there was only a slack handful of us, they were great and a number of photos are out there with me and a few other’s (I’m sure that’s where I met Nev and Marty for the first time) a good time was had by all and then me and Big G discovered they were doing another meet and greet at another location (mentioned earlier, come on keep up) and there was less people there but they were happy to see us and again it was more joyful times.

They disappeared off too Durham for a third meet and greet but we sloped off to the pub, these meet and greets take it out of you, we mooched about until the time of the gig not wanting to miss the band only to find that the doors were chained shut as Iron Maiden were shooting the video for The Number of The Beast so it kind of over ran , we finally got in with G carrying a huge bag that had a rather large tape deck well they were large back in the day, The Rods hit the stage and literally ripped the city hall a brand new arse. Iron Maiden came on after and were bloody good, but they simply weren’t a match for the Rods.

Later that year they released the Wild dog’s album and when it came out and they did announce a couple of gigs but as much as I tried to get to a gig life seemed to bite me in the arse on a regular basis, it was simply work, work, and then some more work on top of it. More albums of declining quality and less UK tour dates the world kept moving and life simply got on with it. Although I did play the debut album on a regular basis and Wild dogs from time to time it was generally with a slight whiff of nostalgia, they were indeed great times.

Leap forward quite a few years and it would appear that The Rods are going to be playing Newcastle supporting Dio’s Disciples (I think it was I didn’t stay to watch the whole show as we all recreated the photograph of some thirty years earlier (with only Nev Looking as young as he was back in the day and yes he was wearing the same bloody Rods T shirt that he had worn back in the day!). The band again were as tight as they had been 30 odd years earlier, now I understand why they didn’t become as big as what they should have been, but I don’t know anybody who saw the band who didn’t fall in love with them live they were smoking hot, as it happens me and mrs were making a weekend of it as we were booked into the Vermont Hotel in Newcastle we had been tipped off that whitesnake were staying there and we enjoyed the company of the band and road crew, ( thanks SMOR) we even swapped rooms with Mr Aldrich because our room had WI fi and his didn’t.
Good times and friendships were struck with Brian Tichy putting us on the guest list to seem him playing Vamped in Las Vegas with Sass Jordan a couple of years later, on the night of the Rods we ran out of the stage door with the whitesnake members into a taxi back to the hotel, we lived the rock star life style for all of 30 seconds, it was fun while it lasted.

The moral of the tale would I go and see the Rods again, hell yeah although I would go on an empty stomach, the last time we saw them it was the beginning of my ails of woe with my health and literally anything I ate no matter how light developed into toxic gas of atomic levels , I’m hoping that’s the reason  that they haven’t been back, And not because I gassed the rhythm section after the gig, Gary Bordanaro’s face was a picture ha-ha that’s the breaks allegedly!

So, another hysterical I mean historical blog the last one did good numbers out the doors, and now I have done another rambling epic quite soon after, they are a little like buses they do come in quick succession, a lot of good comments after the last one hopefully with me getting back on the saddle for writing, keep them coming, so keep spreading the disease, watch the skies for incoming, until the next time…….Toodles!

Sunday, 18 November 2018

What You Don't Know!

So, at long last a historical blog, that covers an era not in huge detail, just enough to wet your appetite for the few more that will be coming down the track.

I seem to remember reading Sounds on a weekly basis and I remember an article that grabbed my attention, Gary Bushell had set off to the USA and was doing a series of articles on bands over there, one that took my interest was a band out in New York called Twisted Sister, not long after that an EP appeared, now that did float my boat (although my girlfriend at the time “M” borrowed it and never returned it ), then there was a night in Newcastle and a trip to see the Tube being filmed, I was a tad drunk (me with my reputation) so I decided to avoid the melee down the front, then it felt that I had been slapped in the face and I sobered up as Twisted Sister took to the stage in all their glory!

