It's been a while since I have done a historical blog, and I usually do what I want to, but with an abundance of material floating in my head what the hell, this one will be a bloody good one.............I hope!
June 8th 1982 I was in St Austell in a crappy studio called Delgado, actually it wasn't even a studio it was a rehearsal studio with an eight track desk, I was working with a band called Indian Summer demoing stuff, basically rock guys who had missed the boat and were trying to grab the coat tails of any fad going, they weren't bad just a tad directionless every song was a different style and not in a good way, they were all competent musicians, and they had a singer called Frank who was funny because you could tell he just wanted to screech his tits off and he wasn't happy writing pap! that's why I got a call because at times pap was what I wrote for a living.
I had four days at £60 a day I wasn't bothered if anything was written, I still got paid plus per diems so I was happy, as it happens we worked on eight originals and one new one which Frank liked but we kept getting distracted, the first three days were just rewrites, funk, rock and pop stuff all pretty listless, I understood Frank's disillusionment, it was good work they tried bless them, but it wasn't terribly inspired, they had wandered down a track and were lost they were looking for a crossroads to sell their collective souls, unfortunately for them they had missed it, we worked through the day and on a night time we went for drinks and like I said they were ok, I had the distinct impression the keyboard player didn't like me, simply because of the way I dissected their songs, there wasn't much for me to do, I was on a set fee so I didn't get credit and I wouldn't make any money if it took off, it was the work that was paying the bills and I quite enjoyed it..
On the last day me and Frank worked on the new track it had a dance vibe and it went ok, Frank wrote the bulk of it and I came up with the catchy bit (the chorus) I didn't want to hang around as I had a train to catch from St Austell back home as I was on the guest list for Uriah Heep in my hometown and in those days it was a twelve hour train journey (with way too many stops) the journey was way too tedious fighting squaddies, and at Birmingham the salvation Army got on, now that was surreal. I got into my hometown at just after seven in the evening thankfully met by a friend who had a car parked up so I could throw my bag into the back of it, we jumped into a few bars on the way, I then had to do the walk of shame, saying my name for my pass ...........erm your not on mate! feck tell them the correct spelling ...ah yes here you go ...praise the lord.
Once downstairs into the Mayfair we met up with more peeps and enjoyed the gig, more drink silly dancing and a great band. at silly o'clock in the morning we all got thrown out of the venue not before chatting to the band especially Pete Goalby who was fab and offered me some great advice (which was good because I wrote some stuff with him a few years later) we left and five of us headed to the car we were driving up to Edinburgh for a mates gig the next night (the driver) as I was shattered I opted to jump into the luggage space at the back (it was a range rover) so I could sleep the sleep of the dead, I was asleep before we pulled away, as it happens it was the best thing I ever did because as we drove past the central station a Pakistani gentleman driving a VW camper van shot out of the parking area and rammed us in the rear at full speed, well the upshot was everybody in the car suffered some kind of injury and I didn't, I was roiled over the top of the roof and awoke on the dash board wondering what the hell had happened, once the police had turned we all got breathalysed and I was the only one with drink in me it was funny mind I was stinking like a brewery, it was funny as the Pakistani man made a break for it (as he was pissed) and he was rugby tackled by a police woman the size of a small car and it was even funnier as she dragged him back to the scene of the crime by his ankle!
We all ended up at a friends and ended up on the train to Edinburgh the next day...........I think, hells bells it was over thirty two years ago! what has all this got to do with the price of custard creams I hear several people bellowing, well this morning I came across a track on a band called Indian Summer doing a song called just like lovers and it wasn't that bad, Frank wasn't the singer they had found someone who could sing poppy stuff and not pretend to be Ian Gillan (although he did have a horrific haircut and suit on) it was live on French TV but it was ok, it probably sold three copies or something and I probably made more than the entire band as I took a fee hahahahaha oh the good old days ......and no I don't miss them (well apart from being skinny) until the next time Toodles!
