Sunday 13 July 2014


It's all been going swimmingly, for me anyways so at some point  it has to go pear-shaped, so before it does, I feel the need to reach out to the world as a whole and to apologise, anyway read on I'm sure you will get the drift of it.

Over the years I have taken the time to read and review some of the comments that I have received thanks to the continuing support of my blog, at times it seems that sometimes I seem to strike a nerve or two (or so the FBI said),so I'd like to take this opportunity to apologise to any person (living or dead)animal or alien (from another planet) who have at anytime been offended or upset by any or even all of my blogs (as if) it would appear I need to let you all know that was (erm......) never my intention, my quirky little take on what was happening within my orbit was just that a quirky view, as always each blog has spewed forth from a disturbed mind to a biro on to paper then transferred and fiddled with (and not in a bad way) onto an electronic device then let loose to roam the world, from the primordial sludge called my mind out there into the ether or as you lot know it as the World Wide web!

All of them (some successful some not)were written  in the vain hope some of you mad lot might find some humour in them (even the bleak ones)....oh dear best laid plans and all of that! if you happen to stumble upon this one (or any of the others that have been published.....and my books at you come to the conclusion that I am indeed a truly horrible person, I hope you might try another one and give me a second chance, I truly believe if you took the time to get to know me there is the slimmest chance that you might just get to like me!

No ah well just Fuck Off And Die then until the next time ........Toodles!

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