Sunday 10 May 2015


I drifted off today, it appears that I was meditating on a beach, after a couple of minutes of wonderment, words started to float towards me, "an impersonal life creating vastness is ever changing" this metaphor touched me deeply! I felt at one with my world, it made me feel as though time had stopped , or at least in a kind of stasis, finally a feeling of peace came over me, then suddenly another idea wafted towards me, "I'm alive in an impersonal world and it would appear that I can't stop taking it personally" then just as quick as that one went past "life can only be sustained by other life forms" WTF where the hell are these coming from? then from behind me "ever-changing is just another way of saying shit happens" by now I was starting to panic, I realised that I had strayed from the path of meditation (no not medication) I tried to chill, I too a deep breath of fresh air and once that being completed I turned to wards the ocean, realizing that it wasn't fresh air I had breathed in and that also the ocean was disappearing in a haze!

I awoke to the dulcet tones of the wife shouting at me, telling me I'm a dirty bastard and that I shouldn't fill me or the dog with cheese!

I knew all along it had been a dream, however the dog farting was way worse than the wife shouting me awake!

See I do compile things, that first part was written months ago and again its an attempt not just to be a big misery, I am trying or at least that's what the wife keeps telling me! many thanks and salutations the last blog was the second most read blog here on this little profile the numbers went right through the roof now if I could only work out why (lol) life continues noting to report so move along there, move along hahahaha, until the next time Toodles1

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