I'm a 60 + Teenager and I liked to write, so I did a blog and got some hits a couple of death threats, oh and a case officer from the F B I, I used to write mainly observational stuff, concerning people that come into my orbit, friends, family and work mates, its not rocket science nor is it meant to offend I'm a luddite living in a technological world.
Saturday, 26 July 2014
Sunday, 13 July 2014
It's all been going swimmingly, for me anyways so at some point it has to go pear-shaped, so before it does, I feel the need to reach out to the world as a whole and to apologise, anyway read on I'm sure you will get the drift of it.
Over the years I have taken the time to read and review some of the comments that I have received thanks to the continuing support of my blog, at times it seems that sometimes I seem to strike a nerve or two (or so the FBI said),so I'd like to take this opportunity to apologise to any person (living or dead)animal or alien (from another planet) who have at anytime been offended or upset by any or even all of my blogs (as if) it would appear I need to let you all know that was (erm......) never my intention, my quirky little take on what was happening within my orbit was just that a quirky view, as always each blog has spewed forth from a disturbed mind to a biro on to paper then transferred and fiddled with (and not in a bad way) onto an electronic device then let loose to roam the world, from the primordial sludge called my mind out there into the ether or as you lot know it as the World Wide web!
All of them (some successful some not)were written in the vain hope some of you mad lot might find some humour in them (even the bleak ones)....oh dear best laid plans and all of that! if you happen to stumble upon this one (or any of the others that have been published.....and my books at you come to the conclusion that I am indeed a truly horrible person, I hope you might try another one and give me a second chance, I truly believe if you took the time to get to know me there is the slimmest chance that you might just get to like me!
No ah well just Fuck Off And Die then until the next time ........Toodles!
Over the years I have taken the time to read and review some of the comments that I have received thanks to the continuing support of my blog, at times it seems that sometimes I seem to strike a nerve or two (or so the FBI said),so I'd like to take this opportunity to apologise to any person (living or dead)animal or alien (from another planet) who have at anytime been offended or upset by any or even all of my blogs (as if) it would appear I need to let you all know that was (erm......) never my intention, my quirky little take on what was happening within my orbit was just that a quirky view, as always each blog has spewed forth from a disturbed mind to a biro on to paper then transferred and fiddled with (and not in a bad way) onto an electronic device then let loose to roam the world, from the primordial sludge called my mind out there into the ether or as you lot know it as the World Wide web!
All of them (some successful some not)were written in the vain hope some of you mad lot might find some humour in them (even the bleak ones)....oh dear best laid plans and all of that! if you happen to stumble upon this one (or any of the others that have been published.....and my books at you come to the conclusion that I am indeed a truly horrible person, I hope you might try another one and give me a second chance, I truly believe if you took the time to get to know me there is the slimmest chance that you might just get to like me!
No ah well just Fuck Off And Die then until the next time ........Toodles!
Sunday, 6 July 2014
Food For Thought
Actually this should be called Denial as it's what I have really been in for the last few months ha-ha me with my reputation, no this won't be a doom and gloom type of blog but a truthful one ....go figure!
So low profile and I know it's been hurting the numbers, but I'm not truly bothered for once, too many spinning plates and generally hating life (or so it seems) does not a good blog make, therapy has been on-going in a positive sense but medically the rest of me has been falling apart, oh whoa is me ....erm not! I have actually been positive for the longest time although I am hating work with a passion at the moment, I'm sure that will sort itself out when it wants to. I have been having blood tests and keep getting negative results, finally at my latest clinic visit it was confirmed I have type 2 diabetes (me a fat bastard never) so that answers some of my questions along with sleep apnoea, and a faulty liver, lets be honest here I have been in denial for far too long, none of them sinister but add them altogether a resounding ten on the shit factor and the reason why I have been feeling like hammered shite for so long.