I was hooked from the word get go ( go on YouTube and hunt it out it is simply stunning)the next day I went hunting the album, which I loved also, then I got on with my life with all the ups and downs that went with it, I came home for a visit and a friend said that he had bought me a ticket to see them at the Mayfair, oh yes please I will have some of that, then as if by magic they appeared on the TV doing their new single “I am I’m me”, and it was like Christmas all over again, I couldn’t wait , April 15th came around soon enough me and my mad bunch of sober (not) friends went and had a fantastic time, lots of jumping around and having fun, they threw in a couple of covers, Rolling Stones and Slade a jolly time was had by all, you really couldn’t stop rock n roll.

I attempted to and failed miserably to see them on a couple of other dates, so I once again got on with my life, as did they, I suspect they missed me as much as I missed them, I was over the moon when I discovered the fine folks of Gimpsville had organised a trip to see the return visit on the Stay Hungry tour (all of which I have described in graphic detail in a previous  earlier blog)  again lots of jolly japes and a fantastic night was had by all, I was the troupes acrobat and escapologist  for the evening, they were a tad more professional with barbed wire and no covers this time! then they kind of got huge and disappeared from my radar for a while, imagine my surprise as I walked into Newcastle’s HMV to see a huge display with Dee Snider coming out of a man hole (OOH Matron) and although I bought the album there were the early signs of weariness settling in.

It wasn’t until March 1986 that another tour was announced, well I say a tour I believe it was a single paltry date at the then Hammersmith Odeon, I was working in London at the time so I was able to blag a ticket, what I saw was a travesty, Dee Snider still working his arse off however the band it looked like that they were wheeled into place there was no spirit and so little movement a sniper could have picked them off in a heartbeat, the stage set was theatrical (don’t ask me I lost interest after about four songs The leader of the pack and the soppy ballad The price within those first four songs bar tender keep them coming and don’t spare the horses!) as hard as Dee worked the others simply didn’t want to be there, a friend who met them, asked  the question why no Newcastle date and JJ French replied “we don’t have the time” Dee was seen to be shaking his head in disappointment. I’m glad I went off and got drunk, as it was the day after was the day I woke up and realised I had to give my head a shake and get a grip, the following week I was sacked and then sued by my then publishing company (I have blogged in depth in past blogs or at least I think I have LOL my memories not what it used to be)

That was me really, I bought “Love is for suckers” which really was a Dee Solo album, in all but name, they didn’t tour with that album as far as I’m aware and life moved on at a pace, I got married had kids had no disposable income and the world kept turning they (the band ) had many ups and downs and  they did return to Newcastle,  although I never did go and see them, Dee Snider is a great showman however he cannot carry the rest of the band, who appear limp and disinterested alongside him, every video since 1986 just seems as though Dee is still on rocket fuel and the rest are on water, go figure! maybe it was my first flush of youth that excited me, those two Mayfair gigs are still in my top ten of gigs, they really were on fire in the early days.

Now to push this blog off into the ether lets see what happens with this one, it has been a long time gestating, I’m still not 100% happy with it, but I could only keep rewriting it so many times (154783 times so far…kidding) so watch the skies and keep spreading the disease another one will be along shortly but until then……………Toodles!

Sunday, 11 November 2018

The Needle and the Damage Done.

Before I get any more complaints, I know its been a while, I have been busy……...ish, well in a kind of way life got the better of me and I kind of cooled my jets……just a little! As always thanks for the kind platitudes, but I’m not dead yet I just kind of came to a stop, you could say I kind of ran out of gas………...the wife wishes I did LOL!

Education has taken way too much out of me, love me I’m thick, but the recovery time has been longer than anticipated, the main reason why I hated the course was simply because the time I’m doing it nobody does my job, so there’s a lot to catch up with I know I have said this before, but hey I’m getting older I’m not as fit(fat) as I used to be!