The only major issue is I need to get a scan for my liver and three weeks in I still haven't been able to get to see a Dr, not a complaint at the Dr's or the staff just the way that they schedule appointments not really any good if you actually work for a living, I'm sure we will get it sorted it will just be later than anticipated, my sleep apnoea well third day in, although it feels weird I feel refreshed so far , lets see what the coming weeks bring for that, its the diabetes that has me second guessing myself, again waiting for people to make appointments a lottery win would come in handy as I can't really afford to be a dole Waller to have the time to do what I want whenever I want it (damn I do sound like a daily mail reader don't I) any way best foot forward, lets take each day as it comes.
The rest of my life actually pales into insignificance at the moment I'm aware it's not the end of the world but the fact that I'm sick of being poorly isn't helping and I would rather (as would everybody else who knows me) have a positive outlook on life if I can,. so blogging is a positive thing so I have been told so therefore I intend to do what I can on more regular basis, I don't want to hear from anybody saying they weren't warned, time to climb back on the horse.
The book is gathering speed and hopefully has a positive vibe, although I might have to rejig the first part and try and lighten the mood as it is full of piss and vinegar, hey what do you expect I was depressed............notice how I said I was! and that's it for today short and sweet (just like me) but the climb has been started the hill is being conquered so watch this space, I'm still saying prayers for G & E they still need all the goodwill in the world and I don't want anybody to forget them E is making slow progress and G is holding a steady course although suffering heavy weather that at times could swamp his ship, good vibes please peeps for two of the nicest people out there, play nice and watch the skies my intention is too catch up so until then .........Toodles!
So low profile and I know it's been hurting the numbers, but I'm not truly bothered for once, too many spinning plates and generally hating life (or so it seems) does not a good blog make, therapy has been on-going in a positive sense but medically the rest of me has been falling apart, oh whoa is me ....erm not! I have actually been positive for the longest time although I am hating work with a passion at the moment, I'm sure that will sort itself out when it wants to. I have been having blood tests and keep getting negative results, finally at my latest clinic visit it was confirmed I have type 2 diabetes (me a fat bastard never) so that answers some of my questions along with sleep apnoea, and a faulty liver, lets be honest here I have been in denial for far too long, none of them sinister but add them altogether a resounding ten on the shit factor and the reason why I have been feeling like hammered shite for so long.
The only major issue is I need to get a scan for my liver and three weeks in I still haven't been able to get to see a Dr, not a complaint at the Dr's or the staff just the way that they schedule appointments not really any good if you actually work for a living, I'm sure we will get it sorted it will just be later than anticipated, my sleep apnoea well third day in, although it feels weird I feel refreshed so far , lets see what the coming weeks bring for that, its the diabetes that has me second guessing myself, again waiting for people to make appointments a lottery win would come in handy as I can't really afford to be a dole Waller to have the time to do what I want whenever I want it (damn I do sound like a daily mail reader don't I) any way best foot forward, lets take each day as it comes.
The rest of my life actually pales into insignificance at the moment I'm aware it's not the end of the world but the fact that I'm sick of being poorly isn't helping and I would rather (as would everybody else who knows me) have a positive outlook on life if I can,. so blogging is a positive thing so I have been told so therefore I intend to do what I can on more regular basis, I don't want to hear from anybody saying they weren't warned, time to climb back on the horse.
The book is gathering speed and hopefully has a positive vibe, although I might have to rejig the first part and try and lighten the mood as it is full of piss and vinegar, hey what do you expect I was depressed............notice how I said I was! and that's it for today short and sweet (just like me) but the climb has been started the hill is being conquered so watch this space, I'm still saying prayers for G & E they still need all the goodwill in the world and I don't want anybody to forget them E is making slow progress and G is holding a steady course although suffering heavy weather that at times could swamp his ship, good vibes please peeps for two of the nicest people out there, play nice and watch the skies my intention is too catch up so until then .........Toodles!
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