Health has also been a factor and my ill health has been kicking my arse big style, no I’m not giving up but I have to concentrate and deal with my issues, I have to stop kidding myself that I can do this every other day, this is life threatening and I have to put my big boy pants on, suck it up buttercup and again this is not a “oh I’m not well” I’m not, however it’s my health, so it’s me that has to fix it.
I have also had to deal with the return of the vermin in my attic, more poison, more traps, they seem to raise their heads every 9 months or so,  I  have an older  neighbor who hasn’t done any maintenance to her house in a few years and she is not as blessed in the sight and sound department, I think I need to catch up with her sons when they turn up and tip them the wink, I also seem to have a small cousin of the attic vermin in my shed I shall be spending the rest of the day trying to deal with that, I will give it one chance to leave after that I am going to go all out killer on it.

I have still been writing working on bits and pieces, but pessimism has been the order of the day, but you never know when inspiration strikes and hopefully in the run in to the new year there should be some historic blogs on the way (incoming) I do feel as though that I’m back in the saddle in a writing kind  of way, I haven’t fallen out of love with writing, just crap keeps getting in the way, usually it’s me!

I had a strange day yesterday as G & E where having a weekend away, pubs and lifeboats being mentioned and G kept mentioning me (I’m hoping that he’s missing me……..sob, not as much as I miss them…….even bigger sob) stuff like that makes me miss the tee hee club, work conspires against us as the wife keeps been given shifts that mean we can’t visit like we used to (the wife is a bigger cripple than me and she cant do work and then party all night long like she used to, ok I mean have a couple of soft drinks) however we did get a lovely visit from part of the South Shields massive, boy did that help.

Tomorrow its yet again back to work back to the quacks, more needles and I now will have to take insulin in my fight for fitness, I know  in the end it’s a battle that we all lose, I however have no intention on being beaten on this, I’m no quitter and this is something I intend to fight long and hard to do my bit, I have seen too many friends suffer at the hands of ill health I do not intend to be one of them ( I know I’m a dumb ass as I’m already suffering however I do not wish to suffer any more than I am).

Life is still crap but it’s my life so why can’t I have some luck, not much, just a small amount, I still have to deal with an angry wife, I still suffer the consequences of stupidity every day when I go on Farcebook and when I deal with the people I have to deal with at work, I know its all about the grand tapestry of life, but I am just a tad worn down with some of the crap, hey ho I know I will just have to dust myself down and crack on.

Life does indeed go on and although I’m starting to feel like a human pin cushion, that’s diabetes for you, however there has been some extreme cunning plans being made in a major life changing way, nothing in a friend way but more in a family way (it’s all good…honest) something long term that will take huge amounts of planning and some money , there is a plan lets just see if it comes to fruition, so here’s the deal more blogs are coming, more historic ones are coming, I know, I know you have heard it all before but watch this space you may be pleasantly surprised.

What I have been doing over the weeks is reducing my social media foot print, not leaving what space I have, simply posting less and less, this is simply because of the amount of negativity that’s out there in the big bad world, this is further compounded by the negative effect on someone who I class as a friend and if we had made our acquaintance earlier in life I would like to think that  he would have been a much larger part in my life as he is such a huge source of inspiration, but some of the shit he has had to put up with from so called friends well, if that’s what you call friendship I want as little of it as possible, I do not understand the ethic that “if I’m unhappy I will make all around me unhappy” life’s too short and in the end we all have to return our library books intact, if you can make sure that you could improve someone’s life why don’t you try it, you never know you might like it!
So enough of me and my twittering sorry for the delay but normal service has been resumed watch the skies for incoming keep spreading the disease, be happy and try do good things for everyone, listen to me prattling like a 1960’s hippy until the next time …………………. Toodles

Oh and yes I have seen the queen movie, did I enjoy it I did, but for me there were too many simple mistakes that should have been avoided, no I’m not going to review, go see it, go enjoy it suspend your drab life for two and a half hours and enjoy some of the majesty that was Freddie Mercury!